Tuesday, December 22, 2020


We have three large hanging baskets in the garden, filled with the plectranthus plants that Mrs. Kravitz threw away back in the spring. Don't they look nice? It's also called Mexican mint, apparently.

We haven't had a freeze yet, but I don't think they're cold hardy so they probably won't fare well when cold finally comes. I think plectranthus is normally planted as an annual, but I've toyed with the idea of bringing at least one of them inside to tide it over until spring.

I'm thinking I could hang it from the curtain rod in the living room, though that might be a recipe for disaster.

Dave and I had to run some errands yesterday morning, and we took Olga along. It was damp outside but not rainy, and we walked all the way down to the post office to mail my mother's Christmas card, only to find it closed! Apparently there was a case of Covid among the staff so it's shuttered until Jan. 4.

We walked up to the produce market, where people were buying huge bags of fruit and veg. I don't know whether they were preparing for Christmas dinner or stocking up in case there are shortages. We've been told that because some of the European countries have closed their borders to the UK, given our new variant of coronavirus, we may see shortages of things like citrus fruit, broccoli, cauliflower and salad leaves. Of course, these are not things one can easily preserve, either, so I don't see how buying bags of it can help.

Dave moved on to the butcher and I took Olga and the vegetables home. She was ready to get out of the damp. I then decided to schlep down to the next closest post office, on Mill Lane, but when I got there, I was greeted by a line of at least 40 people. I don't need to mail my card that badly. I came home.

(I'm not sure my mom is even aware that it IS Christmas, so if she gets the card late it's not a crisis.)

Dave, meanwhile, popped in to the pharmacy where he wound up having a chat with one of our famous neighbors as they both waited. He said she actually initiated the conversation, and was very friendly. She told him she'd seen me walking Olga, and called her a "fabulous animal," or something like that. (Maybe she was actually talking about me?) He said he'd have asked for a selfie but his phone was dead. I was quite jealous -- although I've seen this neighbor out and about several times I've never spoken to her. (I'm not mentioning her by name to avoid appearing on her Google news feed like a common gossip-monger, but you can click the link above if you're curious about her identity.)

I hope Dave was properly distanced during the exchange. I wouldn't want him catching celebrity coronavirus.


  1. Those plants certainly brighten up a dark spot in the garden! You could chop a few bits off and put in water to root ( if you are lucky they might!). ...Thus ensuring plants for next year.

    1. Yeah, apparently they DO readily root, so that is an option!

  2. She who must not be named appeared in a BBC documentary about Marcus Rashford - the young Manchester United footballer - last night. Apparently she who must not be named has also been heavily involved in addressing child food poverty. Surprisingly, she did not mention Olga nor the "fabulous animal" who takes her squirrel hunting. Culling all this country's grey squirrels would help to feed impoverished kids for decades.

    1. She is quite the activist and is involved in a lot of causes.

  3. I've always enjoyed her work. Nice to know she is as down to earth. and those cast offs of Mrs. K's look great.

    1. Don't they? I had no idea what they'd become when we planted them!

  4. I adore your Famous Neighbor and she's right about Olga ..

    1. I adore her too! (Both the neighbor AND Olga, that is.)

  5. Oh my gosh and golly. I am not easily awestruck when in vicinity of celebrity, politicians or the plain dumb - but wow. Just wow. Lucky Dave. First time I "met" her and the adorable Branagh was in "Fortunes of War". She is great. Great. And then some. Having said that, in public, will not make me friends since I know at least one person who detests her. It's nice to find oneself in good company.

    Wait till Greg Wise hears of the magnificent animal (whether man or beast). Luckily he does appear to rest in himself, not the jealous type - so no daggers at dawn.

    Cauliflower stuck at the border? Great. Cauliflower one of nature's concoctions which promises so much yet delivers so little. At least it's a smooth white. Till it isn't.


    1. Well, there's always someone who will have a negative opinion, right? I think she's fantastic. I did have a brief chat with Greg Wise not too many mornings ago.

      I like cauliflower, but let's face it -- people often cover it with cheese sauce for a reason!

  6. Oh my god, I love her! Brilliant actress, I think, and so entertaining on chat shows. I'm sure she was talking about you and not Olga. The plectranthus is stunning. It can be grown indoors. I started some from cuttings and rooted them indoors one year (a long time ago). Then moved them out again. Also called Cuban Oregano. Great fragrance.

    1. OK, good to know! I wonder how the same plant can be known as both Cuban oregano and Mexican mint?!

  7. Ohhhh she stroked Nell on the Heath once in passing. Maybe she is a secret Staffie lover??

    1. Maybe! I won't tell Olga about Nell because she'll get jealous. :)

  8. Oh my goodness! I love her! She is one of my daughter's favorite actresses.

    1. I would have we’ed myself in the excitement

    2. I don't know what I would have done. It's programmed so deeply in me to leave famous people alone (from my years of living in New York) that I think I'd have been reluctant even to engage her in conversation. But I guess if she started it I'd be more comfortable.

  9. no outdoor mail drop at UK post offices? I've never met any celebrities but my husband has been mistaken for some Mexican celebrity almost every time we went over the course of about 10 years (Cozumel was our favorite vacation place and we went often).

    1. I needed to buy a stamp, so I had to wait in line. Funny about the Mexican actor!

  10. Well Olga IS a fabulous animal. And I'm sure you are too, but I don't go into people's bedrooms like that :)

    1. Ha! Neither has our famous neighbor, believe me. We don't know her THAT well.

  11. What a fun encounter Dave had! Those hanging baskets are very pretty. I hope you can preserve them for next season. I saw the pictures of traffic trying to cross the channel and people waiting at airports. It looks like England has a huge transportation mess going on right now and it's likely to spill over here too.

    1. I heard that France has opened the borders somewhat so maybe things are moving now, though I'm not 100 percent up on the news.

  12. You buried your lede, Steve! News of actual celebrity conversations is HUGE! And yes, I think she was talking about you.
    I can't believe you still haven't had a freeze whereas we've had several now. So weird.
    Does the Mexican mint actually smell like mint?

    1. Ha! Did I bury the lede, or did I save it as the kicker? Readers need a reward for getting to the end of the article. :)

    2. Oh, and I haven't smelled a minty smell from the plectranthus, but I'm not sure I've really tested it either.

  13. Slowly we are realizing that things can get worse with covid.

  14. What a wonderful encounter Dave had at that pharmacy. I love that she has noticed you and Olga out on your walks.

    1. I know I've passed her once or twice, but unless she engages with me I'm not going to do anymore than nod and smile -- so I didn't realize she'd even taken notice of us.

  15. That's a beautiful plant, Steve. I would definitely bring it in and try to keep it going over the winter! I love the way it hangs so gracefully.

    I imagine your celebrity friend was talking about you AND Olga--you're both fabulous animals! Maybe her next film will need a cameo appearance of a dude walking a bulldog through a cemetery and she'll know just who to ask. ;)

    1. That would definitely be the pinnacle of Olga's existence -- being a film extra! Although I'm not sure it would be as significant to her as to us.

  16. The ice has been broken, and she will see you with Olga and you can introduce your fabulous animal to her. She'll look confused as to why you're introducing her to Olga because she was undoubtedly referencing you

    1. Until she calls me a fabulous animal to my face I will be forever unsure. LOL

  17. Those hanging plants are very pretty. You should try to save one or take clippings if you can. Can you use it in cooking like an herb?
    I didn't know you had a famous neighbor. Fun for Dave to visit with her.

    1. I think I will bring at least one of them in, if not all three. (Because how can I save one and leave the other two to expire?)

  18. It's odd that in the UK they would actually close a post office. Our mail is completely and totally off the rails. The volume of packages has gridlocked everything.

    1. Oh, the Royal Mail has been a mess lately. There's a huge delivery backlog.

  19. You probably could, as Ellen D. says, take cuttings and start new ones over the winter for next year. They are very dramatic.

    1. I think I'll try to save at least one of them, but who knows what they'll look like in their second year. Sometimes plants (annuals) get a little ratty looking.

  20. Depending on whether or not Dave fawned over Madame X, she may have not wanted to be in a selfie, though from his description of their conversation she seems quite down to earth and accommodating.

    1. Yeah, she may have demurred at the selfie so it's just as well his phone was dead.

  21. Is there a sheltered spot in the garden where you could move the plants? Maybe you could rig up a little corner with fleece or babble wrap that it can hang behind. The queue outside our local post office was about 20 people long this morning. Glad I posted my things last week. Fun to meet a famous person and talk to them if they are friendly. I once saw Glenda Jackson in Lewisham Tescos. She was deep in her own world though. In fact I also saw her on a bus near the houses of parliament one time when I was with my Mum. Weird.

    1. I was thinking I could move them all to where that second one is -- underneath all that overhanging shrubbery. That would give them some shelter, particularly if I also wrap them. Or I could put them in the shed...? Glenda Jackson seems like she'd be an intimidating figure.

  22. Such a beautiful plant, I hope that it can be saved- again! Dave rubbing elbows- I reckon she went home to tell her family that
    she met DAVE!

    1. Ha! "You know, one of the guys who owns that fabulous animal!"

  23. I have the PBS News Hour on, and they just did a story about shortages in England because of the new strain of COVID. I've never heard of that plant, but I'd love to have one. It's beautiful. You AND Olga are fine animals.


    1. We'll see what happens with shortages. Periodically in the Brexit process we've been warned about shortages but it hasn't happened yet.

  24. Wow, that is a famous neighbor! My daughter and her husband were neighbors of Chris O'Dowd when they lived in West Hollywood. They would see him out walking his dog but never interacted with him. Hope you don't have veg shortages. That's what I survive on!

    1. I agree -- I could handle meat shortages much more easily than veg shortages.
