Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Birthday with Yellow Ginkgo

That's a ginkgo tree in Golders Hill Park. I love ginkgos for their bright yellow color in fall. I don't see a lot of them here in London, but in New York they're a common tree on streets and in parks, and when I lived there I relished that change of color.

My birthday went well yesterday, though we were busy as all get-out in the library (for some reason) so I didn't think about it for most of the day. We had about 90 check-outs, which may not sound like a lot, but because our coronavirus-prevention measures mean the kids can't come in to get their own books, I ran to a shelf, retrieved a book, checked it out and delivered it to a classroom for many of those transactions. I remember thinking at some point, "Man, I am getting some exercise today!"

My co-workers gave me a bottle of wine and some cookies. There's kind of a funny story behind the wine. Remember that night several weeks ago when we librarians gathered in the evening for drinks? Well, we consumed a bottle of wine that belonged to a co-worker who wasn't there, with the obvious intention of replacing it. Last week, my boss gave me some money and asked me to pick one up, and I went to three wine shops and couldn't find the same brand, so I ordered it online. It came over the weekend, I took it to school yesterday -- and what do you think my birthday present was?! Yes, that SAME bottle of wine.

Dave gave me a new camera bag and a new shirt -- a jungly print with green leaves and a kind of '60s vibe, which I like a lot.

And I had about 80 birthday greetings on Facebook, which is always so great. I love hearing from people I never hear from otherwise. Every year I am reminded that I need to be better about acknowledging people's birthdays on Facebook because it gives me such a boost.

As you can see, my martini did happen. By the way, I don't know why it looks like there's a hideous spot on our couch. It is an incredibly ugly couch, I'll grant you -- we bought it from the former tenants of our flat and we're loath to replace it as long as we have the dog. But honestly, that spot does not exist in real life.

And now it's pouring rain outside. I got up early thinking I'd get the dog walked before work, but I'm sure she's not going to want to go.

The mural graffitist has been at it again. I wish they'd learn to spell.


  1. Happy, happy birthday Steve! I missed it on Facebook, but I've been trying to stay away from Facebook, so I'm happy for the reminder here. I raise a martini with olives to you (love those!). May you have a year ahead filled with all good things.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I hope we have the opportunity to have martinis together someday!

  2. The birthday month continues. May it bring great surprises. As for the idiot graffitist: I thou gt there was something wrong with that message.

    I love that martini glass!

    1. Those glasses were Dave's from before we met. They're cool, and best of all, they're LARGE.

  3. Not long to go now. May I be the very first to wish you a Happy 55th Birthday!

  4. I beg your pardon, "the dog"? Her name is Olga. And don't worry about stains. They are like pimples. Unless you draw attention to them no one will notice.

    The bottle of wine story made me grin. Reminds me of when I first came to England. In the motherland, on your birthday, everyone is expected to stand YOU a drink. Not so in England. What is it with the English? You, Birthday Boy/Girl down the pub, have to buy everyone else a drink by virtue of you existing at all? Who is toasting who? The only upside being that everyone in the office has a birthday once a year. Same difference, I suppose; not that I count pennies. Have another one.

    Yellow mellow greetings,

    1. Maybe that's why I don't go to the pub on my birthday? I just felt like that "stain" was SO obvious I had to explain it!

  5. Not too many Gingko trees here either. Will you be modelling the new shirt with the camera bag?

    1. Maybe once I get it pressed -- it's still all wrinkly from the packaging!

  6. That tree is beautiful. Here when you see a bright tree like this on the hillside, it is always a hickory nut tree.

    I am glad that your birthday was a happy one. I tiptoe away leaving your with the last words of Thomas de Mahy, marquis de Favras: Upon reading his death warrant, he said "I see that you have made three spelling mistakes."

    1. Ha! I don't know the story of the Marquis. I think I'll have to look that up!

  7. Olga Girl, You Are Such A Sweet Heart


  8. We bought a new couch 4.5 years ago and it has not aged well with two dogs and one cat. Animals are hard on furniture, I've resigned myself to that fact. But when the cat dies, I'm getting a leather couch which won't hold all the dog fur.

    Glad you had a happy birthday. Wishing you many more:)

    1. Furniture, like everything else, isn't made as well as it used to be!

  9. I missed your birthday -- so I'm happy to hear that it was a splendid day for you. A birthday martini sounds divine, but it goes better with pizza than birthday cake, right? That's funny, going to all that trouble to track down a bottle of wine only to be given the same. Shades of O. Henry.

    I'm a twin, so all my life I'd had to share my birthday, and my birthday cake, and I also have cheapskate relatives so I had to share every single-serve-sized birthday present, or was given something random because I was expected to like whatever my sister was into (and vice-versa). I had one birthday party in my childhood, and right: I had to share that with my sister too. When you're a kid, that stuff matters.So I grew up not being particularly interested in celebrating my birthday, and even less so now, now that I'm in my 60s.

    1. I've actually never been a huge birthday person either. My mom was a very minimalist celebrator of any occasion, so I didn't learn to associate my birthday with anything special!

  10. I'm glad you had a good birthday. Your martini looks tasty. Now I'm hoping that the United States will send you (and me) a belated birthday gift by electing Joe Biden.

    1. I see Arizona has gone blue, which is a step in the right direction! But things are looking dicey as I type this...

  11. I'm glad that your birthday was a good one. That martini looks to have been generous and delicious.
    Do you watch Curb Your Enthusiasm? For some reason your "couch stain" reminds me of an episode where the way Larry's shorts buckled in the crotch made the woman he was at the movies with think that he was, um, aroused. He kept vehemently denying it and she wouldn't believe his explanation and cursed him out. But I believe you about the stain. And even if it was there, it's not exactly hideous.
    Fingers crossed today. Wish I prayed.

    1. That is such a Larry David scenario. I haven't watched "Curb Your Enthusiasm," surprisingly. Maybe Dave and I should start it! We're going to need some humor in our lives, I fear.

  12. I'm glad you had a great birthday. That's funny about the bottle of wine. I love the yellow trees. I have maples in front of my house that turn a gorgeous golden yellow in the Fall. Your sofa looks very comfy. Even Olga thinks so. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  13. Sounds like a wonderful birthday. Love the wine story. Beautiful gingko tree with those stunning yellow leaves.

  14. Cool that they got you to buy your own birthday present.

    1. Ha! I might have chosen a different brand if I'd known it was ultimately for me. LOL

  15. sounds like you had a good day. I have two ginkgo trees but rarely get the bright yellow since we don't always have weather cold enough to trigger it before all the leaves fall off. right now most the leaves have faded to a lime green.

    1. So they turn limey and then just fall off? Does the tree go bare in the winter?

  16. Always been impressed with people who had birthdays. mine so close to jesus Day that it was made insignificant by nativity and decking the halls. I suppose birthdays are a big deal - I wouldn't know. Nice that you got something you like, the shirt and the wine and the camera bag- hope it has just the right pockets!

    1. Yeah, I can see how having a Christmas season birthday would be a drag.

  17. It sounds like you had a terrific birthday! I wish I liked wine.

  18. I'm glad you had a good day. That is funny about the wine :)

    The gingko is lovely!

    1. As Vivian said above, it's like a short story.

  19. A nice evening well spent after a busy day. I like the looks of that martini. The BRD is working a 12 to 15 hour day at the polls today and said a cold martini will be consumed when she finally gets home.

    1. That's definitely enough to earn a martini -- maybe two!

  20. So glad you had such a good birthday. I see you're reading "the Pickwick Papers" by Dickens- i just read that last summer and it was so good. Laugh out loud funny in places. Dickens sure knew how to write.

    1. Oh good! I actually haven't started it yet but I'm about to. Glad to hear a positive review!

  21. Hi Steve and happy belated birthday. I took a break from all media to have enough strength to make it through this election. My toes, fingers, arms, legs are crossed for good luck to get rid of the orange thing in the white house. I know he added more fencing and I assume it's so he can't be dragged out when he lose this race. What a blessing it will be. Let's keep praying for better days.

    1. I don't blame you for taking a break! Sometimes it's necessary!

  22. A lovely birthday!
    Gingko does turn a beautiful yellow I think.
    The spelling? Well only one H was missed!

  23. Happy Birthday! I love gingko trees. They are so incredibly beautiful in the fall. I have been on a blog break as the election has caused me to shun all forms of media. Let's hope that Trump loses tonight.

    1. I see Virginia went blue, but I guess that's not a surprise. Hope this sorts itself out soon!

  24. Belated Happy Birthday wishes, Steve! You are still a young pup.
    One of our neighbours has a small ginkgo tree and it was just gorgeous this year when it turned. It looked like it was lit from within. Sadly, it lost all its leaves within a very short time and now it's bare. On the bright side, the neighbour uses it to hang big Christmas ornaments, so we have that to look forward to!

    I have my fingers, toes, and eyes all crossed that Trump is out in a landslide. Please, universe -- please.

    1. I'm glad your neighbor gives the tree some holiday cheer! Glad to see you back, Jenny-O! Hope things are looking good where you are.
