Saturday, October 10, 2020

Long Weekend

Here's the state of the garden at the moment. You can't really tell, but we have trimmed some stuff back. It's still pretty green overall, and there are a few spots of color, but many of the plants have gone into their autumnal slump. We're just letting everything die back naturally.

Not only is it a weekend here, but we're off work on Monday and Tuesday for October break. Given the coronavirus situation we have no special plans so far, but maybe I'll come up with something. I'm mostly hoping to get some reading done.

I stayed after work yesterday with my boss and a couple of colleagues -- we had a glass of wine together and the Lower School librarians gave me a really nice bottle as thanks for cleaning up their catalog.

Other than that, I've got nothing. Here's our sole Chinese lantern, slowly deteriorating on the plant -- but still a beautiful color.


  1. Oh, this blogpost is over already! It is surprising that you chose not to mention that Maurice Prendergast was born on October 10th. It is also World Mental Health Day.

  2. My little garden really needs to be cut back but I am thinking of all the little critters who may need a bit of something to hide in for the winter so I think I shall leave it until the Spring.
    Maybe more chinese lanterns next year.

  3. Your garden is one of those city oases. So beautiful. It sounds like you have some great colleagues at work. My mother always had dried Chinese lanterns in a vase. (I think they were usually stolen from garden walls. "Oh, they won't even notice!")

  4. It is that time of year..may look very pretty when the frost comes,but cold and damp and miserable until then!
    Good that the staff appreciate each other. A good sign.

  5. It sounds like it was a nice evening of socialising with workmates. While I don't miss work, I do miss my workmates.

  6. Have a nice, quiet, germ free long weekend.

  7. It's really hard to enjoy long weekends these days. I miss taking off on a short trip somewhere.

  8. up in the low 90s this weekend. ugh. so too hot to do any work outside. I did get some garden stuff done during the cool spell.

    I tried to finish my book last night, stayed up an extra half hour to do so, thought I had and then turned the page to see another short chapter. went to bed. I'll try to finish it this morning so I can get to the library before it closes early today.

  9. We're having a wet fall weekend here too. We're pretty happy about it. Got the garden cleaned up yesterday and ready for the rain. The air cleared here and we could open the windows again and let the cool air in. Have a wonderful long weekend. Enjoy all the reading!

  10. Your garden is so pretty, Steve! What work and love you've put into it!

  11. The singular lantern is a beauty, deteriorating in an artful way. Garden is gorgeous in any state! Glad you have some time off to do ..?

  12. Your garden is lovely! I wish our yard looked more like that, but we rent, so we have to keep it like the landlord likes, so modern suburbia it is!

  13. Steve, my canna lillies are just blooming. I think our semi-tropical climate is just extremely too hot. It is 90 degrees here today. We've had early morning of 69 degrees but that doesn't last long. I guess you wonder why I call your name because you have some commenters who don't like us talking about Trump but I look at it this way, this is your blog and if you have someone who are not liking what we are saying about trump, they should remember
    your commenters aren't talking to them. (laughing) Just don't read your blog or your commenters comments. Trump have the entire world thinking they can tell others what to do. I had to tell this charge nurse off in dialysis this morning that she act like the employees are paying us to come in there but our Insurance is not paying that kind of money for us to accept abuse. Wrong woman. She apologized but I told her if she does it again I will report her to Dr. Hanson.(lol)The world have flipped. I kmow you hear me say that a lot. Respect should be expected for all of us to give to each others.

  14. YP: Maurice Prendergast! How could I forget?!

    Briony: That's one reason we leave everything -- it's good for the insects and wildlife.

    Ursula: Ha! From one extreme to the other, right? :D

    Mitchell: It IS an oasis. Sometimes we don't even feel like we're in the city. (Until we get out on Finchley Road and see all the litter and traffic, LOL)

    GZ: Yeah, I'm very fortunate to have such good co-workers.

    Andrew: I can imagine. Working is an important social outlet!

    Lilycedar: Fingers crossed! (I don't think we're going anywhere we're likely to encounter germs, but I guess there are no guarantees.)

    Sharon: ME TOO! I am dying to get on a train and go somewhere, but we just don't dare.

    Red: Thanks!

    Ellen: Oh no! That's the worst -- that hidden extra chapter. LOL

    Robin: That must have felt great, to get those windows open.

    Ms Moon: Thanks! Especially this year, when there's little else to occupy us!

    Linda Sue: I like our deteriorating lantern, I agree.

    Bug: We rent too, but fortunately our landlords let us do what we want as long as we don't make "major changes." (Whatever that means. We've planted trees! LOL)

    Angelicastar: I don't mind hearing comments from pro-Trump people. They're entitled to their opinions. But they can't expect me to stop making anti-Trump comments. If they're entitled to their opinions, I'm also entitled to mine. (Especially on my blog!)

  15. Your garden is so beautiful. It's such a gift to be able to be in it any time you want. It's raining in New York today, and I am looking out from five stories up, missing gardens outside my door.
