Tuesday, December 8, 2020


Time to catch up on some random iPhone pictures – with a bit of holiday spirit thrown in for good measure.

The display in the shop window above cracked me up. It's a home security store, devoted to locks and stuff, so why they're selling Christmas items is anyone's guess. They look pretty desperate to get rid of it all.

What is a "luxury bauble," anyway? They're plastic!

Another amusing coffee cup. We've got a million of 'em.

This little lobster has been stuck to the back of a bathroom door at work for years.

When I stopped off at work to pick up my phone on Saturday morning, I had the opportunity to snap a picture of Olga outside. She'd never been to our place of employment. She had to wait for me tied to the bike shed, so she probably wasn't all that impressed.

This says, in Czech, "rat in car."

Another fun wine label. Skulls are always artistically appealing, for some reason. It was good wine, too – a blend featuring mostly red Zinfandel, one of my favorites.

Yesterday in a bathroom at work I found all these little post-it notes stuck to the mirror. I don't know if you can read them, but they give inspirational messages in both English and French, like, "you are special" and "vous êtes forts" (you are strong). Was this someone's French homework?

And finally, the people at the party and costume store we pass on our walk to work are making a half-hearted attempt to be excited about the New Year. But I imagine running a party store during a pandemic is a struggle.


  1. I don't think there's much sadder on a superficial level than a party store in 2020. Good lord. What a weird, weird time we live in. It's always fun to go on your walks -- and Olga is looking mature in that photo!

    1. It is such a weird time, isn't it? And it just keeps getting weirder!

  2. Those baubles in the wrong shop might have " fallen off the back of a lorry" ! Do you know that expression?....I assume it is an english saying.
    I am glad that Olga was still there when you got back. A dog was stolen from outside a shop in St. Albans last week after being tied up.....the family are desperate.. 2 little girls missing their pet. ( it was a staffie cross!)

    1. I have heard that expression -- though of course in the states we'd say "truck." :)

      Sad about the dog! We have guards outside the school so she wasn't really alone. I try never to leave Olga tied outside. When we adopted her we were warned that her breed is often stolen.

  3. Oh those poor party people. All Christmas 1 pound 50, even the crap that originally went for 50p! Myself, I prefer a bit of bump with my grind (but I love the cup). That little lobster on the door would set my borderline OCD on edge, as would the post-its despite the fact that I like the messages. And I love the rat-in-car photo (even though I don't understand).

    1. I think it's a chihuahua joke -- they're like rats. (Except even more mean-tempered.)

  4. You dress very professionally for work. I thought you would go there in a Coca Cola T-shirt with faded Florida beach shorts and flip flops. Nice surprise - but where was your necktie?

    1. I agree with Mr. Pudding, as usual. YES! You need to show your co-workers what Florida Style really is. Do it for the Sunshine State! (Spoiler: the epitome of Florida Man a la mode is a mug shot.)

    2. Just because a master criminal of world renown lives in a fortress at Mar-a-Lago, Miami Beach does not mean that all Florida men are "Wanted" by the cops.

    3. I never wear a tie. Or almost never, I should say, though I have a few in my closet. I do have an affinity for shirts with bright prints, which is kind of Florida-ish, don't you think?

    4. Here in Northeast Florida it's rare to see a man wearing a shirt with bright colors. I think that's more of a Miami thing, although I admit I've never been there. Now that temps are lower I see a lot of men wearing sweatshirts with shorts and sandals. Go figure.

  5. The post it notes are really nice. They come from a good heart. I like that the lobster has stayed there for so long.

    1. Yeah, that little lobster is amazingly durable!

  6. The strangest things annoy me and those post it notes would be one of them. "You are special." Oh please. How do they know? And serial killers are, by definition, pretty special. Not that there are any serial killers on the loose in your school.
    Love the picture of "rat in car." Nice composition and reflection.
    I'd rather look at skulls, though, and that one on the wine bottle is a fine one.

    1. LOL -- I have the same reaction to the notes. We're just too cynical!

  7. I'm looking forward to 2021 because can anything be worse than 2020?
    Gosh I hope not.

  8. we are ALL ready for 2021, especially January 20, 2021.

    1. I'm not into numerology or anything, but there seems to be some significance to that date -- 1/20/2021 -- it's like a palindrome! Maybe that's a good omen.

  9. As soon as I saw the first photo today, I thought, That is the Charlie Brown of Christmas displays.

    1. Isn't it?! Like Frances said, it's like the stuff fell off a truck and he's trying to make some money from it.

  10. I love the little lobster. I would be VERY tempted to add something to him. A cow? Shrimp? A rock? Definitely a rock!

    1. Ha! On the other hand, if we start adding stuff, the cleaning staff might be tempted to take it all down. Leaving him alone probably helps his longevity.

  11. I would think that at some times there could be many, many photos on your phone.

    1. Oh, Lord, I have hundreds of photos on my phone. I try to keep them pared down, and I almost never go back and look at the old ones, but they're all stored there just in case.

  12. A fun collection of photos. I wondered if Olga went into school with you. That lobster on the door is a nice touch but, the rat in the car made me laugh. I love the optimism of the party store.

    1. Yeah, that rat/chihuahua made me laugh, too -- especially when I figured out what the words said.

  13. I like seeing your reflection so I know what you look like. Your scalp shaver is doing a nice job! The post-its are sweet!

    1. Yeah, I don't blog myself very often, but it was kind of unavoidable in this case!

  14. The optimism of the party store is encouraging, and I do think 2021 will be better, how could it not be? Olga's tail is not happy, she is such a pretty girl , if I saw her there I might take her home with me if she would come. Crappy Christmas decorations likely from Poundland a few Christmastides ago, making a profit with 50p added! Love the photo
    of post-its with reflection of Mr. Tidyman , looking fabulous!

    1. Poundland! Of course! That's probably where they came from. Olga would undoubtedly go with you if you were friendly and had treats.

  15. What has this year brought us to? Steve, taking photographs in the loo?

    1. I know -- I've reached a new low. But notice I am standing strategically so you don't see the toilet. I'm trying to be classy!

  16. I am hesitant to be too excited about 2021--no magic answers to what has ailed us in 2020. Love the notes! Je souris, mais pas souvent en ce moment.

    1. I'm sure 2021 will be largely recovery from 2020!

  17. People will steal your fur babies. i can remember my little girl slipped out of the door during the time I was going to and from home depot getting soil for my vegetable garden. I didn't miss her until I was letting the other two outside and she wasn't there. Steve, I was crying, I put my gun in my purse and was walking the neighborhood trying to find her. I called my sister to tell her Babs are missing and she reminded me to check my cameras. When I checked my camera I saw her under the tree in the shade and my next door neighbor was over there talking to her. He didn't leave me a note but instead carried her in his house and he then went to work. You will go crazy if Olga is missing.(lol) So much bullshit is going on here in Texas. I just saw on the news that our attorney general is filing another lawsuit to try to over turn the election. I just wonder if they think it's going to happen. If it does, they are going to war. They are trying to take our voting rights away. We've been trying hard to turn Texas blue because this man has already got a law suit filed on him by employees in his office. I don't understand why your party affiliation make someone dishonest. We are paying them to hurt us.

    1. The political situation is just insane right now. Fortunately, all these frivolous lawsuits are failing. I'm glad you found your dog! As I said above, I never leave Olga unattended if I can help it.

  18. Yes to 2021 and most especially January 20th. Oy, I wish I could speed up time. Nice photos!

    1. We knew these months between the election and inauguration were going to be insane, and Trump is not disappointing us.

  19. An interesting selection from your phone. I can't imagine what the rat in car is all about but I like the picture! I saw a load of Christmas decorations in Sainsbury's the other day that were various sparkly forms of 2020. I bet they regretted designing that one all those months ago!

    1. Ha! Yeah, talk about a year NO ONE wants to remember! The "rat in car" is a chihuahua joke.

  20. The "rat in car" is quite open to interpretation! The car owner, the driver? Who knows?
    And the decal, I first thought that was the rat. On closer inspection it seems to be a small dog. Maybe behaving like a rat...
    Perhaps all I need is a glass or two of red Zinfandel and all the answers will come to me...

    1. You're almost there! LOL -- the dog is a chihuahua, which are often disparaged as rats.

  21. I don't know about 'luxury baubles', but those are the things that people with tree climbing cats are stuck with. PS: It made me laugh: one of those rolls of wrapping paper is the same stuff that I managed to finish up this year.

    1. It's pretty amazing that we have the same wrapping paper here that you have there. Globalization!

  22. I think some people call chihuahuas "rats", don't they? Bad people, that is :)
    If I had to guess, I'd say the shop owner is selling his/her own excess Christmas stuff. Maybe to help defray pandemic losses.

    1. Yeah, exactly, it's a chihuahua joke. I wouldn't think a home security business would HAVE pandemic losses, but I guess everyone is affected. Seems like a dubious way to make extra money, though -- especially at £1.50 per item!

  23. I don't know what a luxury bauble is, but I'm sure my ex-mother-in-law knows and would gladly tell you. One year she gave us a plastic ornament that she insisted was crystal. She also left on the price tag. It cost 75 cents.

