Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Paperwork Done!

I went in to school yesterday afternoon to get my reimbursements sorted out. It feels so good to get that out of the way. Now, the money for my trains to Germany should be on my next paycheck. Fingers crossed.

While I was there I stopped in to the library and neatened things up a bit. Some people had thrown some books into the return bin -- as well as a used fork and spoon, ugh -- so I got everything checked in and did a few other small tasks. I saw my colleague Joe, who was with me at the Buddhist retreat, and we bowed to each other and laughed.

"It doesn't feel right not to do that," I said. Will we be bowing to each other all through the upcoming school year? The kids ought to be amused. Either that or they'll accuse me of cultural appropriation.

Back home again, I planted an envelope of foxglove seeds that we received in the library with our Gardener's World magazine subscription. I didn't really want to deal with them, honestly. I'm kind of seeded out after all my seedling adventures this spring. But no one else wanted them, so I managed to get them in a seed tray. At least they won't be wasted, and if they grow we'll be glad to have them.

I also called our property manager about renewing the lease for our flat. It expires in about two weeks and we've heard nothing. I feel like I have to do this every year. They're remarkably lackadaisical about renewals. Anyway, they're supposed to get back to me.

I've started reading "The Handmaid's Tale," which somehow I've never read in all these years. It came out while I was in college, so I didn't read it in school the way a lot of students do today. Somehow I just never caught up with it before now. Coincidentally, we've just started watching season 3 of the TV show, so it will be interesting to compare the two!

(Photo: Greenford, West London. See? There really is sun in England. Not at the moment, though, admittedly.)


  1. I read that in college and had nightmares. Go see if that mermaid is still where you saw it...

  2. That's a hell of a sun hat you were wearing in the top picture. And your white trousers were surprisingly baggy. Were you on your way to a cricket match?

  3. You've already had such a busy summer, Steve! Glad you got that paperwork out of the way.

  4. The Handmaid's Tale, the book, ends at season 1 of the TV show. The following two seasons are newly written, but with the help of Margaret Atwood, the book's author. I, too, am watching the series, though I nearly stopped after the opening episode of season 2, which felt to me like over the top trauma porn; it unsettled me deeply, but my niece and daughter said keep going, it gets better and less brutal. I find I argue with June's choices in every episode. She doesn't always make sense to me, but then, who can tell how one would behave under such extreme circumstances. I will say I was sorry to see Aunt Lydia return.

  5. I love foxglove so I look forward to seeing some blooms if you get those seeds to grow. I think The Handmaid's Tale was one of the most disturbing books I'd ever read and I have not watched the TV show because of that. It will be interesting to get your take.

  6. I listened to the audio version of that book & like e I had nightmares afterward. Especially since I grew up Southern Baptist - it just felt so darned PLAUSIBLE. Yikes!

    I just read 13 of your posts - SO BEHIND! I'm glad you had a good retreat. I enjoyed the extra critters at the end of the phone posts - ha!

  7. I've read The Handmaid's Tale twice but not recently; I should re-visit it. It didn't seem to bother me because it seemed so invented, but after e's and The Bug's comments, I'd read it with that in mind. My own church experiences were so bland and laid-back (United Church).

  8. On the other hand the landlord would have to give you notification if he was cancelling the lease.

  9. The Handmaid's Tale book was so disturbing to me that I have no plans to see the show. Hell, these days I can just watch the news if I want to be disturbed in that way (think Talibama). Since Trump took office the religious nuts are emboldened and doing their best to turn America into their very own version of Gilead.
