Friday, February 5, 2021

A Daffodil Blooms

We are seeing definite signs of spring! Yesterday I noticed several long-tailed tits flitting around our bird feeders...

...and the daffodils in the garden are beginning to bloom. (So far only this one, but as you can see, we have lots of buds on the way.)

Totoro spent the winter indoors, after being knocked off the walnut tree last fall. I'd been hanging him up with natural-fiber cord, but that stuff deteriorates over time and becomes vulnerable to marauding squirrels. So when I finally re-hung him yesterday I did it with metal wire. Even Totoro's green glass bell clapper is now suspended from wire. Totoro isn't going anywhere.

Otherwise, a quiet day yesterday. I finished another Newbery book and realized with shock that even if I read two Newbery winners per week -- which is a pretty ambitious goal, I think -- I'll be reading these books for another six months! I don't think I fully realized the immensity of this project when I began it.


  1. The tit is quite attractive. Have you ever seen a pair of them?
    What will happen to the daffodil if you receive a dump of snow?
    Totoro is very sweet.

    1. I've even seen three at once! Daffodils are fine with snow. They might get bent down but they'll survive.

  2. Beautiful bird photo. Totoro is looking new and refreshed. I love daffodils. We had probably thousands of them in our gardens and woods in Connecticut. When I was young, my sister always bought a bunch for my mother every year the minute the local flower kiosk had them.

    1. They really embody the promise of spring, don't they?

  3. Signs of spring...wonderful to see. Right now we've got freezing rain, and it is supposed to get cold again. Another snow is behind that. I'll try to comfort myself with the knowledge that somewhere in the world. it is spring. (And I don't need Andrew to waltz in here and remind me that somewhere in the world it's summer!)

    1. We're supposed to get snow this weekend, actually. So although we're seeing signs of spring, it's not here yet. :)

  4. A real breath of fresh air post. Love that little tit and the daff.

    1. It will be much colder air this weekend, unfortunately. :(

  5. I never realised you were a fan of tits Steve. I have always been enthusiastic about tits - especially great tits. It's nice to see great tits when walking in the countryside.

  6. I love when the daffodils start to come up again in the yard,

  7. I am looking at the bird feeder right now where there are SO many finches.
    Dozens. It's so joyful, watching them. It's like a finch rave!

  8. Love that blooming daffodil sign of spring.

  9. Replies
    1. Indeed, although we're apparently getting a cold blast this weekend. :(

  10. These are all very positive signs that spring is on its way. Cute little bird and pretty daffodil. And it's good to see Totoro grinning in the garden.
    And, have your talents been suitably rewarded?

    1. I suppose they have, but I'm always ready for more reward! LOL

  11. My daffodils usually bloom around Easter so I won't see them until April! Thanks for the early peek at yours! (Totoro looks like he knows the cold is coming!)
    Keep reading - you can do it! "You" talents will be rewarded!!

    1. I've gone too far to give up now, but being right in the middle of the project is hard -- it's like being on mile 13 of a marathon.

  12. I'm jealous. We won't see anything pretty coming up in our gardens for quite a while. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  13. The long tailed tit clearly lives in hope. As do I - regardless of the time of year. No, actually I don't. I live in the moment. Bring me sunshine, bring me rain. I am all yours, taking it in my stride. As the Buddhist says or some such.

    Our municipal parks, well kept, still devoid of daffodils. Even Marks & Spencer let me down this morning. Daffodils over, Tulips it is. Tulips being a tidy flower in a coiffured way. Not a hair out of place. I am torn between admiring them and indignant at their being so sculpted. They also have unfortunate habit of flopping their heads two days in. Any self regarding flower should just wilt - gracefully.

    I shan't say anything on Totoro since I don't know its purpose in your life. Prominent gnashers. Maybe it's an American thing.


    PS I don't what this Newbury thing of yours is. Next, you may consider reading "A Series of Unfortunate Events" by Lemony Snicket. Book One's promising title "The Bad Beginning".

    1. The Newbery Medal is an award given annually by the American Library Association for, basically, the best children's book of the year. It's a very prestigious honor and the award will be 100 years old next year -- so to mark the occasion I've been reading ALL the Newbery winners. I know those Snicket books! The kids love them, but they didn't win a Newbery. :)

  14. Your daffies seem early. It is still winter though winter is no longer predictable so it is anyone's guess. Of course reading every Newbury winner is an emense challenge, speed reading might be helpful. I always appreciated Caldecott winners, visually splendid and less demanding...Fabulous illustrations. Love seeing our good neighbor Totoro, a fave!

    1. We've had daffodils show up in late January in years past. I don't know what's early and what's not -- I haven't lived here long enough to judge! Yes, the Caldecotts are excellent books too!

  15. The first signs of spring are so exciting, signaling the coming of the best time of the year. I admire your Newbury reading project.

  16. I also have one daffodil! I'll have to check and see if the others are producing buds. I think I only got one last year.
