Tuesday, September 10, 2019


On Sunday night we went to dinner with our friends Chris and Linda. We often meet them at a pub in Notting Hill, but this time we wanted to try something different. While watching "Downton Abbey" recently, Dave and I saw Lady Mary have dinner at Rules in London. Dave looked it up and we discovered it's a real restaurant -- ostensibly the oldest in London, in fact, having been established in 1798!

So of course we went to Rules, in Covent Garden. I expected it to be a bit fusty and touristy, but it's actually a beautiful restaurant, with walls covered with art and memorabilia, pictures of the royal family and Winston Churchill, and everything steeped in tradition and yet bright and pleasant. We had an excellent meal. I had a nectarine salad, a lamb chop and a peach parfait for dessert; Dave had Jersey oysters, pork cheeks and sticky toffee pudding. I also got a proper martini, rather than one of those watery restaurant martinis made with one shot of gin and a lot of water. I would go back in a heartbeat.

This was the scene in our dark living room at 6:15 this morning, with Olga keeping watch over the garden from atop her stack of pillows. (And our angry Donald Trump doll keeping watch over her from the back of the sofa.) I got that bright red dahlia just outside the back door at Homebase over the weekend -- it was on sale, and I love the color. The purple loosestrife is still blooming away too, as you can see.

As Paul McCartney sang, it's just another day!


  1. It is surprising that Olga hasn't ripped Donald Trump's head off yet. I know that if were a dog I would have chewed him to pieces by now and spat him out all over the place. I guess that Olga must be a staunch redneck Republican though slightly more intelligent than the rest of them.

  2. Yorkshire Pudding--I would say that it was because Olga is NOT a staunch Republican that the doll remains untouched. She simply doesn't want his (representative) cooties. Besides, the doll probably scares the bejeebers out of her. Just like the orange idiot does most humans.

    My Dad loved to go to Rules way back when (he died in early 1980s). Was one of his favorite places to go when he came over the Pond.

  3. I love that picture of Olga. Although the Orange Menace makes me laugh, the rest of the photo is pure contentment.

  4. Sometimes the internet is so wonderful. I can read your report of Rules and then look it up and there it is! I love that! I also love your living room. You and Dave have made such a beautiful home with your Olga.

  5. what a great view of the garden through the patio doors. still too hot to work outside here and just about nothing is blooming. even the mexican bird of paradise finally dropped it's last flower. 'Jersey oysters'? the ocean kind or the land kind?

  6. I LOVE Rules even though I've only been there once. When I took my dad to London back in 2000, I made a reservation there and had a wonderful meal with my dad who also enjoyed it even though he was not much of a connoisseur. I even remember that I had Dover sole for dinner and it was delicious. They also wheeled a cart with a huge block of stilton to the table in case we wanted to have a little cheese after dinner. I remember that scene in Downton Abbey because I swear they were sitting at the same table I sat at. The next time I visit London let's go!
    I love that photo of Olga carefully watching her domain. Your garden looks so green and lush.

  7. Love that photo of Olga and the view of your yard. It's a lovely morning sight...well except for Donald Trump. Ugh.

  8. What a beautiful view from your living room. Olga looks quite content I don't have a Trump doll. But I do have a Trump 2020 hat! You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  9. As long as you didn't break the Rules . . .

  10. In these days of poor service and meh food, it's such a pleasure to have expectations exceeded, is it not? Sounds like a good place to go for special occasions, or to make one.

    Olga's the King of the Castle! I'm thinking of the game we played when we were kids, competing to get to the top of a pile of dirt or gravel - whoever made it got to yell "I'm the king of the castle, and you're a dirty rascal!!" lol

  11. Thanks for the tip on Rules, somewhere we will have to try when we make it to London one of these days. Honestly, I thought I'd never in life visit the place again, but living there, you make it look so cool.
