Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Olga's Day

These purple Japanese anemones are really hitting their stride in the garden. We've had better luck with this purple plant than we have with some of our white ones. Dave planted three new white anemones last year and all three of them died, and we're not really sure why. Dave said they were very root-bound when he put them in the ground and he thinks that may have been part of the problem, but who knows?

You may remember that we got "Olga-cam" cameras several years ago to keep an eye on the dog (and the house) while we're at work. We can dial in at any time and see what she's up to, and it also has a motion-activated video function. Yesterday I turned the cameras on and got some sense of what Olga does all day.

Because it was particularly rainy and she didn't want to walk, I left her in bed when I went to work.

Here's a still photo taken at about 11 a.m. Can you see her under the covers with her head on the pillow? She hasn't moved.

Soon afterwards she at least mustered the energy to change position:

You can really hear the rain coming down. Normally I would make the bed in the morning but I didn't yesterday because she was in it. Not too long afterwards, her dog walker showed up and took her out, which I'm sure didn't thrill her! (Fortunately Dave was home by the time she returned, so we were spared the possibility of a damp dog in the bed.)

My day was about as eventful as Olga's. I am gradually making headway on clearing a handful of very overdue library accounts, but it's slow going. A parent who had a couple of games checked out since May 2020 brought them back yesterday, and a member of another family who's had a book about as long agreed to pay for it. Progress!


  1. You’d think she’d at least make the bed when she’s done.

  2. The video would have been more entertaining if you had put a horny male dachshund in bed with Olga for the morning.

  3. Olga and I seem to have a lot in common...

    1. Ha! She's definitely indulging impulses we all share.

  4. Carlos is always stunned that I won't make the bed while the cats are sleeping on it. But who wants to awaken the sleeping beauties??

    Olga looks perfectly at home.

    1. I hate having to move her. I always feel so guilty!

  5. The mundane in life can often make interesting blog fodder, as I was recently told about a previous post of mine about a kitchen door handle. (hasten to add I am not saying your post is mundane)

    1. It's true! I think we all share an interest in the little details of each others' lives. I always find posts about day-to-day stuff more interesting than posts about politics or big issues. (Not that I don't occasionally write about those too.)

  6. I often don't make my bed & I don't even have a dog! (I usually make it right before I get in at night - it just feels better to sleep in a made bed.)

    I am very envious of Olga right now, sitting at my desk getting ready to look for toothpicks for my eyes - ha!

  7. Oh! Those anemones!
    And Olga- she is such a queen of a dog. Bless her.

    1. She IS a queen. It's kind of ridiculous, honestly.

  8. I have my mother’s sensibilities ,
    I’d die before anyone saw my underpants drying

    1. You've got pretty good eyesight if you can see underpants in this post! They're there, but they're barely visible.

  9. I love watching Olga get that bed in just the right shape for her comfortable snooze. She's quite detailed in her efforts.

    1. It can be a lengthy process, and quite exhausting even to watch!

  10. Lovely flowers...Olga has such a great life...

  11. That's your bed she is fussing with so she can go back to sleep? Or does she have her own room with a big bed?
    I had to look at what you were hanging to dry! I am such a snoop!

    1. No, that's OUR bed. She sleeps with us, so it's not unusual for her to be in it at night, but usually during the day she's on the couch in the living room. This particular day she would not relinquish the bed! As for the clothes, well, they're not very interesting.

  12. I loved watching Olga get those blankets just the way she wanted them. It sounds like you got a lot of rain yesterday.

    1. Yeah, it was really coming down in late morning.

  13. those anemones are gorgeous and yes, they died because they were root bound. when plants get root bound so tight like that they just won't survive. you have to basically bare root them and pry the roots apart and even root prune them some before planting in a pot or in the ground if they any chance of surviving. they may not survive the shock of being bare rooted but it's the only chance they have.

    1. That makes sense. We tried to pull the roots apart a bit before planting but maybe it wasn't enough. (Or too much!)

  14. I can't tell you how happy that 46 seconds of Olga made me. They're so funny when they're trying to get things just right!

    1. I have no idea how this posted a second time. I guess I really wanted you to know how much I enjoyed Olga's video. Feel free to delete one!

    2. LOL -- it happens sometimes. I deleted one just for the sake of neatness. :)

      I'm glad you liked the vid!

  15. I love Olga's attention to detail as she arranges the covers so they are "just right."

  16. Hi Steve...Olga and Dave. Olga know how she want her covers. I laughed at her just the other day when she was sitting in the door to let you know she want her walk. Mine are too lazy. (lol) The girls won't mind me when I tell them to go outside. I just say well maybe they don't have to. My little boy Milo run out the door. I was gone all day yesterday and neither did anything on the floor. I have pet pads for them but they weren't used either. When I open the door they did run outside. (lol) We love our fur babies. They are very clean but holding it can cost a doctor bill. They will wait for me to get home.

    1. We usually make Olga go outside before we go to work, but on this particular day we just let her lie.

  17. What are you supposed to do on a rainy day? Well sleep ! we were farmers and worked like hell but when it rained we had a good sleep all day.

    1. Yeah, that makes sense. When it rains, nature is taking care of the farming!

  18. I love that video :) Thanks for that.

  19. Best Video Ever - Olga Girl Works Over That Pink Blanket - Finding Just That Perfect Spot - And Snooze

    Excellent Post Brother Reed,

  20. That top photo, wow! The colors. And Olga knows how to live!
