Sunday, November 21, 2021

A Corsage and a Panto

Olga and I took a long walk on the Heath yesterday, where we visited the grounds of Kenwood House. Don't you like her autumn corsage? (Yes, I put it there -- further testament to Olga's tolerance of my photographic shenanigans.)

It was a good outing and she had plenty of energy for activities like...

...leaf rolling.

Most of the leaves have fallen now but the Heath is still spectacularly beautiful. I saw another guy, about my age, walking with (and talking to) his dog Rosie (or was it Lola?) and singing a Beatles tune ("You Won't See Me"), and I thought, "Oh my god, it's ME!"

He had hair, though. And looked slightly...eccentric. I'm sure I do too, but never mind.

We found the demolished carcass of someone's dog toy. I can't imagine how many dog toys and lost tennis balls are lurking in the undergrowth on the Heath.

Back home again, I finished another Newbery book and then last night went to a holiday panto performance with some co-workers. A panto is basically a small-scale musical theater performance popular at the holidays. This one was a bawdy, campy take on the legend of Dick Whittington and his cat. (In our panto, the cat was a dog, only the mildest example of how we didn't stick close to the traditional script.) Pantos require a lot of audience participation -- you have to yell out at certain times and react vocally to the characters, and we wound up singing rounds and acting up in all sorts of ways. It can be quite exhausting, especially after three hours on the Heath!


  1. Some years ago we went with friends to what was deemed an " adult" pantomime. It was rather good......I have never been keen on kids'pantos, probably because I never went to one as a kid as far as I remember! ( it would have cost too much for my parents tight budget, that's assuming that pantomimes were performed in the years after the war!)
    Olga looks very smart with her leaf decoration.

  2. The dead dog toy looks seriously dead. I had to look away. I sometimes sit on the stairs in the hall so the cats can explore (without running to another floor). I wonder if anyone hears me talking and knows I’m having a conversation with cats (and that I don’t have hair). Olga IS amazingly tolerant, and she looks lovely.

    1. I didn't anticipate that the dog toy would freak people out so much, but apparently (judging from the comments) you are not alone! One thing I like about masks is people can't tell that I'm talking to myself. LOL

  3. Wouldn't be panto if it wasn't camp. They get away with the kind of jokes that wouldn't be allowed on television now. Usually very funny.

    1. Yeah, these jokes were definitely beyond the BBC's tolerance. Some of they were beyond MY tolerance.

  4. I bet the eccentric guy was a grumpy school librarian with a penchant for collecting found items. His home is probably like a glass house at Kew Gardens - stuffed with plants which he drools over as if they were his offspring.

  5. In my childhood I saw a very camp version of Dick Whittington where boys were girls and girls were boys.

    1. This was even camper (or more camp?) -- all the characters were gay or apparently pansexual.

  6. What a wonderful place to walk ... a walk in the woods!
    That dog toy looks more like a dead bird! Ugh!

    1. It really WAS just a toy! I didn't reckon on everyone finding it so realistic!

  7. I have read about pantos but it's still hard for me to grasp what actually goes on.
    Olga is the belle of the ball, as always, in her lovely fall apparel.

    1. You know the "Rocky Horror Picture Show," right? Well, that's basically a panto. The audience talks back, they sing along, they interact with the performers and vice versa.

  8. I love Olga's corsage; she looks so festive.
    And as a pet owner, I shudder to think what people might say about me if they heard me talking to our pets.

    1. The funny thing is, EVERY pet owner talks to their pets, and that's probably most people, right? So why are we all so embarrassed about it?

  9. What a wonderful portrait of Olga with her corsage. She looks regal. And, the Heath looks beautiful. Sounds like a fun evening out.

  10. That's a beautiful photo of Olga and her autumn leaf corsage. I always love seeing her rolling around at the Heath. Sounds like you had a lovely night out too.

    1. She loves dry leaves and given the chance will ALWAYS roll in them!

  11. I think Olga looks just stunning with her pretty corsage! Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  12. I've never heard of a panto unless you have mentioned them before. And a great shot of Olga with her leaf adornment. She's so patient. I don't think Minnie would stand still long enough for me to get a picture like that.

    1. I have mentioned them at least once, but this is only the second time I've gone. Olga is very good at standing still when I ask.

  13. Nothing like a couple inches of leaves in a forest to roll around in . And then I also like walking through the leaves.

  14. I thought that was a real dead animal at first! Love the corsage and the walk. I see some eccentrics on my walk too.

    1. Part of the fun of walking around is seeing who else is out!

  15. I think the photo of Olga with her corsage should be painted in oils and hung in the gallery of Kenwood House. She's so patient with you. Then again, I think that works both ways...

    1. Maybe I should make a gift of the photo? Do you think they'd display it? :)

  16. Olga is quite patient with being photographed. She's a good dog. I'd never heard of pantos before. Glad you enjoyed it.

  17. She is such a good dog. That photo of her amongst the leaves, just standing under the trees, I love it. It's so peaceful and beautiful.

    1. She loves the woods! I think the Heath is her favorite place (and mine too).

  18. Olga is lovely with her ginormous leaf! I wonder if I would enjoy a panto, or if it would just stress me out? Ha!

    1. I think you'd like it, but they CAN be a bit wild.

  19. Olga poses so well for you! Love the leaf!

    1. It was an especially nice leaf and I had to find a use for it!

  20. Love the photos :)

    Pantos do not sound like my thing at all! But I'm happy you enjoyed it.

    1. My only complaint is that the theater is quite small and airless. After a couple hours I was dying to get outside.

  21. For a second I thought that was a dead bird. Olga looks as if she belongs in such a fine home, especially with her corsage. I can't imagine what people think when they see me around the hood, talking to Franklin--especially when he answers.


    1. Ha! Olga seldom talks back to me. She's too busy yelling at the squirrels.

  22. Saw Dick Whittington as a pantomime in London back in the early 1950s. :)
