Monday, June 22, 2020

'Star Wars' on the High Street

I stayed close to home yesterday. The most adventurous rambling I did was up and down our high street (our main shopping street).

The local pub, the Black Lion, is still boarded up but decorated with some fun paintings -- a rainbow for the NHS, a fist for Black Lives Matter, and a black lion and some lion-ish footprints.

The front door has a "Star Wars" theme, for some reason.

Supposedly pubs will be opening in a couple of weeks, in early July. We'll see how that works out. I don't think Dave and I will be going any time soon, given that he is still staying within the four walls of this house.

A little further down the street, our charity shops are still closed. But that doesn't stop people from maddeningly dumping bags and piles of clothing outside their front doors. This particular store hasn't been open since March and I'm sure that stuff on the street, which appeared within the last day or two, is just going to get thrown away. People make me crazy.

Today is Dave's birthday. He already got his main present -- the tree fern -- so our celebrations are probably going to be pretty understated. I'm going to take him to dinner (or have a restaurant bring dinner here) at some point, but we have a ton of food in the fridge and we need to get that eaten first. (I went grocery shopping a few days ago, and Dave ordered a load of food to be delivered from Ocado. We're suddenly as overstocked as end-of-the-world survivalists -- we can hunker down here for the next week without starving!)


  1. My youngest son is 49 on Wednesday so a Cancerian like Dave.
    Wish him a happy birthday from that old bat on the blog, lol

  2. I trust that you will be baking Dave a nice birthday cake today. That is the way that spouses show their love and affection to each other.

    P.S. All Aboard stores benefit predominantly Jewish and local causes rather than any single charity.

  3. It makes me mad that people dump bags of clothing outside closed Op Shops. I was speaking recently to someone in a rural town outside Melbourne and in the three months their shop was closed seventy bags of clothing were dumped out side their shop.
    Seventy. And that town has a population of less than two thousand people.
    People are as thick as bricks it would seem. About many things....

  4. Congratulations and happy birthday to a fellow "Dave" (although my name is rarely shortened to that, and for some odd reason, only by a select few friends). I hope he enjoys the aforementioned cake. (Not in our house - when we need a cake, we buy it).

  5. Happy birthday to Dave. I love the cool-looking guy walking by the thrift shop! Our nearest thrift shop put up a sign in late March asking people to please stop leaving bags out front. People behaved after that. I was amazed. In 9 days, our European borders will be open. We're not overjoyed.

  6. And of course you have to give Dave that extra special birthday present! How long have you been together?

  7. Happy Birthday Mr Dave - Enjoy Another Trip Around The Sun


  8. Tell Dave that I said Happy Birthday! Celebrations have changed drastically since this pandemic started.

  9. Happy Birthday to Dave. Sometimes a low key celebration isn't a bad thing...especially if it keeps one safe.

  10. Happy birthday, Dave!
    This "reopening" is as strange and difficult as the lock down was in some ways. I keep having dreams of being in unmasked crowds. It's all so confusing.

  11. Happy birthday to Dave!

  12. Happy Birthday to Dave. all our celebrations around here are low key.

    Too many people in this town are far right republican deniers as far as the virus goes. they not only refuse to wear masks but they ridicule those who do.

  13. I think may people have a dump truck load of extra food in their house. I can see their point. I don't like going to the grocery store at this time..

  14. Happy Birthday to Dave. I love the name of that charity shop. It would make me want to go in and look around. People can be so thoughtless, dumping their bags in front of a closed store. I guess stupid will never get smart. I'm waiting for our local charity to open up. I have lots of bags taking up space on my porch just waiting for them. Whatever you make for the birthday dinner, I'm sure it will be delicious. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  15. when the charity sops here open it will be like used stuff mecca! No chance of that happening soon, though, everything still shut. Our hallway is lined with boxes of "to go " stuff. Amazing what gathers when you have not yet realized what you can live without! Covid lesson number 10, I guess. Happy Birthday, dear Dave, stay well! stay in- getting good at it!

  16. Wishing a happy birthday to Dave. You could eat at home but that would mean Dave would do all the cooking, right? Oh well, if he likes it and he's good at it . . which seems to be the truth . . then it might be the best way to go. For my Father's Day yesterday, I made waffles for breakfast. Marion Cunningham's recipe is the absolute best. We froze 5 or 6 of them and I just had a couple toasted and spread with margarine and raspberry preserves. Yum!

  17. Happy birthday to Dave! Maybe I'll have some cake in his honor!

  18. I think it's far preferable to have low-key celebrations - or none - than to take any chances. Nobody wants the gift of coronavirus :) I guess you're in about the same situation as my husband - I make all the meals AND cakes, so it's hard for him to do anything in these restricted times. He issued a rain check for my birthday, lol

  19. Happy birthday to Dave! Stay well -- both of you!

  20. Happy Belated Birthday Dave!

    Hi, I love the paintings and I have never seen Star Wars except a tiny bit here and there when the boys watched it but I love the theme and the art. It is a good way to not let this lock down depress us any more than it has.

    I do hope that someone gets some use out of the bags of clothing and things left in front of the thrift stores.
    We may be locking down again because our Governor was in too big of a hurry to please Trump that he opened up our state way to fast. He didn't follow the phase suggestions and now we are experiencing a high spike in covid cases. And Trump also said at his rally that he told his administration to slow the testing because the more cases that are tested the higher the numbers and it is making him look bad.
    His team said he was kidding but he told reporters today that he doesn't kid and did tell his team to stop the testing.
    Smells bad to me but my daughter agrees with him. I swear she would agree with him no matter what but I don't agree at all. We need to know what the true numbers look like.

    Have a great day.
