Saturday, August 14, 2021

A Very Complainy Post

This is another picture from my trip to Hastings. In front of the battlefield entrance were these bollards, which someone had sheathed in fun knitted coverings. These are only a few of them -- there were similar bollards all around the square. I wish I'd had time to get more photos, but we were already in the car and driving away when I asked Chris to pull over so I could grab a quick shot.

I just heard the recycling truck come by. We've been having some trouble with our rubbish collection. They usually come on Friday mornings, but they've been a few days late for the past few weeks, and last week they didn't even pick up our garden waste (a service for which we pay extra). I went on their web site to complain and found a note that said, "We are currently experiencing recycling and waste collection delays." Which makes it sound like the delays are something being inflicted upon them -- that they're just passive victims. When in fact, it seems to me, it should read, "We are currently delaying recycling and waste collection." Aren't they in control?

And while I'm complaining, let's talk about Blogger comments. Have any of you noticed, while commenting on a blog, that sometimes your comment just disappears and doesn't post? I've had this happen several times recently, and no amount of reloading the page or closing the browser window solves the problem. I can even comment on other posts on the same blog, but not the one I want to comment on. The only thing I can do is wait -- and often, if I go back in ten minutes, the comment posts just fine. I have no idea what's going on there but it's annoying.

Also, remember that kerfuffle earlier this year about how Blogger was going to stop e-mailing posts to subscribers who had signed up via their widget, powered by Feedburner? That was supposed to happen in July. But I'm still getting my own posts in my e-mail every day, so apparently it's still working. A mystery!

Well, geez, I didn't mean to be so grouchy in this post. Here's one of our roses -- we're seeing a second flush of blooms on some of the plants. See the little bug on the petal to the right?

Other flowers haven't performed well this year at all. I already mentioned the cardoon, which only has one good-sized blossom and a few smaller ones that look like they never matured. Our Chinese lanterns haven't done well either -- the one in the pot only sent up a few shoots, and the one in the ground had one or two flowers but that's it. I don't think we're going to get any lanterns this year. Everyone says this plant is so vigorous but that has not been our experience.

My appointment at the dentist was yesterday. It went fine -- just a cleaning, and it seemed a bit perfunctory but I guess it's better than nothing. The hygienist said she'd only worked there two weeks, and she was a bit overeager in her instructions to me. I felt like saying, "I've been brushing my teeth successfully for more than half a century, and I'm not about to change my methodology now!" Old dog, new tricks --right?

Last night I watched "Missing," the 1982 Costa-Gavras film starring Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek, about Pinochet's violent 1973 coup in Chile (backed by the USA). It's one of my favorite movies, but it's surprisingly hard to find streaming. I've looked for it several times over the years with no luck, and finally yesterday I found it on a site called Chili that I'd never used before. I "purchased" it for £5.99, but I'm unclear whether that means I own it in perpetuity or I merely rented it. Anyway, I was glad to finally get a chance to see it again.


  1. Ah, Yarn bombing!! Sometimes you wonder how they got some of them on!

    Not good to not get what you are paying for..but possibly it is staffing problems working down the line?

    1. There are probably staffing issues, maybe related to people having to isolate because of Covid. Just a hunch.

  2. In response to your complainies: That sucks about trash and recycling. I hate that passive voice. Yes, I also keep experiencing that blogger commenting issue. Argh. I’ve never seen bollard booties. What an odd thing to spend time on. But entertaining. Oh, I’ve had some over-zealous hygienists like that. One REALLY got to me. I was in my early 50s. Three visits. Three 15-minute harangues about how often to brush and floss. I always did both more than she “instructed“ and I finally told her so as nicely as I could manage. The position of two bottom teeth was the problem and even my dentists always complained about those. I was grateful to move and to not have to see her again.

    1. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one having that commenting problem. It's super-frustrating. As others have said, I've taken to copying my comment before trying to post it, just in case it doesn't go through. I just tolerate the hygienist because I figure it's her job and in this case she was so new -- but yeah, if she keeps it up, I may intervene.

  3. Which side of the bed did you get out of today Mr Grouch? It's likely that the waste/recycling service has been disrupted by staff taking summer holidays along with COVID related illness and isolation. I would love to see "Missing". It still pisses me off that Thatcher gave General Pinochet sanctuary in England. That's like giving Mussolini sanctuary or Idi Amin. Shameful.

    1. "Shameful"? Depends how you look at it, YP. Even the worst human being is still a human being. When they pulled Sadam Hussein out of that hole my heart went out to him. I wept. Yes, really. Stone me now. I have only ever told my son and my father. Everyone else would have lynched me. Why did I weep? All I saw was an old and totally bewildered man. A human being.


    2. He shut down parliament, suffocated political life, banned trade unions, and made Chile his sultanate. His government "disappeared" 3,000 opponents, arrested 30,000 (torturing thousands of them). Oh yeah - he was a human being alright.

    3. Pinochet did not deserve sanctuary. He should have been prosecuted in an international court of justice. Yes, he's a human being, but that doesn't mean he (or Saddam) shouldn't be held to account for their crimes against humanity. (Not that I agree with the way Saddam's capture occurred.)

  4. We pay extra for our garden collection too, and I would be extremely annoyed if it wasn't collected, especially because at this time of year 'gardening' for me consists of cutting and pruning things like hazel and beech trees, philadelphus, and so on which produce a lot of foliage. I'm begging neighbours space in their bins.

    1. Exactly! It's a busy time for trimming and discarding.

  5. Where better to complain and grouch than on your own blog.
    I had that blogging issue some time ago. All is well now.
    I am well over knitted things for posts and trees. The time has passed from when that was interesting.
    I suppose what you paid to see the film compared to what you would pay at cinema, not to bad. I have a great interest in the Mitford sisters and a new series is being released of The Pursuit of Love by Amazon Prime. I reckon I will pay to see it after such positive feedback. Prime has some great offerings. But how many services can you pay for. We already pay $9 a month for Britbox.

    1. I still think the "knitted things" are pretty cool, even if not really innovative anymore. It all depends on the execution! We have Amazon Prime and I've found it to be worthwhile. There's quite a bit to watch on Amazon.

  6. Unlike you I don't need to worry about blogger, the platform. Some of my comments will, no magic involved, never be published because some bloggers employ "moderation" - if only. They publish on a public forum. And filter; delete even sweet nothings, and on principle, if they have taken a dislike to you. Little Hitlers. Feel the power. When will books be burnt again because they don't fit the agenda? Free speech stifled? The most hilarious example (I don't think your paths have crossed) someone who is up in arms regarding our liberties/freedom yet will only ALLOW comments if and when they fit her agenda. Otherwise you'll be out of the door. Her contradiction in terms is hilarious [to me].

    As to Council Services I share your being (in my case, mildly) annoyed. A lot is a bit crap at the moment - forget rubbish, apparently there are not enough HGV drivers around at the moment to replenish grocery stores shelves. Lucky for the Prime Minister that the waters are now muddied between what is due to Covid and what is due to Brexshite.

    Anyway, Steve, look at that beautiful rose of yours and its visitor, and remember that we all need to take a deep breath at time and smile - despite of "it".

    Throwing a ball for Olga to chase,

    1. The concept of Free speech doesn’t apply with personal blogs where comments are invited but are not guaranteed to be posted.

    2. Yes, John, I hear you. However, to me a blog is like giving a party, not an exercise in censorship. Be that as it may - some of us are more easy going than others. If someone makes an ass of themselves, offends (often unintentionally) be my guest. It's fine. We come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. What is one person's ass and pain in same is another's amusing Dorothy Parker.

      Bloggers I do not understand are those who won't give someone a second chance. It's so mean it's beyond my comprehension. As you know I have had a fair few run-ins in the comment boxes. Some where I misjudged the person involved, some where I may indeed have overstepped the mark, many where I tried to make good. What I misunderstood that some bloggers are not so much interested in their "guests" and the rainbow of views they bring to the table but rather in building echo chambers, not a hair out of place; a bit like those strange beehive concoctions (hair) of the Sixties. "Don't touch me"! Or it all falls apart.

      The subject of commenting on blogs is a big one and as you said the other day, over at Cro's, I don't want to turn this into another "Ursula Fest". So I'll leave it there. Maybe of interest to you and Steve's other readers that over the years I have made many a friend in blogland - not least out of initial adversary. On the whole though, having learnt my lesson, I do try to keep it light and fluffy (alas not SHORT - forgive me my cardinal commenting sin) whilst not denying who I am.

      John, the day I write someone off has yet to come, as in NEVER,

    3. I have deleted very few comments. I won't tolerate comments that I feel are racist or offensive, and I can think of two I deleted that, in my eyes, crossed those lines.

      I'd also rather not have readers arguing in my comment threads. If you have old resentments or frustrations with each other, I respectfully ask that you not voice those here. I don't mean to make it all "me, me, me" but please try to keep your comments addressing me, and about the subject of my post. Thanks!

    4. Steve, I thought I had addressed your post. Albeit riffing on the subject of "commenting". My reply to John does not constitute "arguing", just an exchange of ideas on a sore subject in blogland.

      That John follows me around, and now TS too, in other bloggers' comment boxes is regrettable. Not for me, for the blogging host.

      I have taken on board what you are saying. If, in the above exchange, there were anything to apologize for, I'd apologize to you. Alas, all I can do is thank you for letting stand what I said in good faith.


  7. The bollard booties fascinate me because I can’t decide if there was one manic obsessed knitter or a whole squad gathered somewhere together, needles clacking furiously away. I mean, those took a LOT of knitting!

    Just when I think Blogger has settled down, it does something else stupid. Recently it took away or made more difficult my ability to edit my site.

    1. I KNOW! You gotta wonder how much time someone (or several someones) spent on that project. It looks quite time-consuming! And as I said, there were many more covered bollards that didn't make it into this photo.

    2. Oh, and yes, I've run into that site-editing problem too. I have to go to "layout" on my dashboard to edit any widgets.

  8. That looks like an old English rose, what’s its scent like

    1. I had to step outside to smell it in order to answer this question! It's very faint. A lot of the roses in our garden look nice but don't really smell like much.

  9. I don't think I've experienced that problem posting comments yet. I hate when things like that happen with no logical explanation. I have had a lot spam lately. In fact just a couple days ago I noticed a few of them and as I was deleting them, one or two came back.
    I love the bollards with sweaters. It is a curious endeavor.

    1. Yeah, the spam is a constant annoyance. Consider yourself lucky that you haven't had the commenting problem! Makes me wonder why I do but you don't. Is it my computer? My browser? Who knows.

  10. I've noticed the missing [delayed] comments only on one blog, but then notice that the comment is on the blog the next day. Sometimes it posts instantly, and other times it takes a day. I don't get it, but ...
    Here in our small town every winter people knit Tree Cozies, and wrap the tree trunks along Broad Street is knitted creations. Very cool idea.

    1. Yes, I've noticed the delayed commenting too on some blogs -- particularly WordPress blogs. I also think these fun knitted coverings are pretty cool. I guess it's a good way for people who are crafty to focus their energy!

  11. I am with you on blogger acting up on commenting. Frequently of late, I will write a comment and when I hit publish, I get a "Whoops! Error" from Blogger. Telling me to clear my cache, etc. etc.. But even so this sometimes happens a couple of times a day. Have taken to copying my comment before posting in case it disappears into the ether. Try again--after clearing cache. Sometimes it will work. Sometimes not. Several comments this past couple of weeks never made it to you or Ms Moon. So feel free to complain.

    1. Yes, I do the same now -- copy the comment before trying to post it. I don't even get an error page. The comment box simply flickers and goes blank. It happens when I would normally get the Google "I'm not a robot" verification.

  12. Those knitted covers make me giggle when I think of what the warriors who fought the Battle of Hastings would say if they saw them. I'm not sure I understand the point of them. I suppose if they amuse us, they serve their purpose. No longer do we need to knit bandages for soldiers. And we humans do need distractions, don't we? Some of us knit and some of us boldly attack via the age-old battlefield of the blog comment.

    1. The Hastings warriors would be confounded by a lot of things in the modern world, I suspect! That's an interesting way to look at it -- we need distractions, even if frivolous.

  13. I find those knitted covers very interesting. Your rose is beautiful. I don't have many blooms right now either, but I love the ones that I do have. My Rose Of Sharon is looking great with all its blooms. We all need a grumpy day now and then. Comments on my blog have to be checked first before being posted. Sometimes I only check once a day. I'll have to see about changing that. I hope today is a better day for you my friend, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Oh, I don't mind people who screen their comments. I can tell if a comment has gone into screening vs. simply being erased.

  14. Now "complainy" sounds like a good new word. thanks for coining it!

  15. I haven't experienced any problem with commenting. I have a different issue with blogger. they took away the quick edit tool for the gadgets in the sidebar. now you have to go to the layout to edit and at least for me, even that won't allow me to delete any of the blogs on my blogroll gadget. haven't tried to add anything yet but I click the trash can, click save and the window goes gray and freezes.

    poorly performing gardens this year seems to be everywhere. Mine, yours, a lady in Germany.

    1. Yeah, I have that issue with Blogger too -- I have to go into the dashboard to edit the widgets, like my "What I'm Reading" box. I haven't tried to alter my blogroll yet.

      I wouldn't say our whole garden is poorly performing -- just certain plants.

  16. I have been experiencing problems with comments for several months. It became so routine that I now make a copy of the comment before I hit "publish." Typically what happens is a page comes up after I hit publish that says "Whoops an error occurred." I then close my browser and re-open it. Go back to the blog and try to publish the comment again. It works almost every time.

    1. Yeah, I copy mine now too. There's nothing worse than writing a long comment and having it vanish into the ether! I don't even get the "error" page. For me, the comment box flashes and goes blank, rather than giving me the usual Google verification check box. But like I said, if I wait ten minutes and try again, it often works. Weird!

  17. I think those knitted things were all the rage for awhile. I remember seeing them other places.

    Every platform seems to have its quirks. Wordpress went through a major overhaul during the past year or so and I've finally adjusted to it.

    1. I think I first saw them in New York when I lived there in the "aughts." There was a street artist who would knit coverings for objects. Now they've become much more commonplace.

  18. Thanks Ellen! I had not noticed the quick edit tools were gone. They're done this before, too bad I don't remember the work around to get them to show.
    Given the lack of attention Blogger receives from Google, I always wonder if they're going to pull support. That will be the end of me blogging, guess I'll go back to photo album-ing.
    The knitted stuff on the bollards is pretty cute.

    1. I download backups of my blog periodically, so if Blogger dies I can hopefully migrate to another site. But I also hope it doesn't happen, obviously!

  19. I still get your post notifications in my email, but I also have you on my blog reader, so I won't miss out in any case. Still, blogging platforms are getting quite annoying. I pay for mine and it STILL misbehaves sometimes.

    1. Yeah, that's worse, when you pay for it! I would be willing to pay if it meant a more stable platform, or a guarantee that the platform wouldn't someday disappear.

  20. If that's you complaining, then you are a very sweet tempered man.

    1. Ha! Well, I'm glad you think so, but I don't always FEEL sweet-tempered!

  21. Occasionally comments don't "take," but if I wait a while, then they're usually okay. Sometimes I have difficulty responding to comments on my own blog. It's all a bit annoying. I keep seeing a lot of complaints about yard waste and sometimes recycling not getting picked up on our neighborhood's Facebook group, which leads to people complaining that no one wants to work because they can live off of the government because the city's Web site says they have a staffing shortage. When I took Franklin and Penelope to the vet, he kept apologizing for our wait and said it was because of staffing problems. I'm sure some people don't want to work because of laziness or whatever reason, but a lot of people have been struggling for months with lingering illness, trying to care for children or the elderly, and worrying about losing the place where they live. I don't have those problems. I don't want to work because I prefer not to be treated like shit.


    1. Yeah, I think this idea that no one wants to work because they're living off the government is balderdash. People are unable to work for a variety of reasons -- child care being a big one. Besides, employers ought to be paying enough to make the job worthwhile, and many minimum-wage employers aren't doing that. When businesses complain about being unable to hire, the simple answer is, raise your pay!

  22. What a lovely yarn bombing! Yarn Bombing Day was June 11th this year, I'm surprised they still look so nice. If you Google Yarn Bombing images, you will be astounded by the things that knitters cover with yarn! Yup.

    1. Oh, interesting! I had no idea there was a specific "yarn bombing" day!

  23. Hi yall!!!! Steve these people aren't showing up for work anymore. I live in the surburbs of Houston and I am going through all the food places not opening on time like what you went through with in Florida. Today I stopped by kroger to pick up a few items and on my way back to my car I saw a group of people standing by Church's chicken door. I politely drove over there and told them they need to leave these people alone because this is the 5th time I've seen this. They were suppose to open at 10am but this was 11:00am and the place was still dark. More here are the same. I've started cooking enough food for the days I have dialysis and all I need to do is warm it. Arby's was doing that and nothing left now but a new vacant building. I think they are in competition debating on who will be the first one out of business. (lol) What is going to happen when all the government funds stop coming. A lot of people will be homeless and need to be that way. It's sad. We do have a lot now to complain about. On a very serious note, we were late getting our dialysis because all the charge nurses went on vacation at the same time. So we had to be delayed until they bring in someone. It make you not want to look out of your door at the sometimes.

    1. The problem is, the business model for fast-food and certain retail businesses calls for VERY low-paid labor. You can't blame people for not showing up when they're being poorly paid. Those employers need to suck it up and pay people more. They'll get better, more motivated employees, and if they have to raise prices, well, that's the way it works. (Although they could also stop funneling millions of dollars in bonuses to their CEOs.) I'd pay more to have better customer service, because it's so appallingly bad these days.

  24. My, my, so testy. Then you watch an old movie about a military uprising. I think it's high time Dave got home.
