Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Booster News

Coincidentally, right after writing yesterday's post, I got another text from my doctor -- this time about my Covid booster. I was invited to come in and get it and given a link to make an appointment, and I made one for this morning. When I get there I'll ask about a flu shot too. It would be nice to get them both done at once, though I'm not sure how that will leave me feeling tomorrow!

I finally went back and responded to several days' worth of comments yesterday morning -- apologies to those of you who look for those responses. Sometimes it just takes me a while. Fortunately I had some down time at my desk so I was able to catch up.

I've been listening to a podcast on my walks to and/or from work called "The Night Driver," about the abduction and disappearance of a woman named Janine Vaughan in Bathurst, Australia, in 2001. It's an interesting (and horrible) story, but I'm a little frustrated with the podcast, which is very slow-paced and somewhat repetitive. I'm glad they're giving this unsolved crime such close examination, and the producers have clearly put a ton of work into the project, but we hear some participants say the same things over and over in different ways and that makes me a little crazy. Still, it's worth giving it a try if you're interested in true crime. Given the amount of time that's elapsed I'm not sure the case will ever be solved, but perhaps this retelling will break loose some new facts or witnesses.

And now, I'm off to try to walk the dog. Yesterday morning she acted all excited to go for a walk but then balked at even going out the front door. I never know whether she's ultimately going to want to go or not!

(Photos: Pigeons on Kilburn High Road.)


  1. Whoopee! I am the first commenter today - unless of course someone else gets in before I press "Publish".

    1. Oh that is a relief!...I must say that I would never walk around London with earphones in my lugholes. I need to be fully alert with regard to my surroundings - the sound of traffic, someone running up behind me, bicycles, a falling building, someone shouting "Watch out!" but of course I am now officially a cantankerous old fuddy duddy.

    2. I don't listen to music, but I find if I'm listening to narration I can also hear what's going on around me.

  2. Excellent! I hope they'll let you have your flu shot at the same time. You might be rather tired and achy if you get both shots at the same time, but at least you'll be done with them. So many true crime TV shows are too repetitive for me to tolerate.


  3. Pirate had both, one in each arm...ok if you don't sleep on your side!! Yes, a bit rough for a couple of days, just take it easy

    1. I have to go back for the flu but I didn't have much reaction to the booster, thank goodness.

  4. I've not listened to commercial media podcasts, and certainly not one by a Murdoch news organisation. Australia's ABC podcasts are very well produced and never slow or boring, as are BBC podcasts.

    You will be boosted by the time you read this. That has to be good. The practice here is two weeks between a Covid vax and a flu vax. I received my second AZ vax in July, so early next year I will receive a booster Pfizer shot.

    1. I didn't realize this is a Murdoch production! I also hate the thought of feeding any revenue to his empire.

  5. I wondered if you were called because you were on a list due to Dave's situation, and when you returned the call, the person answering didn't realized your unique situation. It seems someone must have caught the error. I'm am glad it is corrected. My grandson got his shot yesterday, the flu and covid. He's 11. You wouldn't believe the blowback. People telling my daughter that more kids die from the shot than from covid, and plenty of criticism. The misinformation is astounding, but the anger is over the top.

    1. Yeah, that was Dave's thought too -- and it didn't even occur to me. I would love to know where all these people are getting their information, and why they trust those sources more than the "media."

  6. Glad you got an appointment. Having had a bad reaction when I got two shots at the same time (e.g. flu and pneumonia back a few years ago), I tend to only get one jab at a time now. You may be made of sturdier stuff than me. :)

    1. Some doctors do recommend spacing them out. As it turns out, I have to go back later for my flu jab, so mine are being spaced out too!

  7. Now I have the song, 'Feed the Birds' from 'Mary Poppins' playing in my head, and that's not such a bad thing.

  8. Yay for the booster! I'm listening to a "Robert Galbraith" (JK Rowling) audiobook - her private investigator series - where they're working a cold case. A woman disappeared in 1974, so over 40 years ago. It's been interesting, which is good because the book is over THIRTY HOURS LONG. That's up there in Goldfinch territory (if you'll recall I really really hated Theo by the end of that book - ha!).

    1. Oh, I LOVE those books. Is it "Lethal White"? I think that's the longest one so far.

  9. Let us know how you react to the vaccine. I forget which one you are getting.

  10. I got both a flu shot and a booster at the same time, in the same arm. So did my husband. I had a sore arm. He got a bit sick for a day or two. But he also got sick after each regular Covid shot. Everyone is different. Personally, I'd rather get them both out of the way at the same time.

    1. Well, as it turns out, the flu shot is still largely unavailable here because of "supply chain issues."

  11. I haven't jumped on the bandwagon for unsolved crime podcasts and limited series releases but I've been amazed at the number I've heard that have had progress made after the release and when it became popular. If a podcaster or director can pick a case and make such headway, it makes me wonder what failure prevented the original law enforcement officers from doing similar.

    1. Yeah, the publicity combined with modern science and DNA techniques have managed to solve some very old cases!

  12. Glad to hear you got the appointment for the booster. I know several people who got it and the flu shot at same time and didn't have any problems.

    1. Well, as it turns out, my flu shot is coming later...

  13. I hope all goes well with your booster shot. Roger got his on Monday and has felt fine. I was scheduled to have a Pfizer booster tomorrow (even though I'm a two-shot Moderna girl), but I cancelled the appointment so I can do more intense study of the various perspectives of a million people who have opinions about the efficacy of mixing vaccines.
    Love the shadows and light in these photos. Beautiful.

    1. I just wouldn't even begin to know how to investigate that. I imagine everyone's going to have a different story!

  14. I've tried listening to music on my walks but I can't get used to it. Too many birds and people to listen to.

    1. It's funny -- I used to love listening to music when I was out and about. But as I've grown older I've liked it less and less. Like you, I want to hear what's happening around me, and I still can when I have a podcast on (because it's just talking and not as loud).

  15. I like listening to what's around me when I'm walking, but then I'm not dealing with city sounds.

    Hope Olga was able to make up her mind about her walk this morning. Of course it's her prerogative to be picky at her age. :)

    1. Yes, she is entitled to change her mind! I always follow her lead!

  16. Good luck with your booster! Hope you feel fine!
    My vaccinated daughter has Covid now. She is 32 and lives in Wisconsin so she is blaming work (people don't have to be vaccinated and don't have to wear masks). Her fever is gone but now her taste and smell senses have been affected. It is a bit scary for her as she lives alone but she has seen her doctor. Hopefully, her vaccine will help her recover quickly. She has tried to be so careful too!

    1. Oh no! I hope she recovers quickly. I'd say the odds are good since she's been vaccinated.

  17. Yay for the booster! Hope the flu shot works out as well. I'm not auditory so audible books and podcasts would lose my interest quickly.

    1. I've never tried an audio book. To me, that just doesn't seem like reading.

  18. Replies
    1. Thanks! The light was really beautiful that morning.

  19. GREAT photos. It’s too soon for me to get my Covid booster. But SG is due. I wish I could figure out how to make his appointment online at the health center. I might just walk over tomorrow. We had our flue shots last week.

    1. Good luck with the appointment. If you had your flu shots that's progress!

  20. I had my covid booster and my flu shot on the same day in the same arm. A friend of mine did it, and I thought "Why not?...get them both over." The next day my arm was pretty sore and I felt under the weather, but the next day I was fine!

    1. And now you know you're "bullet-proof" (as Dave says) for the winter!

  21. Our booster shots (yesterday) had unexpected side effects for both of us. Mild but still irritating. Confusing because the first two shots had no effects and the booster is supposed to be half as strong as them. Oh well.

    1. Strange! Were they a different brand of vaccine, maybe?

  22. I had the same thoughts about The Night Driver - great quality podcast but... No editor? Sometimes it felt like they had a minimum word count (minute count?) to meet.
    [Tasteful/respectful] investigative true crime podcasts are my secret shame - are there others you enjoy?
    I enjoy a lot of non-crime podcasts too, do you?

    1. Yeah, my god, it just goes on and on! I'm glad I'm not alone on that!

  23. I've received an appointment for my Bertie Wooster (that's cockney rhyming slang by the way... ha ha) later this month - the vaccination centre I've been offered is 100 miles from my house!!!!

    1. "Bertie Wooster" -- LOL! I'm going to call it that from now on. Appropriate for a librarian. :)
