Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Slugs and Space Aliens

Today, a random collection of photos from my iPhone.

First, an exotic fowl seen perched on a wall on our street. I am forever finding these little toys from baby strollers littering the sidewalks. I don't know why the manufacturers can't make them so they don't fall off. (I guess that guarantees parents will buy more?)

Look! It's the Donald Trump smiley-face shopping bag!

A poem (you know it's dubious when it has to TELL you it's a poem) on the side of some discarded furniture near Willesden Junction. (Nowhere near Abbey Road, incidentally.)

Remember my shot of Olga in the tiled shop entrance? Well, the entrance has since become littered with fallen leaves, so I thought I'd do a follow-up picture. She's still not thrilled about being asked to stand there.

Some scary-looking graffiti on Billy Fury Way, just in time for Halloween.

This is an interstellar brand of "cosmic corn snacks." I would totally have eaten these a kid.

Here's another over-a-wall picture of a construction site. This used to be an old pub, and not only has it been torn down but they've excavated a gigantic pit in its place. What's going in here, next to the Finchley Road and Frognal overground station, I have no idea. I suppose I could look it up if I get motivated.

(Addendum: I got motivated. A block of flats was announced several years ago for the site, but it was supposed to be finished in 2019. So either there have been significant delays or perhaps the project has evolved into something else, or been sold to another owner. Who knows.)

A mischievous doodle some kids left on a whiteboard at work -- an astronaut, I believe, noting that there is indeed life on Mars. (Funny how life on Mars continues to be a myth that haunts our imaginations, even though we've pretty much proven there's nothing there but rocks.)

And finally, I once again came upon a parade of slugs (a dozen in this photo alone) descending this tree and crawling along the sidewalk, all in the same direction. This is the second time I've witnessed this phenomenon at this location. Do these slugs live or breed in that tree? What makes them come down to the ground? Where do they go from there? (It's mostly paved in the immediate vicinity.)

Very mysterious!


  1. Though not a dog owner myself, I at least know that one should not "ask" one's pet dog to stand somewhere, one should "command" it in an authoritative voice while yanking on the lead. That's my helpful tip for the day. Have a great Tuesday at work Mr Reed!

    1. Haven't you ever heard the expression "You attract more flies with honey than with vinegar"?

  2. The slugs came from Mars. They land in trees and have to crawl the rest of the way. Olga is such a diva. That entrance is fascinating. It looks distorted in your photos and would throw me off if I tried to step into it. I wouldn’t have eaten those chips when I was a kid.

    1. That's the best explanation for why a slug would be in a tree that I've heard so far!

  3. Interesting, but of course Olga is the best of the bunch as always.

  4. Those slugs look HUGE. Ack. I see a slug puddle off to the side.

    I really love that little shop entrance!

    1. Yeah, they are big ol' slugs. I think they may be green or yellow cellar slugs, which apparently often live in or around buildings.

  5. That slug dressed up as a parrot in the first picture wins my vote.

    1. Definitely better looking than those last ones!

  6. Aaack! A parade of slugs. Really good photos today. The "exotic fowl seen perched on a wall on our street" cracked me up.

    1. We have all kinds of unusual wildlife in London.

  7. When the slugs start leaving, look out. I mean, it takes them weeks to go a few feet so it must be serious,

    1. Actually, they apparently move surprisingly fast!

  8. If I saw a parade of slugs I don't even know what I'd do. Probably try my hardest to forget what I'd seen. That's just so weird.

    1. They are super-gross. And the tree trunk shimmers with their slime trails, there are so many of them there.

  9. interesting selection. the slugs aside, I really like that last picture just for the composition.

  10. The exotic fowl toy is rather pretty. Too bad some little kid lost it. The slugs, you can keep them. I don't think I've ever seen a parade of them like this. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. It disappeared from the wall, so maybe whoever dropped it found it there.

  11. A great collection of random photos. That shop entry way is really beautiful even with the fallen leaves.
    When I first looked at the slug photo, I thought the tree was a giant witch's hat. The slugs just added to the creepiness of it.

    1. It DOES look a bit like a witch's hat -- appropriate for the season!

  12. I wonder why the parent doesn't pick up the toy when it falls to the ground!
    Have you ever seen Banana Slugs? Look them up ... They are huge! Your little slugs ... not so much!

    1. My guess is the parent doesn't even notice. It happens all the time.

  13. I love the tiled entrance with the leaves! It's especially nice that Olga matches the tiles :) I wonder if Mr. T will sue the bag company for royalties?

  14. You have an eclectric collection of photos. I admire that. Mine tend to be the same subjects over and over again. Sigh.

    1. One good thing about living in an urban area -- the ever-changing street life!

  15. The slugs are disturbing. Where are they going? What are they doing? When we lived in Edmonds WA we had perpetual warfare with them. They were particularly fond of impatiens.

    1. And how do they know to all go in the same direction? It's very weird.

  16. Olga is sending you some attitude. ;)

    1. She often does, especially as she gets older. She's more cantankerous than she used to be. :)

  17. The shopping bag reminded me of that old Harrison Ford movie Mosquito Coast where he says "Goodbye America, and have a nice day" as he departs for Africa.

  18. I love the look on Olga's face. Please tell her we appreciate her patience. It's an interesting location, but her presence in the photos definitely enhances it! (I had to zip past that last photo. Ugh)

    1. Yeah, it would be a very boring picture without the dog. :)

    2. Ah, now I must disagree with that. It's a fascinating little alcove and I think it makes for a very interesting photo!

  19. Slugs and snails feed at night and then go back home (sic). The tree might be diseased or have a broken branch....yum yum to the slimey things. Home could be down a grating or drain?

    1. Possibly! I think they're cellar slugs, so they apparently live in or around buildings. I don't see any obvious disease in the tree but who knows.

  20. I have been reading about your slugs. When it begins to get cold they seek shelter under leaves and in well munched soil. They will head back above ground in the spring.

    1. It could be a weather-related migration -- entirely possible!

  21. There are always interesting things to be seen on streets. I don't like slugs.

    1. Me neither, although I try not to kill them. They're part of the ecosystem like everything else!

  22. Love The Olga Girl In Front Of Willy Wonka's Door To The Chocolate Factory


    1. Ha! It DOES look like that! Does she have a golden ticket?

  23. Love to Olga, and those slugs are unnerving!

    1. They seem to know something we don't. That's the freakiest part.
