Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Rooftop Birthday

Yesterday was Dave's birthday! Woo hoo! I got him a new computer bag because the one he's been using (since before we met 12 years ago) is now officially falling apart. It has these weird-looking white wires sticking out and looks very odd, and even Dave admits it has lived its best life. Now he can finally ease it into retirement.

Our day was pretty low-key, but in the evening I took him to the rooftop of the Dorchester Hotel on Park Lane, where this was our view. We could see the towers of the City, the Shard, and beyond that Canary Wharf -- plus the London Eye and Parliament. So many cranes!

Here's a close-up of the skyline near the Palace of Westminster, where Parliament meets. The Victoria Tower is on the right, with the white twin towers of Westminster Abbey just below it; the octagonal Central Tower is between those two modern skyscrapers farther in the distance; and the Elizabeth Tower housing Big Ben is on the left, shrouded in dark scaffolding, just beyond the yellow crane.

And here's our view over Hyde Park, with a lush carpet of treetops spread at our feet. In this direction we could see the dome of Royal Albert Hall and the buildings around Knightsbridge.

The Dorchester Rooftop is a pop-up restaurant, where apparently invited chefs come through and work for a few weeks presenting their culinary vision. Our chef was Adriana Cavita, whose Mexican dishes were refreshing and delicious. We don't often get Mexican food in London so this was a nice departure from the norm.

I'm just glad the weather worked out. I've been suffering no end of anxiety because it's been so chilly and rainy lately. (When I made the reservation we were still in the middle of our sunny period.) Fortunately, the cloudy weather began to break up yesterday and by the time we sat out for our dinner we were seeing rays of sunshine across the treetops.

Today, we're off on an adventure with Olga. If all goes as expected, we'll be coming to you tomorrow from the Isle of Wight!


  1. A great way to spend a birthday. So beautiful. Glad the weather cooperated. Wishing you a better-than-expected trip to the Isle of Wight. I have family from Ryde. Everyone but me in my immediate family loved to visit. I never made it.

    1. Our hovercraft docked in Ryde! That's funny! I should look up your relatives!

  2. I wish I had you as a partner to take me to the Dorchester. What fantastic rooftop views! Did you have to dress up for the rooftop pop up?
    Isle of Wright hey. We are going to Torquay tomorrow, but it is not like your Torquay.

    1. Nah, the restaurant was pretty casual. "Smart casual," they called it -- ripped jeans, caps, shorts and sportswear were expressly prohibited.

  3. So many cranes? Are you talking about the birds? The Gruidae? There are fifteen species of cranes which are placed in three genera: Antigone, Balearica, and Grus. Hope you have a lovely break on The Isle of Wight. Given the school year you have both just endured, you deserve a nice break but watch out for swooping cranes.

    1. Swooping seagulls, more like. We've seen PLENTY of those!

  4. How does the po-faced English saying go? If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

    Well, I am not English. And whilst the Dorchester certainly provides those views (with the cranes) they do come across as a bit bleak.

    Thank god for small mercies, I wasn't invited to your bash. It would have finished me off having had my first ever episode of vertigo (no, not fear of heights - that's acrophobia) but, basically, a sensation of being at sea in high winds, loss of balance, at the mercy of the elements and sickness to match. It was surreal.

    Enjoy today's walk with Olga. And belated Happy Birthday to Dave, may all his wishes, besides the new bag, come true.


    1. I think you might have thought it less bleak if the skies were clear, but c'est la vie. It's London! We didn't find it bleak at all. Quite refreshing, actually.

  5. As a po faced Welshman would say
    It looks fabulous

  6. The view is a birthday treat; just beautiful. And the food sounds wonderful.
    Glad it was such a special day!

    1. Thanks! The view over the park with all the trees was especially nice.

  7. Wonderful photos. Sounds like a great birthday for Dave. Enjoy your trip, hugs, Edna B.

  8. That was fun for all of us, too!

  9. Haven't been on The Dorchester rooftop, but those London vistas are very familiar to me. Glad you were able to celebrate Dave's birthday in style (Happy belated Birthday, Dave!). Safe travels to the Isle of Wight. May the weather cooperate!

    1. The weather was great yesterday but apparently we are going to have some gray and drizzly spells. Inevitably!

  10. Happy Happy Mr Dave - Enjoy This Next Trip Around The Sun - Good On You For The Useful Gift - Looking Forward To Reading The About The Adventure - Stay Strong Olga Girl


  11. Happy Birthday to Dave and many happy returns! I'll be looking forward to pictures from the Isle of Wight.

  12. What a beautiful scene to take in for a birthday dinner!
    Do me a favor, okay? When you're on the Isle of Wight, find me a cottage please. I am way overdue being almost three years past sixty-four.

    1. LOL -- they don't look like they'd be too dear!

    2. Well, there goes another dream right down the toilet.

  13. Oh Happy Birthday! What a view and the menu sounds really good! Tough choice! I suppose i will never get used to or accept the prices of going out.
    Have a great adventure, see you on the isle!

    1. You know, if you don't go out much, an occasional splurge is no big deal. And we haven't gone out at all over the past year and a half!

  14. Such beautiful views for a birthday celebration. Looking forward to your adventure to the Isle of Wight. Roger went to one of the big concerts there back in 1969 or 1970. Who can remember such details these days? LOL. Have a great time!

    1. Do you read Mr. Pudding's blog? He wrote recently about attending the Isle of Wight Music Festival in 1970. Maybe he and Roger were there at the same time! (Along with 599,998 other people.)

  15. Fantastic views. And, Happy Birthday to Dave! Enjoy your trip!

  16. Happy Birthday to Dave! Way to celebrate in style! Can't wait for the photos from the Isle of Wight!

  17. happy birthday to Dave and what a great idea for a restaurant...visiting chefs. you could go every couple of weeks and have a different restaurant as it were.

    1. Yeah, exactly. It's a great way to give up-and-coming chefs some publicity and to regularly change up the menu.

  18. Happy Birthday Dave!!!
    I hope that you have a wonderful time on the Isle of Wight. I doubt that I will ever get the chance to visit England or any place that is not in the states but that is ok because I can visit them thru your blog lol.
    Have a wonderful time and I loved the photos. Hugs xxx

    1. Well, you never know! But I'm glad you enjoy visiting through the old blog. :)

  19. Happy Birthday, Dave! What a treat to have a rooftop dinner. I look forward to reading about The Isle of Wight.


    1. Dave says thanks! Stay tuned for Wightian adventures!

  20. What a view!
    Does remind me of the Cockney line goes "you could see to Hackney Marshes...if it wasn't for the houses in between"...see if you can find it!!
    I wouldn't be up there myself....

    1. Ha! I suppose you could look at the buildings as either impediments to the view or the view itself. Interesting thought!

  21. Happy Birthday to Dave. Sounds like you had a good celebration. I look forward to seeing pictures from the Isle of Wight!

    1. It was good, and so far the Isle has worked out!

  22. Happy birthday Dave.....Enjoy your day and I wish you many more. Have a great one. Tell Olga hi for me and give her a bun to replace a slice of cake. (lol)

    1. She did get a bit of my tuna sandwich yesterday, so that counts, right? :)

  23. Happy birthday Dave! Glad the weather cooperated!
