Friday, August 27, 2021

Winged Figure

This is a sculpture called "Winged Figure" by Barbara Hepworth. It's mounted on the side of the John Lewis department store on Oxford Street. I like the way it contrasts with the older architecture around it, but it can be surprisingly hard to photograph because of its position high up on a wall. It's dramatically lit at night.

Yesterday I took care of a couple of things that have been hanging over me for a while. I filled out a tax form for Dave that our employers asked for weeks ago -- I didn't know about it initially, and Dave mentioned it to me just before I went to Florida, and then he went traveling and he needed to sign it. So basically we couldn't get it done before now. I don't think it's super-important but hopefully the IRS won't come knocking!

I also contacted our tour company about that South America trip we purchased last year. You may remember we bought my dream trip to Brazil just in time for Covid to hit, and everything wound up cancelled. We were issued a voucher for another trip, but it has become increasingly obvious that we're not going to be able to use that credit any time soon -- and besides, it's stressing me out knowing that thousands of pounds of our money is just sort of hanging out there, when it could be in our bank account where it belongs. So in what was probably an incredibly long-overdue decision, I asked the company for a refund. Supposedly it's now being processed and will come within the next week.

The customer service person we spoke to told Dave that the deadline for collecting a refund is in September -- so it's a darn good thing I called them when I did. What would happen, I wonder, if I hadn't called? Surely they wouldn't just keep the money. I can't believe that would be legal.

The Afghanistan situation is getting even more disastrous. It's ironic that our enemies can't resist bombing us even as we're on the way out the door. If they hate us so much you'd think they'd just let us leave. Any opportunity to cause bloodshed, I suppose -- and now they've basically guaranteed that the US will have to retaliate somehow, as well as strengthen our security presence around the airport, which will simply prolong our involvement in that part of the world. I'm hardly the first person to say it, but Afghanistan is the very definition of a quagmire.


  1. Trying to make sense of the behavior of extremists (anywhere in the world, i.e. the US where people are taking cattle deworming drugs rather than take a legitimate vaccine). It looks like ISKP wants to be noticed. The poor people who will be left behind to the Taliban and IS. Yes, quagmire.

    What a relief you slipped in ahead of the deadline for your refund.

    1. It's true -- extremism of any sort is bewildering.

  2. Like Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth was of course from Yorkshire. In Wakefield there is a lovely art museum devoted to her work. Surprisingly perhaps it is called "The Hepworth". Regarding the travel money but on a smaller scale - Shirley had a £50 gift voucher given to her by her employers but it has now expired and the money is lost to her but of course not to the Meadowhall shopping centre from which it was purchased.

    1. There's a lesson there YP, but it is worth trying to have it honoured. Some stores will acquiesce.

    2. I agree with Andrew -- it seems like Shirley could plead her case and get that certificate honored. (Depending on how long ago it expired.) After all, the shopping center will want to preserve her as a customer and it's only fair.

  3. Thanks for taking a ladder on The Tube to get that good photo of Hepworth's work. You'll have to go back with the ladder for a night time photo.

    If it is an UK based travel company I think you would be ok. If based elsewhere, good luck with the refund.

    What a terrible thing in Kabul. What to do? I know, invade Afghanistan and find the guilty? Ah, that has been tried. Honestly if the might of Soviet Union with perhaps its forces less considerate of human lives could not win against Afghans, what hope was there for the 'coalition of the willing'.

    1. That ladder was hell to haul around! LOL!

      We did use a UK-based travel company, fortunately, and the purchase has legal protections.

  4. That sculpture looks like a spider web covered alien ship that crashed into the side of a building.

    I imagine that might be teeny tiny print in an email somewhere that mentions a cancellation date. Teeny weeny tiny print.

    1. Oh, I'm sure it's in the contract. But yeah, who reads that?!

  5. That attack at the airport in Kabul was just too good of an opportunity for that group to resist - they hate us AND the Taliban. Such a cluster & it still feels like there was no good way to handle this.

    I did a task at work yesterday that had been on my list for a week, and today I'll do two more. I'm on a roll! Ha!

    1. Doesn't it feel good to get that stuff DONE, though?!

  6. Glad you got that request for a refund in. I know you're relieved to get those two things taken care of.
    I don't even know what to say about Afghanistan. A never-ending horror.

    1. I can't believe I waited so long on the refund, but I kept thinking we could eventually use it, and time just rolled along.

  7. Heather Cox Richardson's newsletter today was about that. I don't think Biden is going to send more troops, just continue the leaving. he will pick his target and time to retaliate after we're gone. also, she thinks the Taliban is trying for legitimacy on the world stage, trying to form a government from a bunch of factions that were only united in their hatred of the US occupation. so now the Taliban has their own terrorist group to fight against...ISIS-K.

    1. There will be no peace in Afghanistan, it seems, even after our departure.

  8. It looks more like wings in the lit-up photo. Thanks for the link to your flicker account - now I have another way to spend time - perusing your lovely photos! Wow!

    1. There are a LOT of photos there, and probably not all interesting! But you're certainly welcome to explore. :)

  9. I will feel great relief when we finally leave Afghanistan. That bombing yesterday reminded me of the violent ignorance that persists no matter what.
    Glad you're going to get your refund. Looking forward to that update.

    1. I'll be glad to get out too, but I somehow feel we'll never be entirely done with that place. It's going to be a global trouble spot for the foreseeable future -- like Iran and North Korea.

  10. That's an interesting piece of art. I don't understand it but I suppose some folks do. I'm glad you're getting a refund of your trip money. I'm sure you can find something else fun to do with it. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. I don't know that you have to "understand" it -- just appreciate the form and the shape. If you find it interesting, it has succeeded!

  11. Getting refunds for travel has been an issue. some countries have had to put pressure on some companies.

    1. Yeah, I think we're lucky because ours was booked through a big UK travel provider with legal protections -- but I'll be glad when the money is back in our bank account.

  12. Yo Brother , Enjoy The Weekend


    1. Thanks! I'll give Olga a treat in your name, I promise. :)

  13. Glad you are getting that refund taken care of. Getting refunds for canceled trips has been quite the process for many people. I was lucky I didn't have anything hanging out there but I have friends who worked on getting their money back for months.
    The Afghanistan thing is making me sick to my stomach. The whole thing has been such a phenomenal waste in so many ways.

    1. They seemed quite ready to accommodate our refund request, but we'll see what happens.

  14. Funny how much dread those three little letters can bring! (IRS)

    That's a shame about the trip, but I'm glad you beat the deadline for a refund. Hopefully that money will be back in your possession soon.

    1. Fortunately I've never run afoul of the IRS but I hear they can really make life hell.

  15. Afghanistan has always been a quagmire and it's tragic that it took so long to realize it. We really do never seem to learn from history. I can't even begin to understand the mindset of extremists these days, no matter what their ideology. Glad you got your money back and if there was some kind of contract with the September deadline in it, they probably could have legally kept the money. So, whew!!

    1. Hopefully they won't find some way to keep it anyway! I'll feel better once it's back in our possession.

  16. Typical humans, interesting that my history classes were about wars , treaties, treaties broken, conquering. Humans are an aggressive destructive species on the whole- so it goes.
    i always wondered about that sculpture on the side of John Lewis. Thank you for that! Splendid shot!!

    1. It IS odd how much of history focuses on the ways we've all killed and conquered each other.

  17. There is a winged figure on the old John Lewis in Liverpool too

    1. I did not know that! They must have commissioned several of them. Wonder if there's one in Manchester or Newcastle? I bet the info is online somewhere.

  18. Love the Hepworth piece!
    Hope your refund comes through.

    1. Fingers crossed! I will be sure to report back!

  19. It's good you got your refund when you did. I have to do some paperwork to re-instate a government payment to which I am entitled and I am dreading it. Actually, I dread anything to do with our national revenue agency! Good on you for getting your paperwork done.

    1. Paperwork really can be such a nightmare. In our case the tax form wasn't even difficult -- it was just a matter of having me here to do it (because Dave just ignores anything tax-related) and Dave here to sign it.

  20. Interesting juxtaposition of old and new in your photo. What does it say about me that the sky in your image reminds of Harry Potter movies. I'm glad you're getting your tour money back. My husband and I still have a tentative travel plan for December. He is quite excited about it so I don't have the heart to wonder aloud if we'll actually be able to go.
