Saturday, December 26, 2020

A Christmas Quest

Well, Christmas is over for another year. Ours was pretty quiet, as predicted. I gave Dave his two gifts in the morning -- a new knife for the kitchen and a t-shirt from Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia, the site of one of Giuliani's shambolic press conferences for Trump. (I was pretty proud of that one.)

Around noon, while Dave happily stayed home and cooked, Olga and I went for a long walk on the Heath.

On our way through Hampstead village, we saw these two police officers on horseback, their horses kitted out with special Christmas gear. Festive!

There were quite a few people on the streets, taking advantage of a rare sunny day. I overheard one woman complaining about coronavirus restrictions preventing her from visiting her apartment in Tenerife. Cry me a river, lady!

The Heath was also crowded with families out for some fresh air, probably after a frenzied morning of unwrapping presents. One little girl, no doubt exhausted, was having a full-scale screaming meltdown. Her parents were trying to bribe her into behaving by offering her chocolate, and she wasn't having it.

Olga, in a frenzy of squirrel fever, demonstrated her tree-climbing skills. (At one point she was up on the highest part of the log on the left, barking wildly, but I didn't get the picture fast enough.)

Perhaps craving a new experience to mark the holiday,  we veered off our normal route...

...and went through the grounds of Kenwood, the grand 18th Century house on the northern edge of the Heath. You can see in the background some of the people out enjoying the sunny weather. The ground was as wet as a saturated sponge, though. I squished with every step.

Eventually I got it into my head that I wanted some mulled wine. Unfortunately the restaurant at Kenwood was closed because of Covid.

So we walked up Hampstead Lane to the historic Spaniards pub, but alas, it was shuttered too.

(Coincidentally, as I was reading "The Pickwick Papers" yesterday afternoon after returning home, I came across a scene that takes place in the Spaniards' tea garden! One character says to another, "I'm sure you ought to feel very much honoured at you and Tommy being the only gentlemen to escort so many ladies all the way to the Spaniards, at Hampstead." I escorted a female staffy, and I felt honoured too.)

Anyway, I pretty much gave up on the mulled wine idea and Olga went squirrel-chasing through Sandy Heath on our way back to Hampstead village.

And then, walking down a secluded street, we found...

...this lovely little place, which answered my mulled-wine prayers! I drank it as we ambled through the nearby Hampstead churchyard in the chilly afternoon air.

Back home again, Dave and I Zoomed with his family, which was fun. I also phoned our British friend Chris, who we haven't been able to see in months. He and his wife are both in their 70s and he's not in great health, so they need to be particularly careful about Covid. He mentioned what a terrible year it's been, and I told him I'm firmly convinced things are getting better. And I really am, too. We've dumped Donald Trump, we have Covid vaccines.

The sun is coming out, people!


  1. Sounds like a lovely day. I love the way the lady mountie is smiling at you...or possibly at Olga? Glad you got your mulled wine. I think the last time I had some was in Dusseldorf a few years ago when we went with friends for the Xmas Markets. We discovered that Tyson Fury and his entourage were staying in the same hotel as us, and the next morning ( after he won a big fight...Clitchko maybe?) the hotel lobby was swarming with media etc. I congratulated him, having no idea whatsoever what sort of person he was/is ! Did anyone see him " singing" on the Jonathan Ross show a few nights ago. He stood in at very last minute for, I think, Jamie Callum and he was AWFUL ! Don't think the producers even had time to listen to him first before it went out.

    1. I didn't even know who Tyson Fury is -- I had to look him up! Your encounter makes for a good story, though. I haven't watched Jonathan Ross in ages, but I liked his show back when we did watch it.

  2. I love the picture of off-centred Olga with Kenwood behind. The lighting is excellent. As for the police officers on horseback...

    POLICE OFFICER 1: Oi! What do you think you are doing pal?
    STEVE: Just taking a picture your honour! I thought you wouldn't mind.
    POLICE OFFICER 2: Well we do mind! We are officers of the law and you my lad are nicked!
    STEVE: Oh no! I didn't mean any harm.
    POLICE OFFICER 1: I can tell from your accent that you are not from hereabouts. Are you one of those troublesome Canadians?
    STEVE: No I am from Florida in the USA.
    POLICE OFFICER 2: Never heard of it chum.
    STEVE: Do you accept bribes?
    POLICE OFFICER 1: On our salaries? Course we do. Now climb up here behind me and you can buy us mulled wine from La Cage Imaginain... That's right. You are up. Put your arms around me chum.
    POLICE OFFICER 2: Ho Silver!

    (They canter up to La Cage with OLga up on the front of the saddle of the second police officer)

    1. Ha! Actually, they were very friendly when I asked them for a picture. I'm sure they get that request all the time. And I didn't even have to pay them!

  3. Look what happens when you change your route!!
    That was a good, if soggy, walk.
    Yes, things are improving...slowly...we mustn't rush or it will be one step forward, two steps back ,again.

    1. It's true -- why DO I always follow the same route when I walk the Heath with the dog? It made a huge difference just to go in the opposite direction (as we did on Sandy Heath).

  4. "t-shirt from Four Seasons Total Landscaping"

    I am SO jealous. What a great gift!!
    As were the pictures of your walk; all that history and centuries old architecture right out the door!

    1. Ha! I went to their web site when the press conference happened and noticed they sold shirts and I seized the moment! We ARE fortunate to have so much interesting stuff right on our doorstep.

  5. Yep! You scored big on that T-shirt!
    That picture of Olga on the downed tree is wonderful. And you got your mulled wine! Dreams can come true...
    Here's to brighter days.

    1. I was so happy to get the mulled wine, even though it wasn't that good. LOL! It just gave my walk a special Christmasey vibe.

  6. I laughed at the t-shirt (and why are they called t-shirts?). that was a good one. and what did Dave give you? sounds like a good walk, especially the veering off your regular route.

    1. Yeah, I have no idea why a t-shirt is called that. Maybe because its basic shape resembles a letter T?

  7. Yes, I'm feeling somehow hopeful this week. Haven't felt that way for a long time. Your wonderful walks always help. And, of course, Olga. She must have been in heaven running around in that soggy mess.

    1. I feel the same way. I think the end of the year is bringing out a hint of optimism in all of us. :)

  8. Roger and I had a good laugh about the t-shirt from Four Seasons Total Landscaping. What a great gift. Looks like you and Olga had a wonderful walk there enjoying that perfectly sunny day. I like your attitude, Steve, about these times. Thank you for that.

    1. We DID have a good walk. It was so refreshing to follow a different route.

  9. The sun is coming out! Glad you found your mulled wine and had a rambling, amiable day.

  10. Beautiful day in your neck of the woods, Olga the star of course. The T-shirt - brilliant find! Happy new Year, pretty sure it will be!

  11. When we went for a drive yesterday morning we saw Santa and an elf riding on horseback down Cloverbar road, cups of Timmy's coffee in hand. You can't get more Canadian than that.

    I'm glad you had a good day and even if it was squishy underfoot, the sunshine looks wonderful.

    1. Ha! I hope you got a photo of Santa and the elf!

  12. Not sure what mulled wine is (like Gluhwein?) but as a non-wine drinker, I would stick to hot chocolate. What a beautiful walk, even with the crowds. I hope things are getting better too, but I'm resigned to living in my bubble for another 6 months or so. Ugh.

    1. Mulled wine is basically red wine simmered with spices like cinnamon and cloves. They had hot chocolate too! Things won't be better tomorrow, it's true, but we're moving in the right direction.

  13. 2021 is just around the corner and we are going to have a ball by spring. oh well i never did very much before the pandemic.(lol) i think we are going to have a little worry about those who refuse to take the vaccine. I will be wearing the mask for awhile. Where did you find the T-shirt? Rudy must have invested in that business. Trumpie goonies have slowed down and we know now whatever he do now is still for attention but we don't have nothing to worry about. Olga is a good climber. She is a very strong fur baby. My little fur babies barely can walk a block. When i let them outside in the back yard they sun bathe and sit down. My little boy is active but the girls are lazy. They are so tiny. Olga would make 10 or more of my babies.

    1. I read that many people who initially said they wouldn't take the vaccine are now coming around. I think in the end most people will do it. What kind of dogs are yours -- chihuahuas? Olga surprises me sometimes with her strength and agility.

  14. Great walk! I am so impressed by the Four Seasons t-shirt. That was inspired. The vaccine can not come soon enough, I need to go somewhere. Anywhere!

  15. I hope you're right, my friend. Great photos. I had to Google mulled wine and learned there are a variety of different spices used depending on who's making it or what he/she has in their spice cabinet.

    1. Yeah, I'm sure there are many varieties! I think cinnamon and cloves are the essentials...?

  16. Well, that was a fun tour around Hampstead. I loved it and since I can't be there, the pictures help a lot. That little place selling the mulled wine is so cute. Great idea with the Four Seasons t-shirt. And, I love the photo of Olga on the tree.

    1. I wish I'd caught her when she was on the high point on the left. That blew my mind!

  17. What An Outing And Classic Mr Dave Gift - Thanx For All The Olga Girl Photos - Definitely Appreciated The Cycling Photo Bomb Shot - As Always, Be Well


  18. Olga makes the estate more beautiful. I didn't know that Four Seasons Landscaping t-shirts are available. I have to check on those.


    1. Doesn't she, though? You're technically not supposed to have your dog off-lead on the Kenwood grounds, but I took her off for a moment just for the photo. :)

  19. Now that tee shirt was genius! I am jealous! Sounds like a great day even if you hadn't located the mulled wine.

    1. I would have survived without it, but it was GREAT to find it!

  20. It's a nice collection of photos. La Cage seems busy enough. The new year has to better than the last. It really couldn't be much worse.

    1. La Cage was pretty much the only place open, at least in that immediate vicinity, so they had a lock on the market!

  21. I hate to rain on your party. I think we will have covid for a while. It will take a while to do all the immunization. Trump will have left many problems that will hold everything back.

    1. Oh, I'm not saying we'll be out of the woods immediately. It's going to take time. But by spring we should be in much better shape, I think.
