Friday, April 2, 2021


I went for a walk at lunchtime yesterday and came across some commotion on a street near the school. It was a film set, with location trucks and lots of personnel standing around, and a few curious observers lurking nearby.

I walked by again a few minutes later, and a camera had been extended into the air on a long boom.

Then I noticed the shops along the street had all been altered. Usually they're empty and mostly blank-windowed and white-faced. They've been spiffed up with some colorful paint and old-fashioned signs.

And look at this window, with all the music posters. Ella Fitzgerald? The Supremes? The Three Degrees?

As you can see from the faux street sign, this tiny street has been turned into a simulacrum of the King's Road in Chelsea, back in the 1970s. I asked a guy standing around what was being filmed, and he told me it's a six-part TV show called "Pistols." I imagined a cop drama, but then when I got home I did some research and I think it must be this. (It's actually called "Pistol," singular.)

Anyway, kind of cool coming across that unexpectedly in the middle of a humdrum workday.

We are off work now, though, for Spring Break. Woo hoo! We'll be taking it easy through next week. Unfortunately, the weather is not cooperating. We've had sunny, balmy temperatures in recent days, but last night was chilly and things are going to continue to get colder -- down to 28º F (-2º C) on Tuesday, I believe. Even snow is in the forecast! I'll have to drag the potted plants inside once again, and I'm not sure what to expect for the seedlings and the new growth on all the trees and shrubs. I suppose many of them are designed to withstand cold temperatures in early spring, but still -- as Queen Victoria reputedly said, "We are not amused."


  1. If the director had spotted you, I am sure that he or she would have signed you up straight away as a ruthless assassin. I see that they had brought in an old Citroen DS - a very characterful car.

    1. Thank you for reminding me of my then Maths teacher (I was about twelve). He drove a Citroen DS, the Shark, white. A car with attitude. As you say "characterful" (your 'very' struck by the editor) as was my teacher. Unlike the rest of my school career's math teachers he was - whilst tall - the most benign. Think Hugh Laurie.

      As it happens I have a continuing love affair with Citroen, make of my choice. My brother once let me overtake him (on a German Autobahn with no speed limit). It was most generous and indulgent of him since he was driving a Mercedes.


      PS Please give Hamel(d) my best regards. Now that I am banned from your blog his and my line of communication broken. I hope not beyond repair.

    2. YP, I tried to look as threatening as possible, but alas, it did not result in a job.

  2. The show sounds interesting, although I wonder if I could tolerate the sound. I was never a fan, but did often like their lyrics. Nice to have the street temporarily spiffed up and interesting looking.

    1. I'm not even sure I've ever heard a Sex Pistols song. I already know they're not my style.

  3. I immediately thought Sex Pistols. Sexy bad boys.
    Wow, it was so warm and then -2.

  4. After our stretch of warm days, it snowed here yesterday. Working off Queen V, I don't think that there was a more unamused character than me. I spent an hour in an Amish barn meeting, and thought that I'd never be warm again.

    That's pretty neat about the movie set.

    1. Yeah, an hour at an Amish barn meeting does sound pretty dire!

  5. WOW what a gift of the day! The set looks wonderful , can'[t wait! something else to watch as we are still in stay at home mode. "Trainspotting" disturbed...I assume this one will also. Stay warm and cosy. Spring can not seem to make up its mind. Thanks for the look at the dolled up window fronts. That would be fun to work on!

    1. Yeah, I think it will be pretty interesting. I've liked Danny Boyle's earlier work. "Trainspotting" was awesome, and didn't he also do "Slumdog Millionaire"?

  6. That's the great thing about not tearing down the old and putting up the new. A few subtle changes and you are suddenly back in the past.

    1. It's true! London's bones don't change much, except down in the financial district where there's always another glass tower going up.

  7. The Three Degrees! I haven't thought of them in years. I was on the King's Road in 1977 as a 21-year-old tourist and I walked past a very tall guy wearing a full length fur coat, and it was Eric Idle. I actually turned around, mouth open, and watched him walk away. There used to be a Safeway on the King's Road, too, which I thought was amusing, as I'd only seen Safeways in California. They sold rhubarb flavored yogurt, so, yeah, it was definitely an English Safeway.

    1. That's a pretty cool celebrity sighting, especially given the time period. I had no idea there was ever a Safeway in Chelsea. It's not there now, I can tell you that.

  8. I, too, thought "Sex Pistols" when that guy told you the name. How cool! I am a little surprised that they are shooting during this pandemic, though. I hope everyone stays safe. I can't even imagine how much spittle gets spread during a performance taping.
    And that may have been the most old lady thing I've ever said but there you go.

    1. I'm surprised I didn't immediately think of the Sex Pistols, but I didn't. There is a sign right next to the site location (lower left, third picture) that says they're abiding by all government restrictions regarding Covid. I assume this means masking and distance when possible.

  9. What a cool thing to find out on your walk. Now that's a series you and Dave are definitely going to have to watch.
    Hope the weather warms up there. We actually had one day with temps in the 70s. It was HOT! Now we're back to foggy gray.

    1. Yeah, we'll definitely watch it! So often I see things on TV and recognize the locations and think, "Wow -- when did they film that?!" Now I know!

  10. the weather here is up and down but typical for the winter/spring battle. right now it's a bit chilly outside but clear blue sky and most important...NOT humid. how fun to stumble across the filming. and those old buildings will get to keep their new coat of paint.

  11. It's always fun to run into a movie set.
    I'm off to Tucson today on my very first out of town trip in over a year. The weather isn't cooperating here either but in the opposite direction. It's way too hot for this time of year. I was hoping to enjoy being outside but time spent in the heat might have to be trimmed a little.

    1. I'm glad you're getting a chance to travel! Looks like I'll be staying put this week. I don't think we're allowed to travel yet.

  12. Well, you will have to keep an eye on that movie set! I bet you will want to watch the series when it comes out. I have heard of the Sex Pistols but didn't follow them at all.
    Hope your weather warms up!

    1. We'll definitely watch it, but yeah, I was never a fan of the Sex Pistols either. I remember kids in high school wearing Sex Pistols t-shirts, but I couldn't name even one of their songs, much less sing it.

  13. What fun to come across a movie being filmed. We had one filmed here a couple towns over just recently. It proved to be quite interesting. We're getting the cold temps too. Hopefully, warmer temps are on the way again. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Why are we all getting slammed with cold simultaneously? It's so strange!

  14. Not amusing at all to get cold weather and possible snow when we are ready for spring! (and when winter is officially OVER) Enjoy the relaxation at least, if not the temperatures!

    1. It will give me a chance to catch up on things around the house!

  15. Perhaps you could amuse yourself during your "spring" (HA!) break by becoming an extra in that t.v. series.

    1. I bet being an extra is incredibly boring. Probably lots of standing around and inactivity.

  16. One of my favorite things in NYC is stumbling onto movie sets. I was an extra in Marathon Man in the seventies, which was filmed on the campus of Columbia University. A Dustin Hoffman flick. And yes, there was lots of standing around, but I was with friends so it felt quite social.

    1. How fun! I've seen "Marathon Man" -- the dentist scene, UGH. I'll have to look for you if I ever watch it again!
