Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Pennies, a Tut Cup and Doll Heads

Today, another random collection of photos from the ol' iPhone.

First, this encampment was located near the railroad tracks not too far from our flat. I took this picture on Feb. 8, and whoever lived there seemed to have made themselves quite at home, stringing laundry on the trees and parking their motor scooter under a tarp.

But when Olga and I passed the same spot on our walk on Saturday, the encampment was entirely cleared -- even the rubbish. I found a bunch of pennies and 2p coins lying around, about 34 pence worth. Even an apparently homeless person finds pennies disposable. Which begs the question, WHY do our governments keep making them?! (I picked them up. I always pick up money, on principle. I'm not proud.)

This beautiful camellia was blooming in St. John's Wood. I took this picture on Feb. 5, when flowers of any kind were a sight for sore eyes.

Olga was apparently having a bad day.

This is a dry cleaning and tailoring shop around the corner. They have bins of colorful thread stacked in the windows, and there's always an incredible amount of condensation on the glass. It must be super-humid in there. Maybe it's a grow house?

I wonder what King Tut would think if he saw his name (in an incomprehensible alphabet) and visage printed on a disposable paper cup, 3,300 years in the future? It would probably be a treasure to him.

Bins out on bin day, with dramatic lighting.

I thought this was a cute advertisement for almond butter, in the St. John's Wood tube station.

While walking the dog, I'm always coming across debris to report to the council. These dead bushes were dumped beneath this tree and lay there for a couple of weeks before I finally sent in a report and had them cleared away. I guess everyone overlooked them because they weren't obviously rubbish, but they were unsightly all the same. Now there's a can of furniture oil sitting next to the tree trunk, and I'm wondering how long that will hang around.

Finally, a collection of doll heads on a student art project at work. Bratz, to be specific. The artwork appeared to be disassembled -- the heads were just piled up in a mound -- but they still seemed to make a statement, about social anonymity or overpopulation or ideals of beauty or something.


  1. Love the almond butter advertisement in the tube station! Cute is definitely the right word. (Incidentally, I have never eaten almond butter).

  2. Interesting image collection as one would expect from The Eagle of West Hampstead.

    Why are 1p coins minted? Haven't you noticed? So many products in British shops cost 99p, £1.99, £5.99, £10.99 etc.. The 1p pieces are necessary for change!

  3. As always, fascinating photos. The trash would drive me nuts. The dolls? Amazing how many people are trying to look like them these days. Tiny noses, plumped lips, expressionless faces... Oops. One just walked into the cafe.

  4. I love camellias! And Olga and I are in the same mood today :)

  5. A nice collection of photos you have today. I love the steamy window and the camellias.

  6. Do you suppose that somewhere there is a pile of Bratz bodies, headless and identical? Another statement, perhaps even more translatable.

  7. You should look in your phone camera more often. You found some great photos and topics.

  8. another great selection. I guess someone complained about the little homestead, that camellia is gorgeous, I've had days when I just want to bury my face in the cushions too, and those doll heads are creepy piled up like that.

  9. Those camellias are gorgeous. I've never seen pink ones. Poor Olga. I hope she is having a better day by now. I do enjoy the randomness of your photos. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  10. Tutankhamun sent me down the internet rabbit hole. But I found there is a exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery and then I realized I've never been to the Saatchi Gallery. How did that happen? I love the condensation photo. It's very artsy. Those dolls heads are just spooky.

  11. I love that photo of the dry cleaning shop window. It looks like an abstract painting.

  12. Really Dig The iPhone Clearing Photos - Olga, What A Gem


  13. To add to your last statement: ". . or cosmetic surgery (lip plumping)."

  14. I always enjoy your random iphone photos! I'm sure you're right about if King Tut were to see that cup. The reverse is also true. We dig up old broken pots and display them in multi-million dollar museums :)

  15. Have you seen the Tasmanian doll-artist who repaints the faces of Bratz dolls, turning them into regular little girls? So fun!
