Tuesday, April 28, 2020


I stained more furniture yesterday -- can you believe it? I know you're thinking, "HOW much patio furniture has this guy got?!" But I'd been debating staining the new table, and I finally buckled down and did it. I used the same natural wood stain that I'd already applied to the bench and folding chairs. I also got stain on one of my favorite t-shirts, which annoyed me.

Then I went grocery shopping and acquired provisions for three days' worth of meals. I also bought a big pot of senetti, a bright purple daisy-like flower, because I am entirely susceptible to garden-related impulse buying. I regretted it when I had to schlep it home along with two bags of groceries.

During my shopping trip, the table had been drying in the garden. I folded it up and brought it inside, and in doing so managed to scrape the heck out of my leg. (Long and not-really-worth-it story.) I then decided to take Olga to the Heath, and while walking there I thought about that scrape -- I had neglected to wash it. What if I came down with something hideous like gangrene? It occurred to me that I had a bottle of lens cleaner in my camera bag -- and it's mostly isopropyl alcohol! So in a very Trumpian move, I sprayed lens cleaner on my leg and as far as I know it worked because it stung like crazy and I don't have gangrene.

Olga and I found some pink bluebells on the Heath. (So, pinkbells, I suppose.) They're really not that unusual. White ones are pretty common, too. Just some of nature's little variations.

I also found this very degraded top to an aluminum can, which I picked up for a closer look because it once had a pull-tab and was obviously quite old. I wanted to see what product the can held. There's no name, but whatever it was had an expiration date of Oct. 18, 1983 -- which means it was sold when I was in high school! Kind of mind-blowing.

On the walk home -- you gotta love someone with a juvenile sense of humor.

I made olga pose (again) next to these bright campanulas. We can't resist them. (Well, she probably could, but I can't.)

I finished the day by doing laundry and plowing through some online reading and more pages of my backlogged New Yorkers. I swear, that magazine causes me stress, arriving every Thursday and piling up the way it does! It's a monthly magazine in a weekly magazine's body.


  1. I realise that you are just a young lad and a bit green behind the ears and with me being a mature, worldly-wise fellow of senior years I have a little advice for you. Please take it in the kindly spirit with which it is delivered. When doing dirty jobs involving paint or wood stain remember to wear old work clothes. Do NOT wear a favourite shirt, trousers, shorts or footwear.

  2. It is an old shirt. It's just a FAVORITE old shirt. And usually I'm a very neat wood-stainer! It really doesn't matter, though. I'll still wear it.

  3. I am pleased to hear that you merely anointed yourself with the lens cleaner and didn't drink it or inject it..a la Trump!!

  4. Beautiful flowers. Beautiful photo with Olga. I've heard if you inject yourself with lens cleaner, it will make favorite T-shirts impermeable to any kinds of stains, and actually indestructible.

  5. Olga's a VERY good girl, posing so perfectly.
    Exactly my problem with the New Yorker, too. I refuse to stop subscribing even though the cost is. King's ransom. And I never get through all the articles.

  6. Same here on the New Yorkers! And sometimes I'll get through about eight pages of an article and think, "Really? What do I need to know this for?"
    And I'll just skip the rest.
    I bet you ARE a very neat painter and stainer. I'm not. At all. Not that I've done any painting or staining in the last decade.

    Beautiful, beautiful flowers!

  7. I can't do anything without getting whatever it is all over me. Sometimes I forget that fact & end up with bleach spots after cleaning.

    That last picture of Olga and the flowers is everything. I'll just stare at it for the rest of the day :)

  8. You made me laugh out loud with your lens cleaner medical intervention. I'm so glad it worked. Trump really is a stable genius.

  9. I have never heard the New Yorker magazine described so perfectly! I love it but it causes me too much stress because I can't keep up. Such lovely plantings and flowers. My two furries would love that walk.

  10. What a series of photos today. That first one is a bit mind boggling when your realize you are actually in the middle of a very large city. You found some pretty "pinkbells". I'm always fascinated by the things you find on the Heath. I'm amazed by the age of the items you find up there. From 19th century pottery to 40 year old pop cans. I wonder how long it will be before the landlord fixes that building name. And, those campanulas are gorgeous. Well worth having Olga pose by them.

  11. I know what you mean about the New Yorker. I'm still trying to wade through the April 6th issue. And your adventures with simple little chores (staining your tee-shirt, scraping your leg) makes me think you should sit quietly for awhile and read your magazines. (grin)

  12. You have such beautiful flora, and so much of it! These two photos of Olga should be hanging on your wall. I thought that was such a neat trick for taking care of your wound. I never would have thought of it. When you get done staining, you're going to have some really lovely items. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  13. Yes, exactly so; it's a monthly magazine arriving weekly. I've given up on reading them all. I try to get the big article of the issue, and then move on. One issue had a piece on McConnell and why he is so evil, and also on Dr. Fauci and why he is so good. It's in April 20. He changed the way drug trials were done, and saved a lot of lives.

  14. never fail photo when Olga is featured! Those are both just wonderful. I have never seen pink blue bells but aren't they tender!! Ass mount , yes, love it! Also I am a twelve year old when it comes to humor...Doesn't take much sophistication to make me laugh. If you greeted me with "hello Poopie ", I would just love you even more. "Turdie" would be the ultimate delight. Sorry about your scrape but just like a good boy scout you knew what to do. Good thinking, now there will be no amputations of legs during this pandemic, always a good thing. The stain on your shirt could be the beginning of a slow stitching project, cover it with embroidery or a clever patch. Possibilities nearly limitless.

  15. we got rid of all our magazine subscriptions years ago, even Nat Geo. the pink bells are sweet and the campanula is gorgeous. no wonder you can't resist it. oh, and just about all my favorite clothes become work clothes because I wear them doing work things. you'd think I'd learn and put on work clothes before I work.

  16. You have the right idea for quarantine. You keep busy and have very little to complain about.
