Friday, June 5, 2020

Perry Mason with Foxgloves

We're at the time of year when the yard waste bag looks almost as pretty as the plants in the garden!

I slept until almost 7:30 this morning -- which, for me, is late. I think I wore myself out yesterday. Among other tasks, I walked to Homebase and bought a cordless hedge trimmer on a pole. (Now THAT's a sentence I never expected to hear myself say!) It will help us maintain the monster, as we have dubbed the neighbor's rambling rose that cascades over the fence onto our patio during growing season, as well as other shrubbery and tree cover that in the past we've called a tree service to trim. Maybe in the long run we can save some money doing it ourselves.

I also cleaned like crazy, did our grocery shopping, repotted some plants, had our blankets laundered (our local laundry has started doing service washes again -- yay!) and went to the pharmacy to buy a tube of Dave's fancy facial cleanser. I don't remember the name but the label is in French, so it must be fancy.

Here's the latest addition to our art collection -- a Gwynneth Rixon original! It depicts Mersehead Sands near Solway Firth in Scotland. I bought it from Gwynneth's Etsy page, and propped it up in our dining room. We bloggers must support one another in our creative endeavors!

Maybe one of these days I'll actually get up to that part of Scotland. I believe Mersehead is a preserve administered by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Sounds like a good place for photography.

Last night we watched, among other things, "Perry Mason" -- which just never gets old. I love spotting all the actors who play bit parts in that show and wind up going on to bigger and better things. I found a fantastic website that is just full of Perry Mason trivia, from listing participating actors (Cloris Leachman, Barbara Eden, James Coburn -- practically anyone who was doing television in those days) to tracing the appearances of all the extras who sit in the courtoom galleries during trial scenes. Last night I had to pull out my "Valley of the Dolls" DVD to show Dave that both Naomi Stevens and Robert H. Harris, who we'd just seen in Perry Mason episodes, were together in a single scene in that movie. Not that he cared. I'm the only one in this household who keeps track of these things.


  1. Oooh...James Coburn. I used to think he was the most gorgeous man !
    I was also a fan of Perry Mason.

  2. James Coburn! Walter seeing Our Man Flint when I was a kid, I wanted to BE him. Never found him gorgeous, but I thought he was so cool! Have watched Perry Mason in 100 years. Your way sounds like fun.

  3. Walter was meant to be After. Have was meant to be Haven’t Other than that, autocorrect doesn’t piss me off one bit.

  4. Solway Firth is also the starting / end point of the walk across England along Hadrian's Wall, depending if you walk west-east or east-west. We walked east-west and ended our walk there, had a cup of tea and a beer, and were grateful that we chose that route (otherwise we'd have ended in Newcastle city ...).

    It's very pretty, but after walking up and down the hills of Northumberland, we were mostly happy that the firth was FLAT.

  5. Good to see that the card arrived ok..and how different it looks , now I see it with someone else's eyes so to speak!
    Mersehead reserve is flat! Good parking and walking there. Have a look round New Abbey when you come up here and enjoy a visit to Castle Douglas.

  6. Well thank god that SOMEONE is keeping track of such things! I guess Dave just isn't that interested in culture.
    We used to watch old Alfred Hitchcock episodes and it was the same- many actors who went on to become quite famous. I think that the Twilight Zone was another place that many got their starts. Or at least a small paycheck.

  7. Now you're one of the few people to use the covid time for something productive. after this is finished you can start writing the story (novel) you have in your head.

  8. I haven't watched Perry Mason in a very, very long time. I should look that up. I also noticed that Twilight Zone was being offered on Netflix. That's another one I'm tempted to check out again. I'm on the last season of The West Wing (for about the 4th time) and once again enjoying that show.
    Very nice new art work! Knowing the artist makes art even more wonderful.

  9. Ah, Perry Mason. Thank you for the reminder. Maybe we should find some of those shows to stream. We're always looking for good old shows to watch.

  10. Perry Mason is on of my favorites. We need more stuff like this on TV. Your plant is looking really good. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  11. What a lovely gz drawing! She makes it look so easy but I know it's not.

    Using that cordless hedge trimmer on a pole will undoubtedly give your arms and core a good workout!

  12. Is Dave's fancy French face cleanser called "Merde" by any chance? It's my favourite brand.

  13. I used to love Perry Mason but Columbo was my all time favorite when it came to legal procedurals.

  14. Frances: It's a really good show! Dave loves "Law & Order," and I told him we had to start watching Perry because that was basically the same idea.

    Mitchell: I knew auto-correct was your culprit, there. LOL

    Vivian: How long did it take you to make that walk?

    GZ: It must be surreal to see your art on someone else's blog! LOL

    Ms Moon: Right?! That's what I tell him, and he just replies with some nonsense about Beethoven or Mozart.

    Red: I wish I had a novel in my head. Sadly, I do not.

    Sharon: Oh, I'd love to see "Twilight Zone" again! I wonder if we have that on our Netflix? I'll have to check.

    Robin: It's still a really good show! It withstands the test of time.

    Edna: Old shows are comforting. They're like old friends who visit again.

    Catalyst: Exactly!

    Jenny-O: I was surprised at how hard it is to wield that thing! It DOES take some muscle.

    YP: "Merde pour la peau de la face," I believe is the full name.

    37P: Columbo is good too! I haven't seen that in years!
