Friday, January 8, 2021

Rabbit Hole

I'm trying very hard to limit my intake of news, particularly from the right-wing sites, as it's all so upsetting. But it's hard to turn away, isn't it? What's happening in Washington is tragic but it's also riveting.

I have mixed feelings about trying to remove Trump from power at this late date. I agree that he's dangerous and I'd like to get him away from the nuclear codes as soon as possible. But I fear invoking the 25th amendment and/or impeaching him again will simply make him even more of a martyr in the eyes of his deranged followers. It will add to the mythology that he's some kind of savior campaigning single-handedly, against all odds, to save the country from pedophiles and Satanists. (As one of my former coworkers used to say, "You gotta laugh to keep from cryin'.")

Anyway, I don't really want to go down that rabbit hole this morning. I'm exhausted. It's funny -- I knew that protest was going to be wild, and I was prepared for it. But seeing the Capitol building breached in that manner has left me literally shaking, and hearing all the lies and deflections ("It was ANTIFA!") is even more infuriating. (It's funny how right-wingers are always going on about personal responsibility, but when it comes to their own responsibility they quickly blame someone else.)

Not to trivialize them, but these Trumpers are like annoying little brothers who keep punching you in the arm, and when you say "He's hitting me!" to your parents, little brother says, "Nuh UH! It wasn't me! I didn't do anything!"

Except, of course, that they're a hundred thousand times more dangerous.

And see? I'm going down that rabbit hole. Note to self: STOP!

I spent all of yesterday at home. I need to go do something productive but I'm a bit at a loss. I've walked all the neighborhoods around here and I'm just not that excited about doing it again, and yet, I don't want to get on the tube or the train. Conundrum.

On the positive side, I'm reading Becky Cooper's "We Keep the Dead Close," and it's a fascinating, absorbing book. It helps immensely to have something good to read.

When I was at the cemetery with Olga several days ago, I found some unopened lilies on the ground next to a trash bin. I have no idea why someone would discard them -- maybe they came in a mixed bouquet and the buyer didn't like lilies? Anyway, I picked them up and brought them home, and now they're blooming.

I also haven't taken our Christmas lights off the avocado tree. I might just leave them up, at least through the winter. They're cheery and frankly, I need that now!

(Top: A colorful scene off Finchley Road.)


  1. It's hard not to feel all kinds of feelings these days, by the minute or second, even! Exhausting, to say the least. And heart-breaking and stressful, etc. etc. But dang, those lilies are gorgeous!

    1. Aren't they? They really brighten things up right about now!

  2. The Finchley Road garden is so lush and colourful. I love the lilies. I just side-stepped the rabbit hole (I've been bouncing from one news site to the next this morning. I need a drink.)

  3. Perfect vase for the found lilies.
    Rabbit hole pocks at every turn. Who knows what the trumpians have planned, white supremacists , toddlers in camo with long guns, afraid of losing the only specious "power" to which they feel entitled It will be and has been a long reckoning but, I think this may be the turning point ( don't we say that every time). Covid may wipe out a few of that gang, they were not exactly social distancing were they. Ok, so the pendulum has swung far right for four years, maybe it will become more centrist with Joe. Who the EFF knows.

    1. “A democracy cannot thrive where power remains unchecked and justice is reserved for a select few. Ignoring these cries and failing to respond to this movement is simply not an option — for peace cannot exist where justice is not served.” – US Congressman John Lewis

    2. Good quote. Wouldn't Lewis be appalled if he were alive to see all this? I do think this is something of a turning point. The people who invaded the capitol (and their defenders) have to understand that they are on the fringe. They are not mainstream America. We need to make that clear to them.

  4. I have also left some " xmas" lights on some plants. They are the tiny lights that are along thin copper wire run by batteries. They are strung along 3 white orchids ( the ones with fairly small almost star shaped flowers) and they look so pretty in the evening.
    The lilies are so pretty. Perhaps someone didn't like yellow!

  5. PS. The lilies are so "attractive" !! Can't use " pretty" twice!

    1. It's OK -- I'm not your English teacher. :)

      It does help to have some sparkly lights at this time of year.

  6. Steve we are learning more about this daily. Eric Trump, Donald Trump jr. Rudy and the youngest Trump daughter joined Eric at a rally urging the mob squad to go to the Capitol building. So along with Donald trump, there's others who need to be charged. Do I feel sorry for the death of those four people. Hell no. Instead of running from them, those officers should have shot more of them. I always try to save space but I am not going to run this together. (lol)

    I just learned that Lindsay Graham was his golfing buddy and Mitch McConnell wife was working in the white house. This is the reason he didn't get impeached and was stopped by McConnell. We are learning a lot from Donald trump. Their contact with this idiot was kept secret. I know Lindsay and Mitch just got re-elected but they should resign also. Ted Cruz is back here now saying he is not going to resign. We will get his ass at the next election. No he will never be forgotten. The mayor and everyone with power is saying he should resign.

    1. After hearing that this officer died from the injury he sustained from this mob I do give condolences to his family and fellow officers who did the best that they could. The officer that was taking selfies with this mob need to be charged with his death.

    2. I do think there are a lot of questions about the police and their role in this. Why was the building left so inadequately defended? Were the police instructed to let those people inside? I heard one of them even gave the protesters directions to Chuck Schumer's office! WHY on earth would he do that?!

  7. The flowers in the vase look lovely. Such a simple and effective picture though I am intrigued by the hint of a reflection that is present in the glass surface upon which the vase is standing.

    Why not walk further out from West Hampstead? Go west to Harrow-on-the-Hill or south to Kensington Gardens. Pick a nice day and leave Olga with Uncle Dave.

    1. Yeah, I could. Some days I just feel like I've walked everywhere within walking distance, but honestly, I'm just being whiny.

  8. Those lilies, like your Christmas lights in the avocado plant, are indeed cheer in the darkness.
    Hang in there, Steve. Keep saving the flowers others discard. You are a light in the darkness, too.

    1. I want that little "hug" emoji from Facebook to respond to your comment. :)

  9. We often leave our Christmas lights up until the time changes - we need the extra brightness in the dark season!

    One reason for impeaching or 25th amendmenting Trump is so he can't run for office again. Because he's crazy enough to do it!

    1. Extra brightness is always a good thing! Yeah, I guess it would make sense to prevent any future Trump candidacy. I really don't see the Republicans nominating him again, though. Surely enough of them see how toxic he is.

  10. I'm sure many people are down the same rabbit hole with you. I don't know how these people will ever be untwisted.

    1. Neither do I. They are not grounded in reality, and I don't know how we deal with that.

  11. Those lilies are beautiful. Nice save.
    Wednesday's insurrection at the Capitol instigated by the President and carried
    out by his lunatic white supremacist supporters was alarming and outrageous. I would like to see Trump removed from office in a way that would prevent him from ever running for office again. A dangerous psychopathic narcissistic unhinged lunatic shouldn't be president.

    1. I just can't see him getting nominated again, but you're probably right that it makes sense to do all we can to prevent that.

  12. not me, I dove head first into that rabbit hole. the most important thing at this point is stopping Trump from doing anything and everything. I don't care if he stays in office til the bitter end as long as he is ham stung, blocked from using the power of the president. impeachment though would mean that he would never be able to run for office again.

    pretty lilies. yeah, why would anyone toss them unless they thought they wouldn't open.

    1. Yeah, I agree he needs to be blocked. He is so dangerous, particularly in these waning days when he may want to sabotage Biden and think he has nothing to lose.

  13. What a nice save on those lilies. I can't imagine throwing them away.
    It's very hard not to watch the news. I feel like I've had it on constantly for two days now. I have the same mixed feelings about removing the idiot. It would make things even worse. My gut tells me that he can't get away with much more. He's been very soundly condemned from all corners. One idea I've heard is to get him to fly to Florida and keep him there for the remainder of his term.

    1. He now says that's where he'll be for the inauguration. As I told Dave, the only reason to have him at the ceremony would be to lessen the likelihood of a right-wing assault. He'd be a human shield.

  14. I don't think we're finished with this yet and I want him officially gone. I am still scared of what he might do. He(and his followers) haven't yet hit rock bottom.

  15. I'm very far down the rabbit hole, should probably take a break. It's becoming clear that it was a conscious decision not to send backup to the Capitol Police. It did not need to be as bad as it was. Of course, we can say that about the pandemic as well. AZ is, as expected, totally screwing up the vaccine rollout. Some days I feel like this will never be over.

    1. Yeah, the police conduct is my biggest question. Were they complicit? Were they simply trying to keep themselves safe? Were they ordered to stand down and allow that occupation?

  16. I do think that Trump has to be held accountable in some way - whether by removal through the 25th amendment, impeachment, or through legal means. He should be arrested along with the domestic terrorists that attacked the Capitol. He should never be allowed to run for office again along with members of his family that participated in this attempted coup.

    1. Yeah, I'd love to see his family banned from holding office as well. The whole Trump/Kushner clan is toxic.

  17. Lovely photo of the lilies. I really worry about Biden's safety myself. Several months ago Trump "predicted" that if Biden won, he would be dead within a few days of taking office. The Capital police were in a no-win situation with one message from the White House, refusal to get them help and mob mentality. I do feel sorry for them.

    1. I worry too. I'm sure he and Harris will have immense levels of security. I feel bad for the cops as long as they weren't complicit, and I'm not sure that isn't the case. I'd like to see those questions answered.

  18. I hate Jeremy do dah on radio 2 but today I had to laugh when he had people phone in to drown out the news with special skills singing backwards and playing the own pipes

    1. Ha! Maybe I need to teach myself to sing backwards! ANYTHING to make it stop.

  19. Another impeachment seems to be symbolic more than anything else. Aides says--anonymously, of course--that the creature doesn't think he did anything wrong. He never thinks he does anything wrong. It does look as if the mob threatens to reform for the inauguration, when he'll be back at Mar A Lago. He says he's going the day before.


    1. It's astonishing that he can't see how different his administration is from previous administrations -- how different his own conduct is. He is so utterly blind and delusional.

  20. Did you hear there is another plan of Trumpian violence for Jan 17 and then again for inauguration day? I wish Biden would do his swearing in indoor, virtually, and from an undisclosed location.

  21. I would have thought the Trumpers would hold close to their heart the precious democratic institution of the United States, yet they seem to have no respect for it all, or perhaps it only applies when they think they are on the winning side.
