Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Lion Mask

On Sunday as I was coming back from Limehouse, this guy sat across from me on the tube. Gotta love that mask! I thought I was pretty sneaky in taking his picture, but it looks like he definitely caught on. Fortunately he didn't bite or scratch me.

And with that, here's the mid-month edition of Random Pictures on Steve's iPhone.

The Iceland supermarket on Finchley Road closed a few days ago. Here are the gutted remnants seen through the windows. I don't think I ever set foot in this store.

I suppose "Social Engineering Experiment" must refer to Covid?

In the window of a local charity shop. I'm not sure where one would wear this top, except maybe over a bathing suit. In Miami.

Dave and I passed this car while walking to work on several recent mornings. I don't think I've ever seen a car parked squarely ON the sidewalk, and as you can see, the parking inspectors repeatedly issued tickets. Whoever owns the car didn't seem in any rush to move it, though.

An interesting Deco-looking apartment building entrance in Vauxhall. Eccles makes me think of Eccles cakes, and also the old Hollies song Jennifer Eccles.

A sticker in Hampstead supporting Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi, a former human rights icon whose star has diminished over that country's policies toward the Rohingya. (And who was deposed in Myanmar's February 1 coup, which prompted this appeal.)

And finally, another interesting fashion plate -- the color-coordinated pink mask and blue hair are nice touches. She needs a better bag, though.


  1. The Lion mask great fun. One of my many mottos, not always appreciated by others, "you've got to laugh". Promptly followed by me laughing. The "Social Experiment" photo brilliant. By which I don't just mean content but composition of the photo. It's what I love about photography, not least yours, the best amounting to a sort of running social(!) commentary (unless, of course, it's a tree in fine fettle).

    Slightly off topic, referring back to your post on Tuesday and hugs: Remember when I said it'd probably take me some time to get over the two meter distancing rule? It will. But not with everyone. One of the Angel's longstanding friends came over to visit him yesterday evening. I have known him since he was in his early teens - we are pretty close. It was interesting - on seeing me he opened his arms wide; I hesitated for a moment "What? DON'T!". Come on then, I said. And we hugged. Oh did the three of us laugh. A hug! The new ecstasy. Please don't tell the Covid Police since it's not yet 17 May when we are officially "allowed" to hug those outside our "bubble" if so inclined. Yes, back to your photo: Social Experiment indeed. How to beat a people into submission.


    PS The little girl's bag is just fine. One of the biggest fashion sins to commit is to over co-ordinate. So that green thing makes a fine contrast to the rest of her outfit. Stylish.

  2. Too bad about the bag. It makes me what to Photoshop it to match the blue fringe in her hair. The face masks with their own faces are very entertaining. Yeah, I think you were busted, but you still got away with it. I sometimes notice that in my photos. The stare of awareness I didn't realize when I snapped. But no one has punched me... yet. Another great photo collection. I need to paint that wall. The top in the charity shop window is an odd mix.

  3. I wouldn't have a lion mask. I would have a tiger mask instead as my football team are known as The Tigers. Which animal mask would you have Steve? Perhaps a dolphin mask - after The Miami Dolphins or maybe a meerkat as you are always on the look out for another interesting photograph.

  4. The look on [what you can see of]the guy's face is killing me; the eyes don't match the mask smile.
    But he doesn't look like he'sabiter!

  5. Oh, Europe you are still allowed (legal) privacy in public places, whereas in America you have no (legal)expectation of privacy in public places. If you'd been in the USA you could have snapped the guy in his lion mask freely, and the guy probably would have loved it. I mean, he's wearing a LION MASK. He's pleading for attention, right?

  6. Unlike your other commenters, I think the guy in the lion mask looks like a serial killer. Be careful out there, Steve!
    The little girl probably has an Instagram account with millions of followers. She's no doubt an influencer. That bag probably cost as much as the car parked on the sidewalk.

  7. Quite an interesting collection of photos. My favorite is the girl with the large "non matching" bag. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  8. I'm betting that the red car has been stolen and left there.

  9. I'm with Red. The same thing happened in my old neighborhood. A car was left parked in front of someone's house and everyone just assumed it was someone else's. It was stolen and just left there. Mystery solved.

  10. I love the lion mask and yes he does appear to be looking right at you. That parking fine is mounting up for that red car. I don't think I'd wear that shirt even if it was just over a bathing suit in Miami. Great collection!

  11. That red car would have been towed in my city and not left on the sidewalk. I like the greenish painted trim on that one window above the Eccles Court door. I like the big purse with the little pink attachment. She is styling!
    Such a great variety of photos to examine! Thanks, Steve!

  12. I'm glad the man in the lion mask didn't bite or scratch you! He looks kind of sheepish. Interesting selection of photos. The girl's bag at the end is probably something incredibly expensive, even though it doesn't really go wit her outfit!

  13. Good pictures. Strange people.

  14. Had you set foot in Iceland it would at least have ben on the Green List - ha ha... The masks make for interesting photos - I suspect we'll have artworks of them for a while to come. Interesting how quickly we turned them into fashion, even status items

  15. I love the lion mask. Carol has a Batman mask. Children always point it out to their parents.


  16. that orange lace shirt with MIAMI emblazoned across the front is awful. who would design that and who would even manufacture it. no wonder it ended up in a thrift shop. probably still has the original tag attached. and yeah, hard to read the guy in the lion mask.

  17. Isn't the bag matching her hair a bit?

  18. I love the mask! I'm a big fan of felines.
