Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Half Underwater for the Holidays

Here’s the view from our cabin on our Nile cruise. And we’re not even in a submarine! Our room on the vessel Esmeralda is right at the waterline. Dave and I joke that if anything happens to this boat we’re toast because we’re basically underwater anyway! Gallows humor, I know.

We’ve been going full tilt visiting ancient Egyptian temples and tombs. Yesterday we saw the very tomb where King Tut was found back in the ‘20s. (His mummy is still there.) Some of the temples have amazing, colorful hieroglyphics and some have tons of pigeons living in the hand-carved niches in the stone. Pigeons are everywhere, aren't they?!

I have plenty of pictures but the WiFi doesn’t really work on this boat, so I’m going to have to wait to share most of them. Here are a few from the Valley of Kings that I took on my phone:

And here’s my reading material for the trip:

Appropriate, huh?

We had a boatwide Christmas party and a special Christmas dinner last night. All the Egyptian staff wore Santa hats and one even dressed as a skinny, youthful and rather unconvincing Santa. I had a gin and tonic that I'm convinced contained neither gin nor tonic. It’s been a hoot! Hope you’re all having a great holiday and I’ll share more when I can connect our computer to the rest of the world. Merry Christmas!


  1. Absolutely Righteous - Couldn't Be Happier For You Two


  2. Sounds like you're having a wonderful holiday! Merry Christmas! Are the figures life size?

  3. Sounds like a wonderful adventure. Merry Christmas!

  4. I wondered what they would do for Christmas. I also wondered how wifi would work on the boat. Now I know! I love the photos. Merry Christmas! Have a great time.

  5. do they even allow alcohol in Egypt? what a fabulous trip!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful tour unless it's "Eh. Ya seen one temple ya seen them all."

  7. Oh my, I love love the photos. It must be so exciting seeing these beautiful paintings in person. Pogo and I are having a wonderful Christmas Day. Enjoy your day, Merry Christmas, Edna B.

  8. Magic! I hope you are not adrift on the Nile but follow a clear course.

  9. Is it a yellow boat? I think you are seeing more fake Christmas than we are here in the states.

  10. I am so jealous! I’m glad you’re having fun.
