Friday, August 20, 2021


I passed this strange storefront on the way home from work yesterday. I even looked on the Air BnB website to see if it really is listed, and I couldn't find it -- so I guess that's a joke. Let's hope so!

Work was fine yesterday. The library is chaos, but as I said earlier, we have some time before students arrive to get things in order. We need to shift some of the books to more evenly distribute them on the shelves, but the good news is, our library reorganization and weeding has left us with plenty of shelf space. We were afraid everything might not fit in the new, slightly downsized library, but that doesn't appear to be the case.

Dave and I are experimenting a bit with our evening meals. It isn't quite by choice. When the Russians went out of town, they forgot to cancel a food delivery box they get every month with various ingredients and recipes. Mrs. Russia wrote me and told us to use the box, I suppose in exchange for babysitting her strawberries. (Which makes it doubly imperative that I not kill them!)

Last night Dave made chicken taquitos with avocado and feta. If, like me, you aren't sure what a taquito is, it's basically a smallish burrito. Or at least it was in this case. Dave initially didn't want to follow the recipe -- he just wanted to make his own thing using the ingredients. But because the ingredients we received are specifically tailored to these recipes, I thought we should follow them to make sure we use them all.

Anyway, it's kind of a fun little experiment. I'm tempted to plant the avocado pit, but I suppose the last thing we need is another avocado tree. We can't even figure out what to do with the one we've got.

Of course this food box arrived just as we put in our own grocery order (delivered by "Gary in the Cabbage Van," according to Ocado, our online grocer). So now our refrigerator is overflowing and I'm stressed about whether we're going to be able to eat everything.

I read a Newbery book that I loved, called "Miracles on Maple Hill," from 1957. It's about a girl whose family moves to the country in Pennsylvania, and she learns about rural life -- the animals and plants in the woods surrounding her house, and about making maple syrup in early spring. It's a positive, joyful book, and that's somewhat unusual in the world of Newbery. So many of them seem pretty bleak.

We're watching "The White Lotus" on TV, which is terrific. We had to get a subscription to another TV streaming service to do it -- so now we have three subscriptions, Netflix, Amazon and Now TV -- but this show is so good it was worth it. Unfortunately it's a limited series and we only have two more episodes.


  1. Ooh, tell us more about your avocado tree! I've grown lots of avocado *plants* from pips but they're always a bit sad and leggy.

    Reshelving all those books onto nice clean shelves has got to be tremendously satisfying :)

    1. If you search "avocado" on the blog, you should see lots of pictures of it. It looks pretty good, all things considered, although it's now too tall for the house and we're struggling with what to do with it! It's spending the summer on the patio.

  2. I’d love the address of that Airbnb for my next visit. It must be so hard for you to toss that avocado pit. We’re planning to soon start on The White Lotus.

    1. I hate throwing out avocado pits. I always see so much potential there.

  3. It looks like the shop has been taken over by squatters so it is now a squat. I wonder what was blacked out above and to the right of the door. Possibly: "BORIS JOHNSON IS A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW".

    1. I think it WAS a squat but it has now been reclaimed by the courts. You can't see the letters posted in the windows but that's what they say. Weirdly, I think this used to be our Vodafone shop, where we went to get new phones.

  4. I have never heard of that book. I was interested to learn that the author used her time in Edinboro, Pennsylvania to create the setting for the book. Edinboro is not far from us, known for its teacher's college, although they have other degree programs. Interesting side note: They used to offer free education to those who play bagpipes.

    1. Interesting! Apparently she was from Utah originally. I wonder if she was somehow associated with the teachers college?

  5. Taquitos are great for parties, finger food, Yours were likely more fancy. Nice to have food security with all that is coming your way. Will check out White Lotus, you recommend the best , most watchable. I subscribed to Brit Box - It is very limited but enjoyable. I watched you and Dave and a glimpse of Olga which made the subscription worth it.

    1. I hope you like "The White Lotus" -- we just finished it last night and I'm sorry it's over.

  6. That sounds like a great meal! I get stressed sometimes with our Misfits boxes. Mike orders a lot of fruit but he doesn't really eat very much of it & that feels like quite a burden because lots of days I want chocolate instead of apples. Ha!

    1. Do you get to choose what items you get, or do they decide for you? I hate it when we have too much produce. I agree, it IS stressful. We always get it all eaten, though.

  7. I think it's sort of fun that you and Dave are getting those meal boxes. I've always wanted to try them simply for the fact that they eliminate the need to figure out what to eat for supper.
    We're watching The White Lotus too. It is now my new hobby to hate that honeymoon rich kid. I HATE him. Actually, none of the characters is very likable. But it's interesting.

    1. Well, we're supposed to hate him, aren't we? All the characters have their flaws, which is part of what's so great about the show. I feel like they all seem very REAL, while simultaneously being entitled and obnoxious.

  8. I'll pass on that Air B'n'B, thankyouverymuch.
    I like a good taquito, and it was probably a treat getting the Russian's food box.
    I've heard good things about The White Lotus but we are not a streaming house; it's all too much to me.

    1. God, almost all we watch these days is streaming. We seldom watch any broadcast.

  9. I could spend all day organizing books. or anything really, the soup shelf in my food station at SHARE, my frit (which is organized by the color wheel and not by the product numbers).

    taquitos are more like flautas only much smaller, a little bit of filling rolled up in a small tortilla and then crisped up in a pan in some oil.

    1. You would have made a good librarian! Enjoying organizing is a key component of the job.

  10. I love the sign on that building. Someone has a very good sense of humor.
    I've never eaten a taquito or even a taco. Isn't that crazy! I'm going to have check on taquitos and see what it is. Maybe it'll be something I could experiment with.

    1. How could you never have had a taco?! I think you need to go get some this weekend. (NOT at Taco Bell!)

  11. I'd say you're lucky to get the food box with recipes.

  12. I think that right before Mrs Russian gets home, you should buy a pint of strawberries and hand them to her in a couple of little pots...instead of the plants. Ta Da! Magic gardener world. :)

    1. Ha! It may come to that if I kill the plants. I only have to keep them going one more week.

  13. I use to love taquitos, but haven't ever made them from scratch.

    So tell me about your avocado tree. Did you grow it from a pit and has it ever produced? (I'm keeping tabs on Debby's experiment) I frequently have them sprout in my compost pile, but normally turn them under. I've been told that those grown from store-bought avocado pits rarely produce, so I've never gone to the trouble to move any to pots to test the theory.

    1. Yes, we grew it from a pit we planted way back in 2012 or so. We grew it as an experiment and it's become a nice big houseplant. We don't really expect avocados. In Florida I knew people who grew trees from pits and they produced fruit, but it takes a long time and the tree has to be quite big.

  14. We've started watching The Americans on Prime and wow is it good! I'll look for White Lotus, thanks for the suggestion.

    1. I don't know that one! I'll have to watch for it!

  15. I'm curious what you think of the food box. I see a lot of ads on TV for them. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. We've only eaten one meal from ours and it was good, but I think Dave prefers to have more freedom over what he cooks and how.

  16. My friend Glenda tried one of those delivered meal boxes once. She invited me over to enjoy a couple with her. They were always good but in the end she decided it was too much. It turned out to be too regimented.
    I just saw that White Lotus show as a suggestion for purchase last night. I'll have to check into it. Right now I'm consumed by "Manifest" on Netflix.

    1. Yeah, exactly -- I think with the boxes, Dave misses the freedom and creativity he feels when cooking "freestyle." We haven't watched "Manifest" yet!

  17. I like Hello, Fresh but am not generally a fan of taquitos.

    1. I guess "Hello, Fresh" is a grocery provider? Ours is called "Gousto." (Well, it's not ours -- it's the neighbors'.)

  18. Do you have a freezer or maybe just give some of the food to a charity or do you have one of those neighbours website thingys? I just passed on a couple of too large pot plants and tons of courgettes. Gone within less than on hour.

    We enjoyed The White Lotus a lot. Great show!

    1. We have Freecycle, which is kind of like what you're talking about, but I'm not aware of a neighborhood site other than that. We do have a freezer. I suggested freezing but Dave thinks we can eat it all. We'll see!

  19. Did Dave bake the taquitos or (heaven forbid) fry them in oil?

    1. I'm embarrassed to say I don't know! I think he baked them?

  20. Was it your site that showed a communityfood share?

    1. Ummmm...I don't think so. We've only had this one box and I didn't photograph it.

  21. Cook the excess food and freeze it. Waste not want not. So how is the food box food? I am considering signing up for one so we'll eat something new.

    1. Yeah, I think we'll take a closer look at it all today and we may put some things in the freezer. We never throw anything out.
