Monday, March 16, 2020

Springtime with Infection Control Mask

Another day at home. I had planned to do our income taxes, but I never got motivated. I'll get them done this week, hopefully.

I did, however, officially postpone my Florida trip until late June. British Airways was very reasonable about it -- they didn't charge me anything to move my flight dates. They understand this is an unprecedented situation.

Olga got two walks -- one in the morning, when we came across the springtime-colored infection control mask lying on the pavement above, and one in the afternoon, when we went back to the cemetery. On the morning walk I also found a couple more old milk bottles for my burgeoning collection -- both Express Dairy, but of shapes and styles unlike those I already had. I'm up to seven bottles now, all different.

Oh, and speaking of Olga, some of you wondered about that red rubber thing lying in the grass in one of my pictures a few posts back. No, it is not some kind of sex toy. It's a Kong, Olga's preferred dog toy of choice. In fact, that one she found while walking in the cemetery several weeks ago, where it had been abandoned by some ungrateful cur. I'm not sure why Kongs are shaped that way, except the conical design helps them bounce unpredictably when thrown, which dogs seem to like.

I'm going back to work this morning to help out around the library, getting the place in order and helping with last-minute checkouts. I'll probably work through Wednesday.


  1. Mmmm...I am not sure that I believe your explanation of the red rubbery thing as I saw an identical one in the window of "The Pulse" sex shop just off the A1 near Worksop. I wouldn't wear a pink pandemic mask - if I have to wear a mask I would like a black leather one with a brass zip on the front. Even in a health crisis we should be allowed to express our personalities through the masks we wear.

  2. I'm glad she got her red Kong back...Love the optimism of that window sign and don't want to know who threw out that mask...I hope you enjoy your break. How is your Mom?

  3. Glad your trip has been postponed! I’ll be sure to order my virus mask in crabapple! Or whatever blossom color that one came in.

  4. May June look far better for travel and for everything.

  5. We are in self-isolation mode here in California. Our governor has asked those of us 65 or older to stay home unless absolutely necessary to venture out. It's a good thing we're pretty skilled at being hermits. Sure will be great when things go back to some kind of normalcy and you can go back to work, and soon fly home to see your mom.

  6. That pink face mask matches the blooms on the tree. I couldn't get a face mask if I needed one. You simply can't find face masks, Purell, rubbing alcohol, toilet paper, and the list goes on. It didn't seem like people were in a panic but apparently they are.
    My friend's river cruise was cancelled and she was given a full refund. I don't think she's dealt with British Air yet on the ticket. It's good to hear you didn't have any trouble.

  7. I got the order from my daughter last night who works in the city, her business is closing and we are to prepare for a month of isolation and "NO yoga for you!" no going to classes she meant. mostly we just got in more food for us and the dog and cat and will just continue our anti-social ways. I'm glad you postponed your trip. my brother who is diabetic is supposed to come from Portland OR area the end of April and we are urging him not to come.

  8. Good to hear that you are postponing your trip with no airline penalty. June will be hot, but July and August are much worse.

  9. It's good you were able to change your trip flight. Hopefully, this will all be over before then. Pogo and I and my daughter had good flights home from Florida. We're staying put till this whole virus thing blows over. Well, actually, we don't go out much anyway. I was planning on going to the Cabaret the end of the month, but that has been cancelled. I have to finish up my tax stuff this week and drop it off to the mail slot of the accountant's office. No clients allowed in the office for now. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  10. I'm sorry, every time I look at that picture all I see is one half of a pink bra! It does match the cherry blossoms well, I'll say that.

    Seriously, aren't those blossoms magnificent?

    I thought Kongs doubled as a slow feeding tool for dogs who gulp their food too quickly, and that's why they're shaped that way. Maybe that's a different thing altogether. Olga is just like her person, finding treasures on her walk :)

  11. agree with Jenny o, bra! and the hay wall...We are in more of a lock down today, all eating places and bars and churches ,schools, everywhere but pharmacies and groceries and banks, closed.

  12. Each day there is more hype and panic about the virus. I think we have to be very careful.. As to how serious it is ? I'm not sure.

  13. What lovely spring blossoms. We had another heavy snow here.
    We have had a huge outbreak here. A meeting of the Board of Regents that has now traveled back to every college and large town in Montana. Schools and restaurants and bars are closed. I was glad I self isolated early. I expect lockdown in the next few days. I wish I had stocked more chocolate. :)
