Friday, September 13, 2019

Broccoli Socks

Dave ordered a bunch of new socks online and got me a pair featuring stalks of broccoli (one of my favorite vegetables). The day I first wore them, they happened to match my lunch!

And thus we begin another assortment of random recent photos...

I came across these two dead/dying box bushes lying in the road. I guess they fell off a truck. I put them on the curb, so cars could at least get through. Last time I looked, they were still there.

A quick selfie in the window of a closed flooring shop near our flat!

These are some of Dave's new socks. I know -- SLOTHS!

Olga and I found some mirrored debris on the street the other day -- always good for a photo opportunity.

I see this woman walking her huskies many mornings on my way to work. I asked her for a picture and she happily complied, but the left-hand dog was more interested in something in the hedge.

I came across this stencil on the sidewalk yesterday. Kind of an odd message. And what's with the bottle rocket? It reminds me of the "skyrockets in flight" from the song "Afternoon Delight," which is just...wrong.

And finally, this guy was waiting for a bus when I walked past this bus shelter yesterday morning. I could not resist taking a surreptitious picture of that fabulous jogging suit (or whatever it is) while he read his newspaper. That outfit is made to be noticed!


  1. I wonder what the left-hand dog had seen? Perhaps some fairies dancing round a toadstool or possibly a "Walker's" crisp packet.

  2. I particularly like the " Olga in the mirror" photo!

  3. That outfit would look cute on you...LOL!

  4. Sloths!
    The socks are all great but that jogging outfit- oh Lord. It wins. It wins something. Not sure what.

  5. I love the broccoli socks! And Olga looking askance at the doggie in the mirror... AND once again you have serendipitous color matching with that fabulous outfit & the benches. Excellent!

  6. I love that you and Dave wear such crazy socks! and that guy in the flowered jogging suit in nothing if not confident.

  7. The guy's outfit has to be an original creation. What he's trying to say is anybody's guess.

  8. Broccoli socks! Sloth socks! You make me want to buy new socks. Great photos, Steve.

  9. I love those socks! They are great. In fact this post has a multitude of fashion statements. The lady with the huskies has a seasonal jacket and the man in the flowered suit is....quite sure of himself.

  10. Love all the socks! Not sure about that flowered jogging suit but if everybody liked the same things it would be a boring world :)

    Olga looks more serious than usual. Has she been reading Russian novels or something? lol

  11. The man in the flowered suit seems to be coordinating the orange flowers with the stripes on his sneakers and the bus stop benches. I wonder if he realized that.

  12. I think your socks are awesome! Amd that photo of Olga in front of the mirror is wonderful. As for that flowered suit that the man is wearing, well, I guess if he's happy that's all othat counts. More power to him. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
