Thursday, May 16, 2019


I took this photo last summer during a walk through the Brent Cross area, north of where we live. I'm posting it now because this building made news yesterday -- it was consumed by a huge fire. Apparently one person died. The fire closed the North Circular, which is a major highway running right in front of the structure. Quite a bit of excitement, and when I saw it on the news, I thought, "Hey, I know that place!"

My stepmother came over for dinner again last night. She doesn't fly out of London until this morning, and I didn't want her hanging around in some hotel on her last night here, so Dave cooked for her and we spent another evening together. I went down to Mayfair to collect her after work, and rather than ride the tube back right away (in the middle of rush hour) we had a drink in the bar at the Intercontinental Hotel -- a gin creation called a "Prudence" involving basil and something else. It was pretty good, but the name is a bit odd for a cocktail, since it seems most prudent not to drink booze!

The tube was perhaps slightly less crowded by the time we got on, and we had a nice time hanging around here and talking about home and family -- particularly my late father's complicated, mathematical mind. June's house is full of mysterious little wall niches and unusual pipe fittings and other things that he created, and sometimes we can only guess at their original purpose.

We're at that time of year again when the sun rises ridiculously early and sets fairly late. I woke up about 4:30 this morning and it was already getting light out. It's hard to get back to sleep when the sun is telling you otherwise! (And I suppose we should be living our lives by daylight rather than artificial clocks anyway, right?)


  1. Prudence for something containing gin?? Someone has a wicked sense of humor....

  2. sad to lose yet another interesting building

    A proper send off indeed, good for you

    Waking early? just listen to the progression of the dawn chorus...its fascinating!

  3. I agree that we should be living our lives in relation to changing hours of daylight but the trouble is that the beast we call Work has little regard for this annual cycle. We are meant to slave away in mid-summer exactly as we are expected to slave away in mid-winter... unless of course one is retired! Hee-hee-hee!

  4. Sounds like it might have been a homeless person who died? ("derelict building" according to the link) - sad.

    Interesting that your father made all those things and only he would know his intent! I wonder if another similar mind would be able to figure them out, or if the meaning is lost forever now.

  5. Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play? Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day. The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you, Dear Prudence.

    Still, I could think of many better names for a cocktail than Prudence.

    I call ALL my cocktails The Five O'Clock Angel.

  6. I think that Prudence is a lovely name for a cocktail.
    Your father must have been an interesting and complex man.
    You are a good stepson. Hell, you're a good son! And overall darn good person.

  7. sad as it is to have a building go up in smoke, that was minor in comparison (Grenfell, which has still not been reckoned with) glad you got a photo before it's demise. Sorry a guy lost his life.
    Totally agree about living with sunrise and sunset. Pesky clocks!

  8. When Roger and I lived in Port Townsend, Wa I noticed that the sun rose earlier and set later there in summer than anyplace I'd ever lived before. Yes, morning light at 4:30. I just checked the latitude and it's the same as London. Interesting. Sounds like a lovely evening with your step-mom.

  9. What a coincidence that you photographed that building and then watched on the news as it burned. Sad someone had to lose their life in it. I hope your stepmother enjoyed her short stay in my favorite city.
    I leave for Italy next Tuesday evening and I must be getting a bit nervous because I had a dream last night that I didn't make my connecting flight out of London. Looking back on all my travels, I guess I've never connected in London before so I'm not sure how far away the connecting flight will be. Heathrow is SO big.

  10. Vivian (above) topped your cocktail story with the name of her own: The Five O'Clock Angel. Ha!

  11. nice that you entertained your step mother. too bad you don't have any pictures of those weird constructions of your dad's.

  12. Lovely that you had time to spend with your step mom and that she kept those weird constructions of your dads I wonder did you take any photos of them last time you were there perhaps they could be considered modern art. Always sad to read that someone died in a fire it always amazes me when I see a new stucture being built almost overnight and I can't remember what was there before, boring apartments are going up all the time with no consideration of architecture spend a little make a lot attitude.

    As for cocktails I read in the paper yesterday that the queen likes 2 parts gin and 4 parts Dubonet and two slices of lemon this was in our local paper as it's a long weekend coming up here Victoria day, still I don't believe everything I read but anyway cheers to her.

  13. I love the name Prudence for a cocktail - a bit of irony in a glass - ha! It's none of my business, but I'm curious how long were June and your father were married.

  14. Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?

    I've so many posts to catch up on, but I was happy to see this one first! I wish I could come and visit you -- I might be heading to London for my first time in the fall. I'll keep you posted!
