Sunday, July 25, 2021

Bon Voyage to Dave

After I posted the photo of the crocosmia buds the other day, one of my commenters mentioned that he wanted to see it when it bloomed. So here it is, with some of our hydrangea bushes in the background. This crocosmia is a popular variety called "Lucifer."

Here's a picture that might be a little clearer.

And here's some other garden stuff going on right now:

Our purple sage, a variety called "Amistad," is blooming.

Quite a bit of this has appeared alongside the cornflowers in the wildflower bed. It's called pale flax (Linum bienne) and I assume it came from that wildflower seed mix I sowed.

The spiny flowers of the burdock are blooming.

And speaking of spiny, here's a seed pod growing on the jimsonweed. It's approaching the size of a ping-pong ball.

I just saw Dave off on his trip to the USA -- a car came at 6 a.m. to fetch him and take him to the airport. (This is the difference between me and Dave. When I went to Heathrow, I took the tube. Dave called a car service! I'm a cheapskate, but Dave doesn't have a problem spending money to be comfortable.)

As I mentioned before, he'll be gone three weeks, at a professional development event in Texas, visiting family in Michigan, and going to Drum Corps finals in Indianapolis. I believe this will be the longest we've been apart since we got married 11 years ago! I felt like my own two-week trip was pretty long, so I can't imagine how he'll feel after this one.

Olga was nervous when the suitcase came out. I think she's relieved that I'm still here.

Meanwhile, I'm going to have to re-learn how to feed myself, since Dave usually does all the cooking. I'm seeing a lot of peanut butter in my immediate future.


  1. Safe travels to Dave! I think you should learn how to cook something really fabulous for when he comes home. And your flower photos are astonishing!

    1. The thought of cooking something fabulous just makes me tired. LOL

  2. The flower photos are really good, especially the one with the blurred hydrangeas in the background. Like you I am a cheapskate. Last time in England we didn't even use the Heathrow Express, I think mainly because it would have involved two train changes to get to North Greenwich, The Tube is often quicker than a car too. However, R is getting on a bit and should we ever travel overseas again, it will be more taxis, especially as so many London stations are so old people unfriendly.

    1. Well, sometimes circumstances call for a taxi, that's true! The underground is getting better about making stations accessible, but yeah, many are still problematic.

  3. You can buy ready meals and have food delivered - curries, Chinese, pizza etc.. Man cannot live by peanut butter alone.

    1. I'm sure I'll get takeaway now and then. I'm not a fan of ready meals. Too salty.

  4. I foresee Olga glued to your leg for three weeks. Your garden must be quite a joy to behold - the photographs are wonderful!

  5. Three weeks IS a long time. Hearts will grow fonder...
    The garden will have had time to change completely.
    Please try not to subsist entirely on peanut butter.

    1. Yeah, I keep saying that too: Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It also makes it skinnier. :)

  6. Thankfully you are not still in quarantine with Dave going away!
    Stunning colours and shapes

    1. I am in quarantine for a bit longer -- Tuesday will be my first day of freedom.

  7. Hope Dave's journey goes well. Must admit, I'm with Dave. I always use a car service when I come to London. Schlepping even just a carry-on and backpack up and down the tube station stairs (there are always stairs at some point...) is more than I care to deal with in my old age :). If you book a round-trip ride, it costs less. Used the same service for years. Worth every pound.

    Hope you have a tad more variety than PB. Waitrose and M&S have easy prepared foods. Not to mention takeout. :) I dislike making meals, too.

    1. Yeah, it's really not THAT expensive -- but if I can save £35 by taking the tube, I'll do it! I'll definitely find a way to get some variety into my diet.

  8. Your flower garden is so beautiful. I always love seeing what you have blooming there.
    Three weeks is a long time. One of the best upsides of this crazy connected modern world is that you'll be able to text, zoom, email, and talk on the phone to stay connected. I wish him a safe and good journey.

  9. It looks like you will have lots to do with the garden and this will keep you busy. Mid summer has our gardens at the peak. everything is in bloom.

    1. This is the high point. We have just a few more flowers that haven't made an appearance yet.

  10. Absolutely fabulous pictures here Steve! Three weeks will fly by, you'll see.

    1. Thank you! And yes, I suspect the time will go fast.

  11. That purple sage is simply amazing!

    1. We love it. Unfortunately it's not cold-hardy so we have it in a pot. We're going to try to overwinter it that way.

  12. Wow, three weeks on your own. Although I love my husband to bits, a three week vacation to be responsible for no one but myself sounds nice. And when he comes home it will call for a celebration! Enjoy your time, and do try to eat better than peanut butter sandwiches!

    1. There's good and bad in having this much time to myself, for sure! In some ways I'm appreciating the peace and quiet. But I think it's going to get lonely by week three.

  13. Three weeks of peanut butter whenever I wanted it would make me feel like I had died and gone to heaven. Just forget about how much fat is in it and tell yourself it's all about the protein in provides...:)

    1. You must be like me -- I could eat peanut butter at almost every meal and be perfectly happy!

  14. Your plants are beautiful. Thank goodness Peanut Butter is delicious! You'll be okay, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Yeah, I'm not worried. I'm sure I'll survive. :)

  15. Terrific photos! Such vibrant colors! Wishing Dave a safe and fun trip! He will be back before you know it!

    1. Time DOES fly, doesn't it? Three weeks seems like a long time now but I'm sure it will pass quickly.

  16. 3 weeks is a long time. I spent 3 weeks in Portugal, the longest of any trip I've taken and after 2 ½ I was ready for home.

    lots of pretty flowers blooming in your garden. I need to get out and take some pictures.

    1. Yeah, knowing Dave, I think he's going to be eager to come home before the trip is even half over!

  17. There's nothing wrong with peanut butter when you burn as many calories as you do! A big tub of hummus and some crackers to add to the menu and you're all set :)

    Wishing Dave a good journey. I wandered into a YouTube documentary and videos of marching bands recently and was blown away by them. We don't have those here, just the sit-down bands. I think Drum Corps would be marvellous; must look up some on the internet. Drums give me goosebumps!

    1. Dave, being a brass player, always appreciates the blasting brass sections in the Drum Corps performances. (He likes the drums too, since he teaches percussion.) I can never get over the silliness of it all -- the color guards throwing those fake guns around, for example. I mean, the performances can be quite artistic but there's still a component of silliness.

  18. I'm wishing Dave safe travels. That crocosmia is beautiful and you've photographed it so beautifully. I had to chuckle at the comment about spending money for comfort since I spent an extra $120 to get exit row seats on my flight to and from New York in October. I would never have done that 20 years ago but age and pandemics have made it worth my while.

    1. There are times when it's worth spending extra money, I agree. But ground transportation in the city where I live isn't one of them!

  19. The Crocosmia is beautiful, but now I want to see the Hydrangeas. They appear to be such a vivid pink! Almost magenta.

    Safe travels for Dave. I'm one who prays, so I'll add him to my list the next few weeks. Meanwhile, you and Olga enjoy each other. Time will fly.

    1. Prayers are always appreciated! You can see the hydrangeas in the video I posted with the subsequent post. They are a beautiful color. There are actually two bushes right next to each other -- one bright pink and one more blue/purple.

  20. Your photos are beautiful. I wish Dave a safe and happy journey. Maybe you'll learn how to cook while he's gone.


    1. Doubtful! If I were interested I might be more inclined to learn...but I'm not that interested. (I can cook on a very basic level. I kept myself alive as a single person for many years!)

  21. I love the flower photos and distance is hard. I'm experiencing that right now with both of us having family staying with us for a long period of time. It's great that we can keep in touch so easily at least. I'm with Dave--comfort above price.

    1. Yeah, it's nice to have so much easy electronic communication these days. I think back to when I was in the Peace Corps and it took two weeks for a letter to cross the ocean!

  22. Now those are good pictures - and no cheesy posing (as in my blog on pictures) required. Amazing what power the cameras we carry round with us now have

    1. Well, I took those with my big camera -- my Canon -- not my iPhone. But yes, the phone cameras are amazingly good too!

  23. Lovely blooms.
    Back in 2019 I spent five weeks in Oregon taking care of my father after a surgery, and being away from Carlos that long was painful for me.
    Hopefully, your time apart will fly ...

    1. It's probably even harder to be away for caregiving purposes. I think the time will pass quite quickly.

  24. If I lived in a place where ethnic foods were available, I sure wouldn't be living on peanut butter sandwiches for three weeks.

    Your flowers are beautiful, and I honestly don't believe I'll ever get over the amazement of someone planting a burdock on purpose. :)

    1. Oh, I'm sure I'll be getting some interesting takeaway now and then, too! I don't like to get it too often, though, because they use so much packaging and so much plastic. Burdock has a bad reputation, but I still think it's a very cool plant!

  25. I love Lucifer. Thanks. Yes, I have no wonder that you and Dave will miss each other.

    1. Glad you like it! It's one of our favorite flowers -- such a bright red. We'll miss each other but this will all be over before we know it.
