Thursday, January 2, 2020

No More Hops Hat!

Let us revisit the saga of the viney tree.

You may remember this tree, growing on our street, that had been almost entirely consumed by a hops vine. I took the photo above in early October, around the time I finally resolved to do something to save the poor tree. In November, I got out on the street with a pair of secateurs and a chair (and eventually a borrowed ladder) and removed most of the vine.

We were left with this. I just couldn't reach that top bit, which I called the "Hops Hat" and which stubbornly sat atop the tree for the next two months.

I was determined to remove it too, but I needed a perfect storm of circumstances. First, I needed a free day when I didn't have to go to work. Second, I needed the parking space beneath the tree to be vacant -- a rarity on our street, where parking is at a premium. And third, I needed access to a taller stepladder.

Well, wouldn't you know it, the perfect storm struck yesterday. While walking Olga in the morning I noticed the parking space was empty. So I borrowed a ladder from Mrs. Kravitz and enlisted Dave's help to hold it while I climbed up and pulled off the remaining vine.

It took about an hour, because even dead, that hops vine was stubborn. But eventually, we were left with...

...a perfectly good cherry tree, cleared of hops and ready to bloom in the spring and leaf out in the summer. I can't wait to see what it looks like later in the year, now that it's finally able to breathe free. And don't worry -- I'll be vigilant so the hops won't grow back.

What a good start to 2020! This project has been nagging at me for months, and I'm so glad to finally have it finished. I've been corresponding with the council's tree officer about it, so now I'll write him and tell him it's done. Whew!


  1. Happy New Year! That gentleman at the council will be glad he doesn't need to worry about this.

  2. Well done. Let's see more in spring.

  3. Dear Mr Reed,

    Further to our communications about the aforementioned cherry tree, it has been brought to my attention that on the afternoon of January 1st you did recklessly and without official approval trim said tree, removing all trace of the protected hop vine that had entwined the tree in what I can only describe as an amorous embrace for over three decades.

    Following consultation with the council's legal department your wilful action has been deemed to be an "act of gross vandalism" under street protection legislation page 327, paragraph 13b. Consequently you are instructed to attend Hendon Magistrates Court on Monday 13th January at 1300 hrs to face legal retribution.

    Yours truly,

    Reginald bin Laden

    (Street Protection Officer)

  4. You borrowed Mrs Kravitz stepladder! What a day you had yesterday, borrowing the stepladder from scary Mrs K and finally getting rid of the hop vine. Before we know it you will be forming a Friends of Street Trees Association...
    I'm late to the New Year's Party, so Happy New Year to the Steve, Dave and Olga household.

  5. Well done good and faithful servant!

  6. The urban trees of the world thank you!

  7. Mission accomplished. The council should pay you for your services.

  8. Wow! What a great job. On behalf of that cherry tree, I thank you.

  9. Tree officer? Interesting title. It sounds like it's only a title and no job description with it.

  10. You should get a certificate of commendation for doing the Tree Officer's job, the lazy sod!

  11. Nice job, Steve. The tree looks awesome now. You should be the honorary Tree Officer. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  12. That's wonderful! Hooray for saving the cherry tree and getting rid of that evil vine. That's a nice way to begin a new year. :)

  13. The trees of the world salute you.

  14. I'm sure that tree is sending you vibes of love. good for you. now if only everyone in the world cared as much for our trees.

  15. Wouldn't the world be a better place if only there were more people like you!

  16. Mrs. kravitz actually had a ladder that tall, she probably uses it frequently in the dark of night. Good job on the tree, I can see how grateful it is, breathing and sighing and feeling free!

  17. Happy New Year to you, Steve, from a fellow blogger who stopped in after reading your comment on Miss Edna's Place. I enjoy "discovering" new and interesting blogs and will be reading some of your previous posts and returning again. Please feel free to stop by our blog spot anytime as we always enjoy and appreciate comments.

    That tree project reminded me of the crape myrtles I would continually trim when we lived on the VA Eastern Shore. It was a never-ending project. Hopefully, yours will have an end as mine did since we relocated to a mill apt in NH and no longer have outdoor property maintenance to contend with.

  18. Well done there; it will be interesting to see the tree in spring!

    Now you just need to send the city a bill for your services. A nice little side hustle! lol

  19. You are truly the kindest of souls. We must rename this tree The Steve Reed!

  20. I am so glad that the tree is done and I cannot wait to see it in the Spring and summer. We had a huge problem with Mistletoe that has decided to grow and needs to come out. The birds here bring it and while the holidays are so much fun for kissing, this one piece really needs to come out.

    Way To Go for a great start to 2020!
