Sunday, June 27, 2021

Home Again

Yesterday was our last on the Isle of Wight, and we really only had the morning free. We had a leisurely breakfast at our hotel and then I took Olga down to the beach for another walk along the seafront.

It must have been low tide because the water was much farther out and Olga didn't even try to wade. She was happy to bark and chase her tennis ball.

Then Dave and I gathered up all our stuff, called a taxi and began the same multi-transportational process that we used to get to the island to get back home again: taxi to hovercraft, hovercraft to bus, bus to train.

From the hovercraft dock on the Isle of Wight we had a good view of Portsmouth across the Solent, showing the Spinnaker Tower.

Once in London we took a taxi to get home, which was expensive but we were exhausted juggling bags and dog. The traffic was terrible, probably owing to several big demonstrations that were going on around town.

And then we were back, watering the plants and marveling at how much things had grown during our few days away. Olga ensconced herself on the couch and promptly fell into a deep sleep that has pretty much continued uninterrupted. She was exhausted.

Although she enjoys trips, I think they also wear her out -- she doesn't sleep well, being always in a heightened state of anxiety, in unfamiliar surroundings and on an unfamiliar schedule. Now she's catching up. And so are we!


  1. Glad to hear that you got home safely. All in all it sounds like the trip to The Isle of Wight was a successful one. I know that the weather wasn't particularly summery but at least it was dry. Did you play Bingo in one of the amusement arcades? "Dirty Girty - Number Thirty!"

    1. It was successful, indeed, and the weather was better than we thought it might be. Looks like most of the rain held off until we got home! No bingo for us!

  2. Replies
    1. The best part of traveling is coming home again!

  3. I'm with Olga, I always feel I need another vacation to get over a vacation.
    Cheers Peter

    1. Ha! It's true -- some recovery time is always required.

  4. Welcome back home to the three of you. now you can relax and feel great about life again. we are finally becoming free to roam again. still don't do it and afraid when i see people out in the stores now without masks. so i am glad to be a homebody person. i must say I laughed at Olga because she is knocked out. I was sitting out a few days ago and fell asleep. (lol) I told my sister Mr. Kravitz could have come over to tell me the neighborhood gossip and I wouldn't have known he was coming. Although the neighborhood is quiet and others seem to mind their own business he still look for gossip. I had to laugh at myself. Like Olga when you are tired sleep will come unexpected. Get your rest sweet Olga.

    1. It's nice when you can sit outside and fall asleep! I still think it's hilarious that you have your own "Mr. Kravitz."

  5. Had to amble off to see what the protests were all about. I love that last picture of Olga happily sleeping it off.

    1. Apparently they were about several different things!

  6. Good to hear you made it home safe and sound (if not a bit poorer--but I'm with you--get a taxi after that kind of journey). I'm sure Olga is happy not to be on alert. Hope you all get a decent rest.

    1. I don't mind spending a little money now and then to make life easier!

  7. Glad to hear that you are safely home again but I'm also happy that you got to get away.

  8. A Sleepy Dog Is A Happy Dog - Well Done Humans


  9. I never realized how much Olga and I are alike. LOL! It's why I don't travel.
    Lovely photos of your journey there.

    1. Traveling takes a lot of energy, but it's also one of my greatest joys in life.

  10. I was just going to say that it's not only the dog that finds travelling stressful We also suffer fatigue because of our travels.

  11. That was a nice little get-away. Olga really does look zonked out. In the beach shot, are those big container ships out there on the horizon?

    1. Yeah, and those two never moved the whole time we were there. They seemed to be at anchor for some reason.

  12. I like how you and Dave can each do your own thing on a vacation; having alone time but also time together.
    Next trip up...Florida!

  13. A happy exhaustion. I hope you’re all enjoying the rest and the memories of such a great trip.

  14. always good to be home. Marc and I would do the same thing when we were commuting back and forth. we'd get home after our three days in the city and walk around the yard first thing to see what all had grown.

    1. It's amazing how just a few days away makes such a big difference!

  15. Travelling can be very stressful. I love that last photo of Olga. She looks so very much at home! Hugs, Edna B.

  16. Ahhh... the sleep of the contented. It sounds like she got to spend quality time with the both of you on her vacation.

    1. Yeah, she had a great time. It must be weird for animals when they have no control!

  17. Olga and I think alike when it comes to travel but I really enjoyed your trip away. You write so well and take such lovely photos I felt like I was there with you. Thank you always for sharing your life.

    1. Thanks so much! Those are very kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying the blog!

  18. I'm glad you made it home safely! Sometimes travel is such a slog, but I mostly think it's worth it. Mostly.

    1. LOL -- there are occasionally times when I doubt that, but yeah, I almost always agree that it's worth it!

  19. I love the bottom picture of Olga sleeping...inspires me to try a nap.

    1. Ha! Like any of us need inspiration for that! :P

  20. I'm feeling like Olga right now; I think I'll join her in a nap.

  21. Glad you are back safe and sound. Olga sure looks like she is zonked out. I think it is great you could take her with you.

    1. Yeah, one thing good about England, there are very few places where we can't take a dog.

  22. And a good time was had by all, including those of us who read the posts and saw the photos. I understand how Olga feels. It's hard to sleep in a strange place.


    1. It is. Dave and I never got a good night's sleep there either.

  23. Olga's sleep looks deep and heavenly; possibly the most fun part of traveling for her is the quality of rest she gets once she returns home.
