Monday, November 9, 2020

The Days Are Too Short

It's funny how I can have a couple of days off, spent entirely at my leisure, and I still can't get everything done that I want to do.

Did I make any progress on my backlogged New Yorker magazines? Well, I read one. But I still have a stack. I made no progress on my current Newbery book. I still haven't started "The Pickwick Papers."

Instead I cleaned and did laundry, and read all the news, and also managed to take the dog back to the cemetery. We made a couple of loops (Olga has learned that just because we've completed one loop doesn't mean we can't start again and do a second one).

Hello Kitty, still weirdly decorating a Victorian headstone, is almost buried in foliage.

I didn't see or hear the turaco. Last year, I heard it in September and then it vanished until March, so this year it seems to be following the same pattern. I'd love to know where it goes in winter -- is it still up in the trees, hiding in a hole and keeping quiet, or does it fly off to Morocco or maybe just Cornwall? Or is it back in its cage in someone's living room? Who knows.

I spent the morning pricking out foxglove seedlings into individual compartments where they can grow into small plants. As you can see, in the original seed tray (top) they sprouted in tight clusters and they need more room. This may be a fool's errand -- I've never pricked out seedlings at this time of year and I have no idea if they'll survive. We don't have a greenhouse or cold frame to grow them on -- they're going to have to manage outdoors. My impression is that foxgloves are tough as nails, and they grow wild here, so I figured I'd try. If this project is a complete failure I'll just start again with new seeds in the spring.

We watched "The Graduate," my favorite movie of all time, again last night. Every time I see it I notice new things, and the shadowy lighting and cinematography always blow me away. This was in exchange for watching "Auntie Mame," Dave's favorite movie, on Saturday.

Many Republicans appear reluctant to acknowledge Biden's win, but I think I understand why they're keeping quiet. The ones still in office have to keep their Trump-loving constituents happy. Otherwise, when election time rolls around, they could be challenged from the right. They're not exactly vocally supporting Trump's cockamamie theories of fraud, either. Just like the rest of us, they appear to be waiting to see what kind of argument he makes in court, and what evidence he presents.


  1. Forgive me for laughing out loud, in disbelief, that "The Graduate" is your favourite film. A big fat WHY? formed in my inner eye. I know you mention cinematography and shadowy lighting (!) for obvious reasons. As a story line The Graduate is one of the soppiest I have ever watched - apart from, forgotten the name, when someone's sweetheart dies of leukaemia or some such and all my female friends cried. Before you think me heartless, to this day I am moved when Bambi's mother dies.

    Never thought about it, yet it's actually a rather interesting subject "What's your favourite film". I recently mentioned to you "Some like it hot" - Jack Lemmon aka Daphne is, to me, legend. However, there are so many great films I wouldn't be able to single out the ONE. But then I'd be useless at Desert Island Disks too.

    You have such a wonderful eye. That top photo with the red touch worthy of what food stylists and interior designers do.

    On your subject of getting things done. Amazing how time seems to take on its own momentum when there is no particular urgency.


    1. Well, you and I are just going to have to disagree on "The Graduate." To me, it is the perfect movie -- well-written, cleanly edited, well-acted by a stellar cast, beautifully filmed with an exceptional musical score. I don't see the soppiness you do. It would have been soppy if Elaine and Ben hop on that bus at the end and stare into each others' eyes with winsome, forever-after expressions. But instead they both retreat inside themselves, looking mainly like they're thinking, "Holy shit!"

  2. I haven't seen The Graduate in ages, nor Auntie Mame. Sounds like a nice way to spend a weekend. Your photos are, as always, beautiful. Hello Kitty creeps me out even when not partially buried in a cemetery.

    1. "The Graduate" is always worth a re-watch! I agree, Hello Kitty is weirdly creepy. Especially in a cemetery.

  3. Of course Olga needs to do a second loop! The war on squirrels will not be over till it's over. Who gave us all these grey squirrels anyway? They're like a pandemic so I guess thy came from Wuhan.

  4. Evidence? I doubt it. I laughed at this, "and also managed to take the dog back to the cemetery". Like that is where she belongs and from the grave she has escaped and you have to put her back.

    1. Ha! It does sometimes feel like she'd rather be there than home -- but only if she's alive to chase the squirrels.

  5. Michael Cohen is saying that tRUMP will go away to Mara Lago at Christmas, and simply not return. His plan is to start his own broadcast station and spew chaos to his cult. I think that he needs to be prosecuted as soon as he leaves office for the baseless claims he's making over and over again. It's sedition.

  6. PS about the plants? Perhaps try collecting the seeds next time, but now that you've got these plants, I'd pop a styrofoam cooler on top of them. It will prevent them from freezing, but it might allow them to 'winter' in the dark and be ready to plant next spring. I don't know, but it seems that the key would really be to inhibit new growth until the spring.

    1. Oh, I have TONS of foxglove seeds. More than I could ever grow! I think they'll be fine outdoors all winter -- if it snows I'll put some kind of shelter over them -- but as I said, if not, I'll just plant again in the spring.

  7. I have three day weekends all the time and I still don't get everything done that I want. I'm kind of curious where that bird has gone for the winter too. The robins that were here in the spring also went away over the hot summer. I'll be watching for their return.

    1. Birds know more than we think they do. They have a plan!

  8. Oh, I know that everyone seems to hate Hello Kitty but there she is, doing her best to keep her head above the leaves in a most distressing situation and I have to admire her for that. I would like to know her story. Does her presence there bring comfort to someone?
    I can't believe you're putting those teeny tiny seedlings, each in their own little home of dirt. You are a good man, Steve Reed. You show respect to all the life that comes your way and tend to it with dedication.
    I think the Republicans who are keeping their tongues need to reach into their britches and find their courage and admit out loud what is inevitable. Of course, what I think means far less than even one of those darling foxglove seedlings.

    1. I am very intrigued by Hello Kitty's presence. I also wonder how she got there. It seems like such an unlikely ornament for that grave.

      I wish I could save all those seedlings, but I would be overrun with foxgloves!

      Of course I agree about the Republicans, from my perspective, but I see why they're keeping mum. They're thinking about their own political survival.

  9. Well, you and Dave have two of my favorite actors covered in your chosen films (assuming the Auntie Mame movie is the one I am thinking of)...Anne Bancroft and Rosalind Russell. Class acts, both of them.

    1. Oh yes, DEFINITELY the Rosalind Russell version! Anne Bancroft is a favorite of mine, too. I saw her on the stage in New York once and will never forget it!

  10. I haven't gotten much done this past week at all. as for Trump his argument is and always will be he was cheated, it was stolen and there is zero proof. it sort of pisses me off that the republicans are being such graceless assholes but they are certainly staying true to form continuing to obstruct everything they don't like, refusing to let Biden's transition team start.

  11. There's only about 3 lawmakers that's trying to speak up for the idiot. Lindsay Graham, Ted Cruz (I feel about him the way I do Trump) and another guy that represent Montgomery county here. I can't remember his name and trying like hell not to. Lindsay Graham should be thankful that he made it back to the Senate without being defeated. I don't see how he or McConnell won their election. Their day will be here again and pay back is hell. Ted Cruz barely won because Beto was close to winning. Some just want to be seen and all they know how to do is be radical. Most of them are quite and not commenting with Trump. We all know this man should have never been in the white house. I hope he disappear and he probably will because New York will most likely prosecute him for tax fraud. He has been scared out of his wits because of this and this is the reason he is trying so hard to stay in the white house. His only tv show will probably be from peeping from behind bars. That is why he left New York and moved to Florida. I assume he thought no one know where Florida is located. (lol) You reap what you sow and he has hurt too many people and showed his ass to the world. The names he called everyone else will haunt him while he is trying to recover his sanity. If he has any.

  12. Well, the last time I checked the days still had 24 hours!!!

  13. It's going to be interesting to see how well those foxglove seedlings do over winter. I like how you are taking such good care of them.
    We are watching and waiting to see what unfolds here. It's going to be a bumpy ride until January 20th, but we've put up with nearly four years of this sh*t. I guess we can manage for two more months. Soon the tyrant will be ushered off the stage. I hope the door hits him on the way out, and hits him hard.

  14. I hope your plants make it through the winter. I doubt they'd survive our winter. You have a good day, hugs, Edna B.

  15. What astonishes us is the "power" that the Orange wad has over people, the thrall that the followers have fallen into, like a trance. Fear is a powerful tool.
    I love Olga's thinking, like a four year old child "AGAIN!" and why not. Her life is exemplary.
    The baby plants are very cute.

  16. I remember liking the Graduate but I haven't seen it in decades. Love the photos of fall. (although I do need to rake my yard again--ugh)

  17. I wish the orange one would just stop. His lickspittle at GSA is refusing to sign the letter that releases funds, provides emails and office space for the transition teams. It's pointless, he lost. His legal team is getting nowhere thus far.
    It's a happy thing to see Olga this active.

  18. I actually kind of like the Hello Kitty - it's like a little welcome jolt of cute. Ha!

    I can't remember if we've talked about it before, but I've decided that we must be the same Enneagram number (9) because we both are able to see both sides of an issue and would like to broker some sort of peace in the situation. Ha!

  19. Even worse than what Debby mentioned - that Trump may form his own cable channel so he can keep spouting his lies - is that he is also saying he wants to run in 2024, and his minions are backing him up on that, too. They've sold their souls, I'm afraid. It makes it hard to relax even with the Biden/Harris win. Lord!
