Thursday, June 17, 2021

Liver Fatigue

I was walking through Kilburn yesterday and couldn't resist another photo of The Old Bell, this time with lots of colorful flags in the windows. They're decorations for something called Euro 2020, the European football championship (I think?) being played in a series of games now. That's basically all I can tell you about it, and even that much is thanks only to Google.

Incidentally, when I went to Google and began typing "What is Euro 2020," I got all kinds of interesting prompts:

It actually wouldn't hurt me to read a bit more about Bitcoin, not to mention pansexuality, but maybe I won't do it right this second.

Yesterday was a fairly nondescript workday. Most of our heavy library work is done, at least as much as possible before construction on the new classroom ends and we can re-shelve everything in what used to be the fiction room. I had a couple of kids checking things out at the last minute, and some paying for lost materials, and I even got a couple of thank-you notes and a box of chocolates from some students, which was very nice and completely unexpected since I usually assume all of them hate me. (Well, not really hate, but I am an authority figure with a tendency to nag!)

I went out with some co-workers yesterday afternoon for a reunion with our departed Middle School librarian, Lindsey, who moved with her husband to Myanmar a few years ago. She's back in town because of course Myanmar was in a state of relative chaos this spring, after its military coup. It was good to catch up with her, but I'm beginning to wonder whether my liver is going to survive this week. I had an alcohol-fueled picnic with co-workers on Tuesday, the pub outing with Lindsey yesterday, and today there's a shower with champagne for another librarian who's getting married. We librarians are party animals!

"Who, me?"


  1. Well I never knew that pans even had sex! I must check out our pan cupboard more closely next time I extract a saucepan. They do tend to cling to each other.

    P.S. Your ignorance about Euro 2020 is gobsmacking but I guess understandable as librarians are always drunk.

    1. Yes, the Euro 2020 is a big thing in our house too, and we're on the north shore of Long Island. All that drama with However, I do believe that librarians are only drunk on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

    2. I did at least see the drama about Eriksen, but I seem to have a filter that immediately blocks most news or information about sports from entering my brain.

      I'm not surprised about the pans, because every time I open that cupboard there seem to be about ten more than the last time I looked!

  2. I love The Old Bell... and, of course, Olga, who looks like she’s saying, “Oh behave!”

    1. Or maybe, "Really? AGAIN with the pictures?!"

  3. Pansexual? Poor Peter. Some men make do with . . . no, let's not go there.

    Mission Statement, delete it if you must, I do find the way someone people flaunt their particular flavour in public vaguely distasteful. Get on with it. Don't ram it into my face. And, yes, Steve, thanks for recently explaining to me the reason for the pride parade. I'll bake a multi coloured cake for everyone if it takes off the pain. However, there does come a point when old news are being overtaken. "Yesterday's snow" as my father used to call it.

    Your liver? If you are that easily livered thank whichever deity you believe in that you aren't Van Gogh (Absinthe), Lemmy (Jack Daniels) or Keith Richards. I don't know what the latter's exact poison used to be. His liver probably so pickled it'll last like a sour gherkin. Forever.

    Anyway, you have solved a puzzle for me. There is, in blogland, a German (of all people) whose blog name is "Librarian with a secret". NOW I know what her secret is. Sekt (Champagne's little brother). Or maybe Schnapps. Only joking. Never have I known a more strait laced librarian than her. Twinset and pearls come to mind.


    1. I think the "flaunting" is actually often in the perception of others, though. Is it "flaunting" if Dave and I hold hands in public? Some would say so, and yet, a straight couple holding hands wouldn't get a second look. Know what I mean?

    2. Yes, I know what you mean. Though, personally, I only hold children's hands. Adults? Nah. I am more of a hanging off someone's arm type of person. Not least when wearing sky high heels. On the whole I am perfectly able to walk by myself - side by side. Though, to my amusement, in town the Angel often leaves me at least three people behind him. Which makes for interesting conversations for other people when he thinks he is talking to me - over his shoulder.


  4. I think many of us drink more alcohol now than we used to. We hardly ever had it when I was little, only for special occasions, and my dad sometimes had beer. I also drank beer in my twenties, but only about once or twice a week. Now at home we try to limit wine to a couple of days a week, but other drinks creep in. It's easy to have too much.

    1. I wonder, though, because I've read that alcohol consumption has actually gone down over the years. I think a lot of people used to spend a lot more time at the pub than they do these days. I do think we all have to be vigilant about moderation!

  5. Just gorgeous picture of Olga, I love her spotted bikini bottom. lol

  6. I really should know what pansexual is but I don't.

    Olga says, I will pose this one last time, but that is it. No more.

  7. Your liver will probably be just fine.
    I am not surprised to hear that librarians are party animals. So are many elementary school teachers. Y'all have good reason to be.

    1. LOL -- I want to tell my boss, "Just once this week I'd like to come home from work SOBER!"

  8. I like the shape of the building "The Old Bell." It's really quite interesting. And that's an awesome photo of Olga! You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. The Old Bell is a very photogenic pub! I've photographed it several times over the years.

  9. I think your liver is tough enough to survive three alcohol fueled gatherings.

    I don't get bitcoin, just seems like fake money to me. can you use it at the grocery store or to pay your utilities?

    1. I don't get bitcoin either. It does seem like a total mirage. How does it have any value at all?

  10. When I first saw the title of.your post I thought, "Uh-oh, something's wrong with Olga." When I read it was about your alcohol-fueled partying, I thought, "Oh a few days of partying! You'll be fine." No worries. Enjoy these last few days of work.

    1. I didn't even consider that some might think I was referring to Olga! Sorry about the unnecessary scare! LOL

  11. That photo of Olga made me smile. There is a kind of "what you don't know won't hurt you" kind of look on her face. Enjoy your gatherings with co-workers. Sounds like fun to me.

    1. Ha! She does have a rather knowing look there, doesn't she?

  12. It is nice that you get along with your co-workers.

    1. I am very fortunate to work with a good bunch of people.

  13. When I was young, my answer to "What do you want to be when you grow up?" was always "A librarian". It sounds like I should have followed my dreams! Surely Olga doesn't feel guilty about anything! ;)

    1. I thought about a library science degree when I was younger, but I wanted something that allowed me to write publicly -- hence, journalism. (We didn't have blogging back then!)

  14. Your Olga gives a great side-eye!

    1. Doesn't she, though? Her eyes are very expressive.

  15. If you were asking Olga what she thought about all your imbibing this week, then the look she's giving you in that photo says it all. :)

  16. Marcia's "Olga side-eye" line is killing me; it's perfect!

    1. It really is. When Olga looks to the side you can see a lot of the white in her eyes. She DOES give good side-eye!

  17. What a sweet picture of Olga, all black and white and pink! We looked after our daughter's pure white cat for a couple of years, and he had a lot of pink skin showing through his fur too. I had always pictured white cats as ... white ... and the pinkness was a surprise.

    1. Dave originally wanted to name her Rosie because of her pink undertones!

  18. The Old Bell looks so . . . English. And Olga, you scamp.

    1. It is very English, in a sort of working-class, non-touristy way.

  19. I actually know someone who identifies as pansexual! I feel very hip (and the fact that I said that instantly renders my hipness NOT hip - ha!).

    1. That IS pretty hip. I don't think I know any pansexuals, although admittedly I suppose I might not be aware of it.

  20. I do think you librarians are very social! Very different from the stereotype. I love that.

  21. My son-in-law used to work with bitcoin and no matter how many times he explained it to me, I didn't get it! (still don't) It seems like smoke and mirrors to me. I love an occasional beer especially a draft one. Champagne or wine, no!

    1. It does seem like smoke-and-mirrors, I agree. It's all just a myth generated by a computer. And though you could say that about any currency nowadays, at least others are backed by a government, which gives them more authenticity (it seems to me).

  22. Hi yall....just got home but had to stop by just to tell Olga how great she look in that pose. If I was close by I would spoil her like I do mine. Have a great rest of today.

    1. Olga appreciates the attention! It's great to hear from you as always, Angelicastar.

  23. I love Olga's little spotted tummy. So sweet!

    Easy on your liver there, tiger. I KNOW how librarians like to party!

    1. Ha! Our public image is belied by our private conduct! LOL
