Friday, June 25, 2021

Sandown to Shanklin

Yesterday's weather turned out to be pretty nice. I'd heard rumors of clouds but they were high and thin, with the sun coming through quite confidently. After breakfast, Dave and I took Olga for a romp in a nearby grassy park, and then I walked her down to the beach. She doesn't seem sure what to make of salt water. She waded in enthusiastically, but after she tasted it she got right out again.

We threw her Kong on the beach and then I left Dave and Olga back at the hotel and took a walk along one of the coastal paths from Sandown, the town where we're staying, to Shanklin, the next town south. First I explored Sandown a bit, walking along the high street with its shops full of colorful beach stuff.

I walked down to the waterfront, where a shaggy guy was wearing shorts that almost exactly matched the landscaping.

Then I walked back up to the path, which runs along the cliff tops overlooking the beach, and headed south. This is looking toward Shanklin, just beyond that middle point.

And this is looking back toward Sandown, which has a big pier.

This is what the coastal path looked like. We're not talking about rustic walking conditions. I'd guess the distance was two or three miles.

Once in Shanklin I had a look around. It looks a lot like Sandown except perhaps less tatty. I grabbed a coffee at a cafe on the high street and walked the length of the business district, checking out the little shops. I bought a £4 shirt at the Salvation Army so I'd have something with buttons to wear to dinner -- we planned to go to a nice-ish restaurant, and I'd only brought a sweatshirt.

And then I turned around and headed back. Dave and I grabbed lunch at a beachfront sandwich shop and spent the afternoon in the room, resting and reading. For dinner we went to the Bandstand, which had been recommended by several people including our taxi driver when we arrived. I had excellent mussels and Dave had lamb. We couldn't go inside because we had the dog, so we ate out on the back deck overlooking a mini golf course full of dinosaurs. Kind of surreal.

The trash TV continued last night. We watched an absolutely appalling show called "Naked Attraction" in which a contestant chooses a prospective date based solely on their physical attributes -- and yes, everyone is NAKED! Why anyone would go on this show is beyond me. In this case, a woman chose from five men who stood behind screens that were raised in stages, first to their waist, then to their shoulders, then all the way, and at each stage she eliminated one of them. Ouch! Then we followed her on her date with the "winner" -- which ultimately didn't go that well, of course.

Sometimes I think Western civilization is definitely in decline.


  1. When I saw the first photo I thought perhaps you were in Fuengirola. The isle looks so inviting. I think you’re right about Western civilization.

  2. I have watched that naked show a few is quite enlightening sometimes! For instance.... Do people really have a piercing there!! The dates never seem to lead to anything further, so I think that the concept of the programme is slightly flawed! Glad you are enjoying the are making me want to go back.

  3. Only sometimes? I am certain all civilization is going downhill fast.

    Lovely scenery, like an old fashioned seaside holiday, I can almost smell the salty air. I wonder could you rent an e-bike and get around much easier seeing that the path is tarmac.

  4. It's a good job that you found Dave and Dave found you. Otherwise, one of you might have been on "Naked Attraction". Talk of the fall of The Roman Empire!

    Thanks for sharing the IOW pictures. Looking forward to some more tomorrow.

  5. What a beautiful walk. That is my kind of pathway, these days. Naked Attraction sounds like yet another good reason why I no longer watch television!

  6. There's some program here. I've never watched it, but the contestants marry as total strangers. Lots of tears in the advertisements. That is always my thought as well..."Why in the hell would anyone do that to their life?"

    Another show advertises a very plain girl meeting guys. It is obvious that she is a lonely soul. She gloms on to the date and it shows her crying on the advertisements, because she thought that someone loved her, but he did not. You'd have to be a pretty cruel person to call watching that as 'entertainment'.

  7. Sounds like a very nice walk with lots to see. That coastal path is quite attractive. I looked at the link for the restaurant and it looks like a very nice place and the mussels sound delicious. I didn't realize it until just now but, I haven't had any for well over a year.

  8. The photos are great. I would love to walk along a path like that. I have never heard of the show, "Naked Attraction." I looked it up and found it is a British show. I cannot believe anyone would subject themselves to that!

  9. Mr. Moon sometimes watches "Naked and Afraid." Have you ever seen that show? Yes. Western civilization is speeding down the decline ramp.
    Meanwhile- what lovely pictures! Reminds me a bit of the show we're watching on Netflix. "Penguin Town." It's set on the coast in S. Africa but a similar beachy tourist vibe. The penguins too are naked and just trying to live their lives and raise families. It's supposed to be sort of funny, I guess, but it's rather sad.

  10. Looks like a nice little laid back beach/coastal town. and a great walking path.

  11. "It's about Thyme" is a favorite shot! The walk, I envy! So glad the weather is cooperative for your holiday get away. Tv is cringe worthy, We dumped all of our "entertainment" this month, probably for good.

  12. Such a nice walk there. I love seeing the coast. It reminds me so much of parts of Northern California. Beautiful.
    That TV show sounds ridiculous. Yes, western civilization is in decline. It's steep and we're falling fast.

  13. Looks like a very nice place to spend a few days.

  14. Gorgeous coastline and a lovely path on which t walk.

    That TV show? How sad and desperate are people to have their minute of fame. Used to be fifteen minutes, but with the onset of reality TV ....

  15. How low can television programming get? That show sounds awful!

    I'm glad Olga got to bring along her Kong. What else did she pack in her bag?

  16. That show sounds disgusting. My younger daughter was into the Bachelor for a while and I watched one episode with her. Appalling. What a beautiful place! I would love to visit there.

  17. What a lovely walk with a perfect view all the way!

  18. Well that looks lovely - you did some physical activity & then lounged around. The best of both worlds!

  19. Huh. There's a thrift shop on the Isle of Man? I would have thought you'd need a much larger population to support that kind of thing, seeing as how at least 50% of what gets donated has to be thrown out. But I just remembered that I went to a Cats Protection League charity shop in Stromness in Orkney, and that's a REALLY small town. Maybe small town people are very good at recycling stuff.

  20. The photos are lovely and remind me of Bexhill on Sea. I think my mum visited the Isle of Wight as a very young woman. It's beautiful.

  21. I love the fact that you would pop into a Salvation Army for a shirt for dinner. Buttons vs. no buttons is pretty much how we categorize formal wear vs. not formal these days.

  22. Your photos are awesome as always. I love the shot of the Pier and of the Deli It's About Thyme. It all sounds like a perfect get away and I am very happy that you are with Dave and Olga just relaxing for a few days.
    I have watched Naked and Afraid here and some of the episodes are really scary and yes they should be afraid. I guess the one that stands out the most for me was where a young woman was eaten alive by mosquitos and ended up running a very high fever and the medics came and she wasn't to sad to call it quits and go to the hospital. After that I didn't care to watch anymore of Naked and Afraid lol.
    I am severely allergic to shell fish so I will just say that I am glad that you enjoyed your mussels.
    Have a great time. Hugs xxx

  23. It's nice to see a new place through your eyes. It's a good thing I have you to tell me about Naked Attraction so if it ever turns up on a service I have, then I won't watch it. Western Civilization began its decline one second after it was created.

