Saturday, August 22, 2020

Self-Portrait with Fancy Lamp

Olga and I paused on our early-morning walk Thursday for another self-portrait in the window of Roche Bobois, the fancy French furniture store on Finchley Road. This window is always good for photos, with the unusual and colorful furnishings inside, the lines in the ceiling and the reflections across the street. In good light it's especially nice.

OK, so here's what I forgot about a full-time job -- it takes a lot of time! I know I'm behind on reading everyone's blogs and responding to comments but I'll try to catch up this weekend. Normally at work I can read blogs during slow periods at my desk, but I haven't had any slow periods the last few days -- haven't been sitting at my desk at all, in fact. There's just too much to do out on the floor of the library. I re-shelved again all day yesterday, and I've got about two-thirds of everything put away.

I'm amazed I forgot to mention this in my last post, but CAN YOU BELIEVE the news about Steve Bannon's arrest?! That was the most exciting thing I've heard all month. When Dave told me about it I exclaimed "YES!" and shot my arms into the air. That man is a scoundrel of the first order and it's about time he got his comeuppance.

I've been having some interesting conversations with my credit card company. It's a long story and not very interesting, but basically they owe me money, which they say they sent me but I never received. There's nothing worse than hanging on the phone with a bank's customer service department for an hour -- even when they're helpful and things go smoothly it's agony.

The weather was super-windy yesterday. Some of our plants kept blowing over, including the avocado, which is still living in the back yard. (I know, I know -- the pot's too small.) We even had a plant blow off the windowsill in the library. I repotted it as best I can -- we'll see if it survives.

As Dave and I were watching TV in the evening, a cat suddenly jumped into the room through the open window! Olga was curled up on the couch asleep, so fortunately she didn't see it. I made a quick motion with my arm and shooed it away. It was a fluffy white cat that I think belongs to the family two doors down, and it probably has no idea that it almost became a staffy hors d'oeuvre.


  1. "There's nothing worse than hanging on the phone with a bank's customer service department for an hour..." How about physical torture in a dank dungeon? Or being an accidental hors d'oeuvre for a squirrel-crazed staffy called Olga?

  2. You've just had a taster of retirement Steve that's the trouble. I think its awful that men now have to work so long. No worries about commenting, just keep the pics coming. Love the window picture.

  3. Yeah, going back to work full-time would be challenging after all this unreality. So glad Olga didn't see the cat. What a mess that would have been. "Self-Portrait with Fancy Lamp." Wasn't that the title of a famous Rembrandt painting?

  4. Love the self portrait! Full of interesting even earthy tones (is that possible?) Actually your picture reminded me of "Man in an Orange Shirt" - the movie which my husband and I have just finished watching. And yes, you have just had a foretaste of retirement, where you spend all day just doing all the things that you used to squeeze into an hour in the morning before work, and a couple of hours after you get home from work. Parkinson's Law (look it up on Wikipedia) says that work expands to fill the time available. I still work full time - just at home! LOL

  5. The arrest of Bannon was surprising and good. How can anyone possibly vote for #45, but they will but hopefully not enough of them.

    Sorry to hear you have had shocking wind. It will pass.

    I'd like to hear more about your credit card issues.

  6. Having a part-Staffie of my own, I would not like to contemplate a cat wandering into the house. The kicker is that he is absolutely wonderful with children and most other animals--even the deer in our neighborhood don't bother him (thinks they are big doggies). Just wants to play with them, but let him see a cat or a squirrel and he loses it. So glad Olga slept through the cat visit.

    Had to laugh at your reaction to Bannon's arrest. I did exactly the same thing.

  7. Love the self-portrait. Fancy shop!
    When Bannon got arrested I was sort of surprised that he wasn't already in jail. I have no idea where I got that idea...
    Little fluffy kitten needs to stay away. That would NOT be good.

  8. A great self-portrait!
    Steve Bannon's arrest made me do my very happiest of happy dances! Yes, a true scoundrel. I'm hoping for more bad news for Trump everyday.
    I am so surprised a cat came into your house. Good thing Olga was napping.

  9. five million dollar bail , and some one paid that for that POS! $$$hit! Some girls( I assume she was a girl) are just drawn to curiosity and danger. Glad Olga was sleeping!

  10. Steve Bannon is human scum. There's just no sugarcoating it, and I hope he gets everything he deserves. Like Ms. Moon, my first thought was, "Wait, he's not ALREADY in prison?!" It's hard to keep track of so many convictions. I can't wait for the day Trump leaves the White House. It will be like morning breaking after a long and stormy night.

    I'm anxious to start back to work Monday and see how it goes. I know it's going to be crazy busy for the first two weeks while we iron out the last of the plans for this radically altered version of school. The students won't be back until the day after Labor Day.

    That cat must be suicidal. George goes CRAZY when he sees a cat, and I can't imagine what he'd do if one came in our house! Good thing Princess Olga was napping!

  11. Glad to hear that the cat survived its adventure unscathed. Yes, the news about Steve Bannon was great to hear. I wish it would make some of those blind followers think twice about who they support but I doubt it will have much affect. Some of those people are so entrenched they no longer believe anything except what DJT and Fox news tells them. Now if only the authorities could get Stephen Miller on something. That man is just plain evil.

  12. Keeping up with other people's blogs should be the *last* thing on your to-do list. Do you think Olga would have gone after the cat invader or made a new friend? Stranger things have happened.

  13. I laughed at Bannon and told the orange thing in the white house, you are next. All of them that followed the orange thing are thieves. He is fighting against Manhattan getting a hold to those tax records, fighting to stay in the white house so bad he is talking about having is brother's funeral there and his acceptance speech also. He is just doing everything to keep from leaving the secret service. He know he will have a few with him but not as many if he stay at the white house. He has to stay close to that bunker so when things get hot on his ass he can run there and hide and say he just went in the bunker to check it out. (laughing) My sister said when he has to leave there he probably will try to burn it down. He probably will try to take up residence in that bunker when Biden go to the white house. All Biden will have to give his little dog is a bucket of Kentucky fried chicken daily. They need to take all those thieves and put them in a tie up bag and throw them all in the Rio Grande. He will be close to Mexico and maybe he can look over and see the little children sleeping on the concrete floor. That is if they don't drown too fast. (lol) Bannon is trying to say it is all political. I can't see it because his ugly ass isn't running for office. They all think they are important. Stupid feel that way. (Tell Olga I love her and don't kill the cat.)

  14. Close call for that cat! I think it is a sign that I am low grade depressed that Bannon's arrest just made me feel weary, and resigned to the idea that even this will not touch the criminal idiot in the white house. Bannon sauntered out of jail after posting 5 million bond, and that made me weary too. who are these people? who are the people supporting them. what do they represent to them?

    On a much happier note, i love that self portrait in the store window. Very artistic.

  15. I loved that self portrait. And the Steve Bannon thing...why hasn't this happened sooner? There have been so many scandals with people close to Trump and Trump himself. I cannot wait until this nightmare is over. I understand about not having blogging time once school begins. That will be me next week. Take care and stay safe.

  16. we had some high wind yesterday too that knocked almost every pot in the yard over but it was accompanied by rain. thought we would be dealing with a hurricane Monday or Tuesday but it seem to be veering to the east.

  17. It takes a few days to get back in the groove when you return to school.A couple more days and it will feel like you've been back a year.

  18. Brother Steve, I Purposely Waited For You To Post Something Before I Dropped A Comment Here - Folks Today, You Never Know How They Will Take A Comment - You, You Always See The Insights For What It Is And I Appreciate You Not Taking My Opinions From Past Post Personally - Here Is My Worry - That Cocksucker The Donald Is Going To Win Again - I Am Completely Surrounded By The Donald Supporters Out Here With Their Massive TRUMP 2020 Flags On The Back Of Their Pick Up Trucks - Members Of My Own Family Are HUGE The Donald Lovers And STILL Believe Obama Is A Muslim Prick - Needless To Say, I Feel Very Left Out - There Are No Real Life Discussions With My Tribe Anymore And My Frustration Is Reaching A Boiling Point - As For The Steve B Arrest, I Believe That He Is The Fall Guy For The Donald So That The Donald Can Say," The Wall Is Perfect!! Not My Fault!! The Obama Administration Set Up These Loop Holes For The Steve B's Of The World To Steal." The Arrest And Popularity Will Only HELP The Donald, After All, The Donald IS ALWAYS The Victim - I Am Feeling So Defeated - The World Was In Such Chaos After The W And Obama Even Said," American Is On A Runaway Freight Train. Its Going To Take A Lot Of Effort To Slow It Down, Change Rail Lines, And Start Moving In The Right Direction." In My Opinion, Obama Lived Up To His Words Over The Course Of 8 Years. The Biggest Take Away, Americans Were Civil Towards One Another. Neighbors Actually Waved And Said Something Kind In Passing - Not Even Four Years Later, Our Streets Are Full Of Hate, Conversations Turn Confrontational, And NOBODY Is Willing To Listen - Been Really Wishing That Old Mr Sun Wouldn't Come Up Because What Is The Point - Environmentally, No Hope - Economically, No Hope - Justice, SH*T - And The Stupid Continue To Reproduce

  19. You had a surprise cat visit while watching tv, we had a surprise mouse visit while watching TV. If only the two could meet.
