Friday, January 10, 2020

A Bit of a Ramble

I didn't mean to imply in yesterday's post that I didn't enjoy traveling with my mom. In fact, she and I get along well and we had a great time in New Mexico -- and went on two more vacations together, to Germany in 1997 and to New Zealand in 2004. Sure, she has her little quirks, and I'm sure I have mine, and I'm sure we got on each other's nerves from time to time. But overall we enjoyed ourselves.

My issues at that time were more with myself than with her. I'd just come back from a grand international adventure, living overseas and speaking new languages, and I was eager to develop my personal life and find a boyfriend and progress in my job. None of that was happening, at least not as quickly as I wanted it to. I felt stalled. That was my real frustration -- why I felt, as I said yesterday, like a loser.

Fortunately, things worked out fine over the next few years. I got promoted soon thereafter and my personal life began to burgeon, and then I moved to Manhattan. I just needed time to find my footing.

And now, here I am on the other end of my career, checking out computer chargers! No, seriously, I am quite satisfied with my life in the library. It's sort of a semi-retirement job, I suppose, but I don't need more than that now. Just last night Dave and I were talking about some of our colleagues and all their responsibilities, and I told him I am so happy with my mild little position, in what is physically one of the most pleasant spaces in our entire school.

I've never been a super-ambitious, driven person. This may be a character flaw -- some would call it laziness -- but I've never understood the point of working oneself to death. I just want to do what I need to get by and have a pleasant life, and let's face it -- with no kids to raise or educate, our needs are pretty minimal. (Although I bought Olga a new dog collar the other day and it cost a shocking £41, or $53 -- so maybe I do need more income!)

And it's not like I'm not invested in the library. I feel like I'm learning a lot there.

Speaking of Olga, she is doing much better. She seemed downright frisky yesterday morning, jumping around like a puppy when I mentioned going for a walk. Whatever was bothering her seems to have passed, fingers crossed.

(Photo: A peculiar shop in Soho, last month.)


  1. A piccy of Olga and new collar would be lovely.

  2. I think you have a beautiful life, Steve. And you're a beautiful person.

  3. exactly. what is the point of working yourself to death? a person, contrary to what advertisers tell us, does not need a bunch of stuff to be content and have a good life. glad to hear Olga has recovered.

  4. You've made great choices and found a wonderful life there. It all sounds pretty idyllic to me.

  5. Greetings from another never really driven or super ambitious person who has no regrets.

  6. I admire your "mild little position" in the library. You're in a beautiful airy space surrounded by books and congenial colleagues and the energy of young people all day. You live in a city across the sea from where you were born with the love of your life. You left your New York Times job behind and never looked back. I think you've made a lovely life for yourself, one with regular global explorations and adventures to boot. You're my hero.

  7. Yes, we meet some people who are over the top when it comes to "getting ahead" living in the fast lane" Anyway this comes from someone who likes to spend time in libraries.

  8. First, I love that photo of the store. I could really enjoy myself poking around in there. I often wish that I'd been able to do more fun things with my folks as an adult. I'm so glad you have those wonderful memories. I think you are one of the lucky ones who can honestly say that they really enjoy there jobs. It makes going to work such a pleasure. I'll bet Olga looks gorgeous wearing her new collar. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  9. That must be quite a dog collar. Or, have dog supplies gone up that much since I last had my dogs?
    There is something to be said for a job where you can learn things, enjoy your time there and yet still have a wonderful life separate from work. My friends the lawyers don't have that. Yes, they travel often but, they are working almost all the time. When we were in Italy last year, my friend would do things with us during the day but she would be up half the night dealing with work from her office. I don't know how she does it.

  10. I've always believed that work is only something one does to satisfy his wants. I never wanted a career.

  11. I'm still ambitious. But I wish 37Paddington lived inside my head.

  12. We're definitely alike when it comes to career ambition - but you are a LOT more productive outside of work than I am. I really need to get out of my recliner more often :)

  13. We told our kids when they were trying to decide what to "become" after school - not everyone can make their passion their work; if you can find something to pay the bills, your passion can be there for the non-working hours. It was a contrast to what they had heard for so long ("find something you love to do and you'll never work a day in your life"). Lots of folks just can't turn their highest interests into a well-paying job. Lucky those who can, but it's not all of us by any means.

    Will Olga be modelling her new collar for her fan club? :)

  14. £43 for a new dog collar? Hell, we need to scrutinise that! Pictures please.

  15. It seems you have had quite an interesting life so far. When you can be content in your own skin it is success. I have enjoyed your blog because you are so genuine. And I would love to see Olga in her new collar.

  16. I wonder from time to time why my kids stay at their current jobs and finally I asked one day when they were moaning and groaning about the constant changes, how their supervisors are not doing their work correctly and they (my kids) have to go back, find the answers to the supervisors work and email them screen shots and then do the work for them.
    "Why do you stay with this job, why not find another job at a different location"?
    "Complacency Mom". My daughter informed me... Hmm that doesn't sound like my kids but Ok I guess lol.

    Ouch Steve that must be some new dog collar... lol. I bet it looks adorable on Olga and I am so glad to hear that she is perking up... Hugs to you and Olga.
