Sunday, November 10, 2019

Where’s Waldo?

Surprise! I’m on a little trip. I’m writing on my phone, which is hard — so you’ll get 
the full story tomorrow!


  1. Is Waldo in Brixton? Perhaps Crouch End?... Or maybe he is in Arlington, Virginia?

  2. I love that first photo. But I have no idea where you are.

  3. I'm very impressed. I've barely figured out how to blog on my iPad, never mind my phone.

  4. A mystery!
    Have fun and safe travels!

  5. a new version of the travel game 30 Questions?

  6. I have no idea where you are, but it sure looks interesting.

  7. Wow, I did not know that you could blog from your phone. Hmmm, I'll have to look into that. I love all the photos, but my favorite is the eighth one down. The sky in the background is just gorgeous! You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  8. DC, or its environs. Shopping for bargains? Applying for witness protection? Taking part in the Deep State?

  9. Oh my, it looks like you've crossed the Atlantic. Are you the mysterious whistle blower?

  10. Ohh I love surprise trips. Looks like super fun. Did you eat at the diner? My favorite kind of place!
    I can't wait to find out where you went! How fun... Oh where is Olga in all this adventure? I would hope that she would be impressed and probably would be since there are new scents to sniff lol....
    See you when you get back and have a blast while your away. Beth

  11. Hmm, a little detective work is called for here. The license plate on that vehicle with the big hound hanging out back says Washington, D.C. Bob & Edith's Diner lists three locations in Arlington and Alexandria, Virginia. And the two flags in front of that official looking building are both U.S. flags. So, as others have suggested, you apparently are visiting Virginia for some here-to-fore unknown reason. The plot thickens.

  12. Welcome To The Land Of Upside Down Crosswalk Signs - Safe Travels Brother


  13. The only picture with enough information for searching is the one with the Washington DC licence plates. The photo has two street names "Cedar St NW" and "Carroll St NW" up on the post. A search on Google Maps reveals that to be the Takoma (or Takoma Park?) area of northern Washington DC. The upside down crosswalk sign has been that way for a long time I would say - even Google Maps street view shows the upside down sign. There is a 7 Eleven store just out of camera view on the right (up Cedar St) and the church on the left is called "Seekers Church". I don't know where any of the other pictures were taken - and we will have to wait and see the reason for this trans-Atlantic trip. Enjoy the ride!

  14. No matter where you go, there you are. Enjoy your adventure!
