Saturday, November 7, 2020

An Optimistic Cup and Other Finds

Let's take a break from all the politics (please!), and enjoy another round of miscellaneous iPhone photos!

The cup above, found on a sidewalk in Hampstead, pretty much captures my current mood, with Biden's position looking better and better. (OK, that was politics. But no more. I promise.)

A sign outside a dog grooming parlor. Hopefully short people won't take offense.

This circle looks like it probably once contained a portrait of Devon, who died too young.

Another curious trash find -- a big ropey lamp. Might look good on a boat.

Not far up the same street, a bed! Probably too big for a boat, though.

This fragment of printed paper was attached to a parking sign. I can't tell what it was supposed to say, but it looks very philosophical.

When I was at Majestic to buy some wine last week, I saw these bottles of their house rioja. I loved the label. (I bought one.)

A hood ornament on a very old Morris car parked near Fortune Green. (This one, in fact. It's been around there for years.)

I showed you some of the carved pumpkins in our neighborhood at Halloween, but this one stood out -- it's not quite a pumpkin. Maybe a squash or gourd?

Finally, this "monstrous" food tray for kids was sitting on someone's garden wall, apparently awaiting a new home. It's pretty cute and it's in good shape. Hopefully someone will make use of it!


  1. "This fragment of printed paper was attached to a parking sign. I can't tell what it was supposed to say, but it looks very philosophical."

    Indeed. Fragments being fertilizers for the mind. I haven't thought about Dada (art) for ages yet your image brought the movement to mind. You also can build whole religions on little evidence. Please do attribute the latter observation to my watching "The Da Vinci Code" last night. I shall now read the book to fill in the gaps.

    Has anyone observed how observant you are - more than likely in your dealings with other people, most certainly in your photography?

    The "Gourd" reflects how we are all feeling during the WAIT of the last few days whilst nailed to the cross of lockdown: A bit down in the mouth, worse for wear, vaguely sea sick.


    1. But now the wait is over! Woo hoo!

      Some of my commenters below figured out the wording on that fragment. They're more observant than I am!

  2. My very first car was a Morris 1000 Traveller. I nearly died in it. Never realised that there was a bull within the badge - probably because I didn't look closely enough.

    1. A little research tells me that the animal is actually an ox - associated with Oxford which was the home of Morris cars.

    2. I did not know the significance of the Ox! Thanks for clearing that up!

  3. I love the sign and water dish! I can't believe you didn't take home that rope lamp. And the headboard would make a great garden trellis, don't you think? I hope the wine is as entertaining to the palate as the label is to the eye.

    1. Damn, I wish I'd thought of that trellis idea! But it might be a little too "Beverly Hillbillies"...

  4. Oh, the things you find. They are a joy. I sincerely love the little kid's food tray. I would eat off that.

    1. I kind of wish I'd picked it up! I hope someone did.

  5. Those wine bottles are interesting. They look like Menorahs. Very different. That gourd is so cute! You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  6. Right On - I Always Enjoy These iPhone Series Of Photos - May Olga Girl Find The Warm Spot On Her Pink Blanket With A Hidden Uncle T Biscuit To Boot


    1. Olga had a fantastic day today, which I'll tell you about tomorrow! :)

  7. Another fine collection of the stuff you've seen there. I love that sign and the water dish. I'm short, and I didn't mind at all!

    1. Good! It's important to be able to laugh rather than be easily offended!

  8. I'd have snatched that iron bed frame in a heartbeat. this is what I think the paper fragment says: are you connected to the people you are around or are you just afraid to be alone? that pumpkin looks like it tied one on last night. weird lamp though we had a tall floor lamp constructed out of wood that looked like a saguaro, the 'head' and three arms help the light bulbs with glass domes over them.

    1. YES! I think you're right on the fragment. I Googled the phrase and didn't come up with anything, so it must not be a quote.

  9. I think the fragment of paper says something like: are you connected to the people you're around or are you just afraid to be alone
    You find interesting little treasures on your walks!
    Thanks for sharing them!

    1. I love how us two Ellens both had similar comments - we had to solve the word puzzle of the paper fragment! We think alike, Ellen!

    2. Yeah, you both solved the mystery! It's the Ellen "hive mind." :)

  10. My weakness , if it is a weakness, buying for the label- packaging is everything.
    Your vision is superior , The tiny Ox in the Morris ornament, wow, tiny! The little food tray sort of breaks my heart , easy to do these days - fragile emotions due to stress of covid stay ata home, and of course politics , which we are not talking about.
    No, I am not offended by the short people with low standards- that is my tribe.

  11. One of my first boyfriends picked me up for a date in his Morris Minor. It was ancient. "We are going incognito," he said to me. Fifty years later we are still friends.
    Isn't it odd how some of the things you find that are being thrown away you have to wonder why in the world they're being tossed while others you have to wonder why in the world someone bought them in the first place?

    1. I often wonder about that latter point. There's a lot of really bizarre, tacky stuff out there. (As those of us who frequent thrift stores know.)

  12. I love that label on the wine. I hope it's a good one. I don't remember what show it was but there was one show I watched where one of the characters drove a Morris Minor. I remember they struggled with the gear box. The sign for the dog water bowl is priceless and that lamp is just....weird. Great assortment.

    1. I've never ridden in a Morris Minor but I wouldn't be surprised if they're not the easiest things to drive.

  13. Steve i know you said no politics but I just walked in my bedroom and guess what? Joe Biden is elected President. Hooray, Hooray and now we can settle down and live a better life other than hearing bullshit and being stressed everyday from our so called leader. Our prayers were answered. Your photos are beautiful and now without the stress in our eyes we can see them a lot better. (laughing hard)

    1. We've been celebrating here! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?!? What a relief!

  14. Judy just came from the other room to tell me that when the call was made, Trump . . fittingly . . was on a golf course!

  15. Interesting found objects, and a welcome break from politics. Breathing a bit easier today. A bit.

    1. Yes indeed. Much easier. There will be more turmoil but at least we have a result.

  16. Good finds on the streets and good news on the news!

  17. I’m pleased for you and all Americans

    1. For the PLANET! This is huge for all of us in every country.

  18. Happy for you all.
    Hope the wine is as good as the label!

    1. I'll let you know! We opened a couple of bottles tonight but not that one. :)

  19. Hi Steve -- I'm watching Twitter, fireworks in London. Is that in celebration of our President-Elect Biden? That's what Twitter says...If so, god I love the UK.

    1. Yes, there were fireworks all around our neighborhood. It was crazy. I'm not sure if it was for Biden/Harris or for a belated Bonfire Night, but let's call it the former. :)

  20. I laughed at the dog groomer's sign.
    So I am not the only one who buys wine because of an attractive or interesting label.
    Wow, a Morris Estate woody.

    1. I think wine marketers know those labels make a HUGE difference.

  21. I am a short person and I LOVE that sign - it's hilarious!
    And it's a huge relief to hear of the Biden win. The adults are in the room again :D

  22. 'Are you connected to the people you keep around, or are you just afraid to be alone?'

    If we were to talk about politics, I would tell you how happy I was.
