Sunday, July 18, 2021


Our dahlias are hitting their stride. The Bishop's Children variety is blooming like crazy, and the plants are bushy and healthy with their coppery leaves. A hoverfly is lingering on this particular blossom.

Our red dahlia, a variety known as Gallery Valentin, is also looking good.

Our pink one, though, is getting off to a slow start. The plant, which I bought just last year, was small for most of the spring and it's finally put out a few buds, but it's not exactly vigorous. Maybe some dahlias come through winter storage better than others?

Not much happened yesterday. I am, of course, still in quarantine, so it was mostly a matter of pottering around the garden and doing housework. I cleaned out the refrigerator at lunchtime -- Dave had several science experiments going in my absence.

I realized I have to take my Day 2 Covid test today -- the day I arrived is day zero, according to the testing company -- and I was concerned yesterday morning because I didn't have it yet! The company hadn't mailed me a test. I checked their communication and they said it would be dispatched for arrival on Day 2, which seemed to me to be cutting it close. So I e-mailed them just to be sure, and they said it was in fact out for delivery -- and sure enough it showed up at the door a couple of hours later. Even though it's a PCR, it's a nose-and-throat swab just like the rapid antigen tests I usually take. So I'll get that done today and mailed off tomorrow.

I had a terrible time sleeping last night. I couldn't go to sleep until 1:30 a.m. (which is 8:30 p.m. Florida time) and the dog had me up at 5:30 this morning. I am going to be like the walking dead until this jet lag passes.


  1. The dahlias (and their photos) are glorious. I wondered how you were doing with the jet lag. Mine is always worse the second or third day. Hope you start sleeping more regularly very soon.

    1. Yeah, day two is the worst for me. I'm hoping tonight will be a little better. It doesn't help that I'm quarantining and can't get much exercise!

  2. Oh Christ, not a jet lag pandemic too! This is getting ridiculous. Will you be able to take Olga for a walk while quarantining?

    1. If it's not one thing it's another, right?! I have been walking her in the morning just around the neighborhood -- I don't talk to anyone or get close to anyone so I don't see how it can hurt.

  3. I love dahlias but they are so rarely seen here now. I probably said the same thing twelve months ago.

    Only to extra special blogmates do I give away this secret, but for two consecutive nights have more alcoholic drinks than you normally would have before bedtime (ok, I could say get pissed) and get up at your normal time. You will have slept soundly and well (passed out). Body clock immediately adjusts. If not, do the same the following night.

    1. I wonder why they're out of fashion where you are? The "drunk" solution sounds like it probably creates its own problems!

  4. I like single Dahlias, Bishop of Landaff is a favourite...such a good parent to the variety you have!

  5. When we go to NZ we allow for one day per hour difference until you are totally in synch. That is shortened by the homeopathic jet lag tablets, but you can't get them in the UK, just Australia, NZ and USA

    1. I think I'll be more or less back to normal after three or four days, which is almost one day per hour of time shift.

  6. The red dahlia is gorgeous. Mine are all looking a bit sun-burnt given the ungodly heat this summer--though they do get some shade or otherwise they'd be crispy. Heat has burned out most of my flowers in front--nasturtiums, sweet peas, even the portulaca.

    Jetlag can be such a drag. I liked to take the early morning flight to UK from IAD which got me into LHR around 9pm (bonus: getting great night shots from the plane of Tower Bridge and other spots lit up as the plane usually comes in over London/Thames). Had a car service take me my usual hotel where I would relax and unpack and then go to sleep around midnight. When I got up in the morning, I would be fine. No jetlag. Hope yours passes soon.

    1. Interesting! For some reason most of the flights to the UK from the East Coast seem to be overnighters, or at least that's what I usually wind up on. (Maybe they're cheaper?) I sleep like a log the first night, but the second and third are a challenge.

    2. I think only EWR/JFK and IAD used to offer those early flights to UK. Obviously not doing them now, but United is supposed to resume the one from IAD on November 1st. That could change if the quarantine is still in place by then.

  7. Your dahlia photos are wonderful. They actually pop off the screen. It's funny how jet lag seems to hit the hardest when you get home. When I go to Europe, I seem to adjust in one day or two but when I come back home it seems to take a week.

  8. dahlias...another thing we can't grow down here. not too much can take out summer heat and it's getting worse. but yours are pretty.

  9. Your dahlia photos are great! I always have a hard time with jet lag and it takes me a good five days to feel normal again.

  10. Love seeing the dahlias blooming there. Ours haven't put up a single bud yet.
    Hope you are able to get back into your normal sleep routine, Steve. Take care there.

  11. Just a thought. we didn't have jet lag when we crossed to pond on steamship taking seven days.

  12. The Dahlias are gorgeous. Know what you mean about jet lag disturbed sleep, the 1st night is the easiest, but it takes two more nights of terrible sleep before one gets their clock back to normal. Glad the airlines treated you well, always a plus when that happens.

  13. Hi Steve, Dave and olga. I am using my phone now. Sorry about the jet lag but when you change time zones that brain doesn't click back right away. I have been there. It's a brain recovery struggle. Your flowers are just beautiful. Recover soon.

  14. Sorry about your jetlag. Just take it easy the next few days...your flowers are gorgeous!

  15. wow, that first photo nearly put my eye out. COLOR!!Jet lag - folks have all sorts of advice and remedies , i have found that none of really do the job for me. I give myself three days to get over it. Glad you are back at home.

  16. Your dahlias are so pretty. Hope you feel better, it does take a little time to get over the travel and time changes.
    Good luck with the quarantine!

  17. I wish we could grow Dahlias. They are so very lovely.
    In a way, I think it's nice to be quarantined for awhile when you get home and have jet lag- a good reason to just attend to things at home. I'm feeling like I need to do EVERYTHING today include going to the grocery store and honestly, I'd rather not. And I don't even have jet lag.

  18. Good luck with the jet lag symptoms and the Covid tests. I have had insomnia until about 1:30 myself lately but I haven't been anywhere. I think it's the Kahlua drinks I had in the evening each time I couldn't get to sleep.

  19. Dahlias have become my favorite flowers. There is a variety that is white and red that I plant each year in my yard.
