Sunday, February 14, 2021

Frozen Heath Walk

I got up a bit late this morning, so my post is tardy. Apologies to those in the UK who usually read my blog at breakfast. (You know who you are!)

Yesterday Dave and I took Olga to the Heath for probably the coldest walk there I've ever experienced. Yes, you read that right -- Dave came too! He never accompanies us on Heath walks, but when I suggested it, to my surprise he said, "Sure!"

According to my phone it was 28º F (-2.2º C). The normally boggy paths were hard as granite, completely frozen solid -- which was a good thing because they were much easier to walk on and the dog stayed clean! You can see she's on red-alert for squirrels, above, with Nanook of the North trailing in her wake.

I brought my big camera, but when I took it out to use it, I discovered that I'd forgotten to put the battery back after recharging. So it was completely useless, a purposeless burden hanging from my shoulder, and these were taken on my phone.

The ponds were frozen over, and my hands got so numb I could barely move them. At one point, on the way home, while pulling out my phone to check the temperature, I realized my wallet wasn't in my pocket. I had a moment of panic, thinking I may have dropped it somewhere with my numb hands. But I decided it may be at home and indeed, it was, sitting in the bedroom in its usual place. Whew! (All I keep in it are a bank card and a tube card, so even if I'd lost it, the world wouldn't end.)

I made a little video to show how sad the garden looks after our deep freeze of the past week. Everything is limp and bedraggled, but it will bounce back. Except for my trays of foxglove seedlings, that is -- remember how I carefully pricked them out into individual compartments last fall? Well, I knew it was probably the wrong time of year for such an activity, and sure enough, they've all died -- every single one. A lot of them were dug up by squirrels even before our cold spell.

I still have tons of seeds, though, so no big deal. I'll just start again when the weather warms up.

Finally, this was cocktail hour two nights ago. My craft gin club box included a recipe and ingredients for a gin cosmo made with cranberry juice. They were OK, and they looked nice, but I feel like every special cocktail I make through that club winds up being pink and sweet. I much prefer a plain old G&T!


  1. My garden looks pretty much like yours.....Dead! I can just hear Olga saying let me in, let me in! Just been down the garden to the shed to check my foxglove seedlings....they are looking alive ! The shed has a huge window all down one side, so they have light as well as being fairly protected. Lots of other rooted cuttings in there too....if only I had labelled them !!

    1. I'm glad your seedlings have survived! I didn't give mine any protection at all, which was a mistake. It will be interesting to see what grows from your mystery cuttings!

  2. Your hands got so numb that you could barely move them? Perhaps you have not heard of a new-fangled invention for keeping hands warm in cold weather? They are called gloves and very useful they are too. Mind you, you might prefer some thick knitted mittens à la Bernie Sanders. Warm and stylish too.

    1. I have a pair of gloves, knitted for me by my boss, but I left them at work by accident. :(

  3. Dave chose a good day to walk with you and Olga, mud plugging can be soul destroying!!
    Mitts is the way to go..short fingered gloves...I have some knitted in an Alpaca/Wool blend. Alpaca has the highest Tog value of an animal fibre apparently and the wool gives it more strength.
    It's a pain forgetting the battery..but you take good photos with your phone.

    My Foxglove seedlings have survived so far but not the Lupins. Luckily I didn't sow all the seeds that you sent!!

    1. When you say short-fingered, do you mean the fingers are exposed? That's how mine are -- they cover the hand but leave the fingers bare. My boss made them that way so I can continue to operate my camera!

  4. You've become so English, complaining about the cold at only minus two.
    Yes, your garden doesn't look too good in the video.
    It is good to see ice in London. There should be ice skating on the Thames.
    I'll go for the g&t too, although I don't mind a martini.

    1. Re. the cold, everything is relative! I don't think the Thames was icy enough for skating. I wouldn't try it, anyway!

  5. I guess there are perks to a frozen bog walk!

  6. When I buy a cell phone, the camera is the most important feature on it. I need a good camera for just the reason you discovered. I may forget my camera, forget to change the battery in the camera, etc. But at least I can still take good photos with my cell phone. And you did. Happy Valentine's Day, hugs, Edna B.

  7. well, mine's not looking dead yet but certainly will be in a few days. two nights in the teens starting tonight. the Heath is still looking pretty green.

    1. There are a lot of evergreens on the Heath, particularly the underbrush -- lots of holly and blackberry vines and yew.

  8. Despite the freezing cold temps there it looks like you, Dave and Olga got in a good walk. There's something about frosty frozen landscapes that are so peaceful and beautiful. We're still having rain here, lots and lots of rain.

    1. We did have a good walk. It was fun having Dave along for a change!

  9. It's been -25C to -35C most of the week here, with wind chills dropping the temp into the -40C range and lower at times. There have been extreme cold warnings all week and I am looking forward to taking the dogs for a walk again when it warms up to -10C. It's all about perspective:)

    Mud is much nicer when it's frozen but I'm guessing you guys could have used some toques and mittens to keep warm.

    1. Good God, that is REALLY cold. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, given where you live!

  10. Sounds like very miserable weather but it's a credit to you to get out for a walk. Next time wear your mitts.

    1. Yeah, I wish I'd had them! They're sitting on my desk at work!

  11. What is that music? It's so nice!
    You're going to have a good month's worth of work, cutting back and cleaning out all the frozen plants. Everyone is cold in blogworld today! Not so much here. Chilly, but not cold. I am grateful, but feel a bit guilty.

    1. It's just a piano track that came with iMovie for use as background music.
      Yeah, the garden definitely needs some maintenance now!

  12. That is very cold to be out walking. You are much hardier than I am. I can see that the freeze has taken a toll. That solid ice in the bucket was pretty amazing. Those cocktails look very nice and remind me that I'm out of gin. I better put that on my shopping list.

    1. The weather has warmed so dramatically that the ice-bucket is now almost entirely melted. Amazing how it happened so fast!

  13. We're heat adapted. Going out in those temperatures would be too painful. It was nice that the mud was frozen, no dog washing required.

    1. I guess it's all about what you're used to! I'm not great in the heat anymore.

  14. Brrr, that's chilly! We are at 30, still snowing and I'm at 8-10 inches. Not a fan! Those drinks look tasty; I love cranberry juice. (but minus the liquor)

    1. Yeah, that's enough snow to be a real impediment to getting anywhere!

  15. My garden is buried deep under snow so who knows what it looks like! It is a HIGH of 3 degrees(F) here today! So no walks for me. I enjoyed your video with music. I love snooping around your place!

    1. I don't think it's snooping if you're invited in! LOL

  16. Nanook looks nice, although chilly. The music with your video is calming. It's pouring here.


    1. Ah, a pouring Florida rain. That sounds so nice.

  17. Ah, gin and tonic. I love gin and tonic but my wife (SWMBO, you know) won't allow gin in the house. She says men who drink gin become violent drunks. So I have to get it when we go out and you know how that goes. We haven't been out since last March! So no g and t for poor Bruce (aka Catalyst).

  18. Brrr - that's definitely too cold for me to want to walk. On the other hand, I also don't like to walk in hot weather. Or mild weather. Mainly I stay indoors. :)

    1. Ha! I get stir-crazy if I sit around inside too much. I need to keep moving.

  19. Methinks quarantine life is getting to Dave. Nice to see his picture on the heath!
