Thursday, November 19, 2020

Retail and Raking

I'm not sure my new "skull-shaver" device is going to work out. I've discovered that in the instruction book, we are warned in BIG CAPITAL LETTERS that we shouldn't use it to shave more than two days' worth of hair growth. In other words, if I use it, I have to shave my head every other day! I usually shave once every two weeks or so. I don't want to be a slave to my skull-shaver.

It's also not nearly as effective as a razor, which leaves my head completely smooth -- I'm still stubbly after I use the skull-shaver. Overall I'm not that impressed. But I'll continue to give it a chance and see how well I adjust.

In other adventures in retail, I bought two new pairs of chinos from Land's End. I am down to one pair of work pants, which I've been washing and wearing repeatedly for the last few weeks, and I really need a few more. They were supposed to arrive Saturday, but I got a text from the delivery company saying they'd tried to deliver them but I wasn't in. Well, that was a load of hooey because I was having them delivered to school, where there's always someone to accept a package. They didn't come Sunday or Monday either.

And then I realized I'd given Land's End the wrong postcode -- I gave the address for school but the postcode for our house. I called to correct the problem and they said they'd get the package relabeled, but I've heard nothing in the two days since and I suspect it's probably gone back to the retailer. I'll get the pants eventually, but what a hassle. Sigh.

When I got home from work yesterday, I had just enough daylight left (before it got dark at 4:30) to finally rake up all the leaves from our walnut tree and our Japanese maple. I piled them at the back of the garden, where they can break down on their own and hopefully provide some shelter for bugs and other critters over the winter. The dry walnut leaves smell really wonderful -- kind of spicy. I wish I could blog that smell so you could experience it.

On Netflix, Dave and I have finally finished "Borgen" and "The Queen's Gambit," both of which were excellent. Now, we've moved on to a BBC miniseries called "Roadkill" with Hugh Laurie, which we like -- but it's only four episodes, so we'll polish that off quickly. Then, on to "The Crown"!

The other day we watched "The Boys in the Band," which I enjoyed. (I'd meant to mention it but forgot until Ms. Moon reminded me.) It's a remake of a 1970 movie about gay men in New York -- which was itself based on a play. By our modern standards it seems a bit overwrought, but it was written when gay men faced tremendous discrimination and were still told by society that we were mentally ill. So as a product of its time, it's very effective.

It reminded me that back in 2009, when I lived in New York, I watched the original and realized it was filmed in my neighborhood!

(Photo: A lost stuffed animal in West Hampstead.)


  1. A pity that the skull shaver doesn't do such a clean job..back to the old fashioned way!
    So easy to make a mistake when ordering..I nearly had a book sent to my daughter in law as the previous item had been something for her and I forgot to double check the delivery address!! A matter of 400 miles away!
    The fun of Autumn leaves..and the joy of a good (much reduced pile!) like of leaf mould!

    1. Yeah, those web forms make it so easy with auto-fill, but only it you auto-fill the correct info!

  2. It's interesting to watch movies that were filmed during the history of our actual lives. Sometimes it's surprising (not necessarily in a good way) how little things change in 20+ years. Living in the middle of Nowhere, I have to order almost everything online and have it shipped. It's always fraught.

    1. I suppose it's a sign of a "classic" when we can still see pertinent messages in an older book or play.

  3. We recently watched The Boys in the Band and really liked it. We had seen it performed in NYC during its brief run, which was amazing, but I found the TV version even better, honestly. Just finished Season 4 of The Crown and also loved Borgen and Queen's Gambit. Hadn't heard of Roadkill; so thanks for that!

    1. We just finished Roadkill and really liked it. I can see how the TV version would be better in some ways -- more intimate than a stage.

  4. Skull shaving is mysterious to me. I only number one my hairy bits. I have number 4 on top of my head and number 2 at the sides at the hairdresser.
    Mail order chinos? Wise?
    Someone else mentioned Boys in the Band. I think we will see by hook or by crook.

    1. I don't even deal with hairdressers or barbers. Hence the shaving! I've never had trouble with mail-ordering pants before and I think it would have gone smoothly this time too if not for my own stupidity.

  5. The Crown has been brilliant throughout. The last serious even more so. Gillian Anderson's portrayal of Margaret Thatcher a thing of beauty. Please don't tell anyone that I was/am rather fond of Thatcher. People take the wrong end of the rope on my sentiment. To understand you have to understand what I saw when I arrived in England (ca 1981/82). To say I was appalled is a great example of what the English pride themselves on, namely "understatement". I was shocked at the show of poverty on the street. Having said that, and not to scandalize, I will admit that the minutiae, the detail of her (foreign) politics was never of much interest to me. But her thinking of how to, her determination of putting the country back on its feet (remember "the poor man of Europe"? - how pathetic) was right on the money. Hope YP won't fall out of love with me on the strength of the above.

    Back to The Crown. One thing I marvelled at (yes, I have binge watched the lot - mainly to not lose the thread) are those huge rooms. With barely anyone filling them. Sitting there, in the middle of everything, alone. And all that walking. Up and down stairs. As a Royal you aren't even allowed to open a door. Someone else will do it for you. What sort of life is that? Not least for the doormen?

    A truly delicious moment, Steve, and you of all people, with your eye for detail, will enjoy this. There is one shot (can't remember now which episode, somewhere middle/towards the end of series four) when in one of those magnificent palatial settings, a mouse runs across the floor of a State Room. The director clearly having a sense of humour.


    1. I've heard that Gillian Anderson is really good as Thatcher. As for Maggie herself, let's just say I do NOT share your opinion. Anyone who says society doesn't exist is a fanatic, in my mind.

  6. Your post code error is a bummer. Delivery of packages these days are pretty spotty. I ordered something two weeks ago and haven't gotten it yet but something I ordered Monday arrived yesterday. Strange.
    I started The Crown over the weekend and am finding it troubling. That is one screwed up family.

    1. Delivery is always a nightmare. And yet it's a necessity, especially now.

  7. When I saw your photo there I thought, "The Velveteen Rabbit." I sort of wish you had taken it home and washed it and given it a home.
    Remember how long it took for me to get my walking shoes? Good Lord!

    1. Oh my gosh, Ms. Moon, you thought of the Velveteen Rabbit? So did I (bought for and read to the Angel many years ago, still on our shelves) and which is why I didn't comment on Steve's hard breaking shot. How to become "REAL". Indeed.


    2. Oh yeah, the Velveteen Rabbit! I'd forgotten about that! I am choosing to believe that whoever dropped that rabbit walked back by and found it again. (It's no longer there.)

  8. I would have trouble trying to shave my head with a razor. I think there would be lots of blood on the floor.

    1. Ha! I do nick myself occasionally and that's partly why I bought the skull-shaver. I'm not as limber as I used to be!

  9. Still giving "The Crown" a chance, impressed by the utter loneliness, betrayal and despair suffered by young Dianna and yes, the mouse crossing the sitting room as the Queen Mother sipped her gin, Maggie is utterly unlikeable, especially knowing her history as the worst of 100 Prime ministers (She supported the retention of Capital Punishment
    She destroyed Britain’s manufacturing industry and her policies led to mass unemployment
    She presided over interest rates of 15%
    She voted against the relaxation of divorce laws
    She abolished free milk for School Children
    She precipitated a Social Housing crisis still being felt today
    The Poll Tax
    She sowed the seeds of NHS Privatisation
    Section 28 – Thatchers quiet homophobia?
    The Irish Hunger Strikes)
    The royals are , as portrayed, a different species. Balmoral Castle looks astonishing, moody. Anyway, I am into it now, no turning back.
    I would have taken that little rabbit home, a snuggle bunny for Olga?

    1. I'm looking forward to starting "The Crown." And I'm with you on Maggie. She was a nightmare. More destructive than not.

  10. I've been thinking about buying new jeans online. I've never done that before, but shopping at the local mall doesn't seem like such a good idea. I'll remember this story when I enter my zip code!

  11. Buying clothing on-line (except shoes) can be extremely tricky. The wrong postal (zip) code would make that even more problematic. I need to rake some leaves too. Ugh. It's never ending this time of year. I haven't gotten into the Crown yet. I'm sure I would enjoy it!

    1. "The Crown" is a great show. I particularly liked the first season.

  12. I'm with Red: shaving my skull with a razor would be calamitous.

    1. It's easier than it seems, but yeah, you gotta be careful!

  13. I would not be able to order clothes online. I just have to touch and try on before I can purchase. I would quickly brave a trip to the store, wearing my mask, and grabbing what I need. So many good Netflix suggestions, I have to tear myself away from the TV or I will turn into a lazy blob! I hope the owner of the sweet rabbit can recover it!

    1. For something like chinos, which are pretty much all the same (or at least similar), I can do it. Anything unusual requires inspection first!

  14. We just watched the first episode of the fourth season of the crown last night!

    1. We're all on the same timetable! I think we'll start it tonight.

  15. I once made a VERY costly error ordering office supplies for my last place of work. Unbeknownst to me the last person who had placed an order had them sent to the person who was trying to buy the company (they had a weird relationship with them). I didn't pay attention, so that's where my order went. Only by THAT time we were in a lawsuit with them so they weren't feeling very helpful about fixing the mistake. Ugh.

    1. Ugh! Well, live and learn, as they say. I hope your boss was understanding!

  16. I just watched a trailer for Boys in the Band, it stressed me out. Too much meanness for me. I didn't realize Zachary Quinto was gay until I heard him on the radio in the past month, talking about coming out. I think he's a very good actor and of course I love Jim Parsons but he just seemed mean in the trailer.

    1. They were all very mean to each other. I think that was the theme -- the self-hatred which turns into outward snarkiness and aggression. It was friendship warring with disgust. Fortunately I'd like to think gay people are past that now!
