Friday, July 17, 2020

Look Smart!

A few more pictures from my walk on Wednesday. I love the retro name of this cleaner. No one uses "smart" as an adjective relating to appearance anymore, do they? As in, "you look smart today," or "that's a smart-looking dress." To me it seems very '50s.

Here's another Soho neighborhood character. I had my camera out and he basically got in my path and put his arms up until I took his picture. When I complied, he exclaimed, "I've been shot!"

I liked the lunch special on this sign -- uncertainty with a side of guac. (They're still closed.)

While I was walking on Wednesday, Dave ginned up his courage and got a haircut. He said the experience felt pretty safe -- there were only four other people in the barber shop, three of them stylists, and everyone had protective equipment (including Dave). He looks a million times better and I know he must feel better too.

Yesterday I got motivated to send in my ballot for the primary election in Florida. I consulted with a friend who works in journalism in my home town, marked my ballot and mailed it off. As some of you mentioned in the comments on my post a few days ago, I was afraid not participating would affect my ballot for the big election in November, and we wouldn't want that!

I'm still the only person wearing a mask when I go into many shops, but supposedly that's going to change on July 24, when they become mandatory throughout England -- despite hesitation from some lawmakers like the conservative MP who decried "this monstrous imposition against myself and a number of outraged and reluctant constituents."


  1. Someone should ask that outraged MP whether he would prefer a ventilator.

  2. Oh my god, that formal statement from the outraged MP. Who are these people? As you know, they are legion here. I loved reading and rambling through this post.

  3. Here in Yorkshire folk still use the term "smart" to describe neat appearance. Like Dave, I had a haircut yesterday and now look very smart. Previously, I looked like a mop. I had to make an appointment at the barbershop so I am surprised that Dave simply walked in. When will you be getting your hair cut Steve?

  4. That sums it all up: Uncertainty with a side of guac.

  5. In my part of Scotland since the wearing of masks in shops became mandatory I have honestly not seen anyone not wearing one so hopefully the same thing will happen with you.
    It feels so much less stressful and many people are keeping them on in the street also so fingers crossed.

  6. I got my first haircut since mid March last week. I was a tad nervous about it but made an appointment and it was only me and the two stylists in the shop masked and gloved. I would have waited but figured I couldn't wait until a vaccine so might as well go ahead and do it.
    Cheers Peter

  7. " Dave ginned up his courage..."

    I don't know this phrase, "ginned up". Does it mean he had a couple shots of gin before he went to the barbers?
    With a side of guac. (Brilliant.)

    "Monstrous imposition"... Sigh.
    Do people think stop signs and other traffic signals are monstrous impositions?
    Perhaps when they were first introduced? I can imagine that, actually.

    Love your photos, as always.

  8. And to think it really has t been that long since people kept gas masks at the ready just in case...
    And now it’s “monstrous” to be required to wear a little piece of cloth over our mouths and noses.
    So much privilege.

  9. It's amazing how many truly stupid politicians there are in the world. No one will be telling them they look smart. What a funny guy in your second photo! I wonder how many drinks he had before you encountered him. That shop sign is great. I hope they survive this craziness.

  10. Glad you sent in your ballot. Have to believe that every vote counts and, more importantly, that the vote count in November will rid us of an narcissistic idiot and an unethical administration.

    A side of guac, indeed.

  11. I still use the word "smart." It's a good word. And that fellow on the street was a hoot. (That's another good word.) You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  12. I love that shop sign, but I'm a little sad that you can't get a homemade cake there right now.

    I do NOT understand the antimask thing. I mean, I sort of understand it here because the politicians are working frantically to separate us into factions & this is an excellent way to do that. What I don't understand is WHY it's an excellent tool for division - when did the crazy people become so prevalent? (Don't answer that.)

  13. I went for a haircut last week. I won't be going again. It just felt creepy.

  14. Love the photos especially the "I've been shot" guy. How funny!
    I don't understand the whole anti-mask mentality. In some ways it feels like "natural selection" except that their ignorant behaviors can have a larger negative impact than just on their own selfish mindsets.

  15. These nutsy people who refuse to wear a mask because it's "an infringement on their rights" drive me to distraction. There was a woman on television the other day who shouted into the camera that Covid-19 "is a political hoax!" Honestly, madness lurks! Actually it's not lurking but blaring out at the rest of us.

  16. I was doing the grocery shopping today and a couple of people weren't wearing masks. It ticks me off so much. Yes, make sure you can vote in November. Every vote counts, especially in Florida.

  17. I do not understand the outrage against wearing masks to help defeat the virus. it's not like they are being forced to wear a burka fer crying out loud. I missed my yearly haircut which I usually get it late spring early summer. I may just skip it this year since it's gotten long enough to make a short braid or put up in a bun.

  18. E: I know! I don't get why these people feel so infringed upon.

    Elizabeth: They're crazy, aren't they? Get a sense of perspective, people.

    YP: Hmmmm. Maybe it's more a British word. Definitely not much used in American English, though it used to be.

    Mitchell: Modern life!

    Jessica: I still see many people without them, even indoors. I myself don't wear a mask in the street. Outdoors the transmission risk is apparently ridiculously low.

    Peter: Yeah, at some point you just have to bite the bullet! That's what Dave figured, too.

    Fresca: I've never thought about the origins of that expression, but I'm sure that IS where it comes from. Dave didn't literally "gin up," though. :) Remember all the outrage when seat-belt laws were introduced?

    Ms Moon: It's truly a mystery to me. I feel like these people need to see what real tyranny looks like, because they clearly have no idea.

    Sharon: Yeah, I think he was pretty well soused, or something!

    Mary: Yeah, gotta preserve that access to the ballot box! It's our only voice!

    Edna: I use it in the "intelligent" sense. But I think that's the only way.

    Bug: Yeah, I don't get it either. If there's even a small chance that it helps, why not just do it?

    Red: Ha! You may reconsider when your hair gets shaggy again.

    Robin: I think many so-called "conservative" political positions actually just give people license to be selfish, and this is a good example. Masks don't protect the wearer, and that's why many people don't want to wear one. They don't care about you or me. They're only worried about themselves.

    Catalyst: I mean, how can society function when it's burdened with that kind of stupidity? People have to be willfully mind-blind to think that way.

    Michael: Yeah, I am happy to be a voter in a critical state!

    Ellen: I know! Why all the outrage? It's completely mystifying.
