Friday, November 5, 2021

Gay Trivia

We're at that time of year when any picture I take on the way home from work is going to be in the dark! I found this peculiar display on Grove End Road as I walked last night to a quiz bowl with some co-workers. I was surprised that it has stayed so intact in the several days since Halloween. Apparently this box is often the site of public poetry as shown here on Google Street View.

So, yeah, we had an LGBTQIA+ trivia quiz night last night at a pub near Paddington Basin. I'm proud to say that my four-person team came in second place, though as usual we were stumped by some of the newer pop culture. (Doja Cat, anyone?)

I wish I could provide you with some of the questions we missed, but honestly I can only remember one: "Which of these cities is considered the most gay-friendly -- Berlin, London, Toronto or Copenhagen?" Two of us argued for Berlin and two for Toronto, and it wound up being Copenhagen. (Which is unsurprising but seemed too easy.) Don't ask me who made that assessment or what the criteria were. I'd had a fair amount of beer by then and was in no position to ask critical questions.

And now, I'm off to work, where I am continuing to work on my shelf-reading project. I think today I'll finish all of the non-fiction. I have discovered quite a few books out of order and a couple that are missing, so at least I feel like I'm being productive.


  1. We once competed in a gay trivia quiz at a gay bar. We won. I was good at general trivia, our two Brother Friends were good at movies and Hollywood. R had some surprising sports knowledge. The prize was a dildo, and by the end of the quiz I was quite shickered and to chants from the other participants, to applause I demonstrated my oral skills with my prize. Alcohol must relax the throat and the gag reflex. I remember one question being, What is the name of the Russian tourist company. Later R asked me how did I know it was Intourist. I had no idea how I knew. R would say, it's a pity you remember sh** and not important things.

    1. Well, see, you proved to R that there's value in remembering trivial details!

  2. That Doja Cat video has more than 238 million views. And I’ve never heard of her!

    1. Wow! I didn't notice that number. That's insane.

  3. I would have been stumped by 'Doja Cat' would probably thought it was a cat the did martial arts, lol
    Oh no, that's Dojo isn't it. ha ha

  4. My first thought was Copenhagen. What matters most is did you have fun? And yes, it sounds like it was a fun evening. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. I know, in retrospect, we really SHOULD have guessed Copenhagen. It just seemed to obvious to be correct!

  5. Oh yes Doja Cat! Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini, known professionally as Doja Cat, is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter. Born and raised in the Tarzana neighborhood of Los Angeles, she began making and releasing music on SoundCloud as a teenager. She was born in 1995 and is famed for her absurdly humorous personality and online presence. I am a big fan.

    1. What an interesting name -- Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini. I can't even begin to guess at its origins. I can see why she took a stage name, kind of like Cary Grant (aka Archibald Leach).

  6. I picked up a People magazine for an article I wanted to read sometime back. I read through it, and was amazed at how many times I wondered, "Who ARE these people?" I am sadly out of touch.

    1. Yeah, I have that reaction all the time. (Basically anytime I read Bob's "I Should Be Laughing" blog! LOL)

  7. If there is one quiz I would never win it would be one that covered contemporary culture. Like Debby, I recognize none of the latest stars of stage, screen or television. As for musicians, well, I'm still listening to Frank Sinatra, Bach, Beethoven and Mozart. :)

    1. I remember being young and wondering why older people let their cultural knowledge slip. And now, of course, I get it! You have your favorites and you just don't CARE anymore!

  8. Hank is doing a trans-trivia night soon for The Day of Remembrance. It should be amazing.

    1. Day of Remembrance? You mean Veteran's Day or Armistice Day? I thought "Remembrance Day" was the UK name, or are you helpfully translating into my adopted language? LOL

    2. I think it's the trans day of remembrance. A day to remember the murders of trans people.

  9. I've heard of Doja Cat but I couldn't pick him-her-it out of a crowd.

    I would also have chosen Berlin, but good for Copenhagen.

    1. I'm impressed you've even heard of her! At the trivia night they started playing the song and everyone under 35 immediately jumped up and began dancing. The rest of us all just looked at each other.

  10. I used to be really good at trivia - 35 years ago - ha! Now I know nothing. It's hard to be up on pop culture when you don't watch tv or read People magazine.

    1. Yeah, and there are just too many people to keep track of these days!

  11. I love trivia nights but I'm afraid I wouldn't have been much help for that one.

    Not only have I never heard of Doja Cat, I could only understand a handful of words she said in the entire song.

    1. Most of them were fairly filthy, from what I could tell. LOL

  12. My pick was Copenhagen before I read the rest. Why I would think/know that I have no idea. But yay for coming in second!

    1. It does make total sense. It just seemed too obvious to be true.

  13. I've never heard of Doja Cat, and because my memory is so bad these days when I finish typing this comment I will never remember her again.
    I picked Copehagen, but I don't know why. It just seemed right. I'll forget that too!

    1. Well, if you forget Doja Cat it's probably no great loss. She'll be vanished by next month anyway.

  14. I have heard that song by Doja Cat but didn't know who sang it! I listen to pop music on my car radio.
    Congrats on getting 2nd! Sounds like you had lots of fun.

  15. Sounds like a fun evening. I think it would be fun to join a pub trivia team.
    I never heard of Doja Cat. What a strange video.

  16. No idea- I am old enough to be your granny- I would get the boot from anything trivia. Never choose me for your team. I chose Palm Springs as gayest city.

    1. Well, as I said, I don't know what the criteria were for determining the most gay-friendly city. It sure seems to me that PS would be right up there! (Along with Provincetown and some others.)

  17. I'm terribly out of touch with pop culture. My kids use to keep me informed, but even they are getting old enough that they sometimes can't keep up!!

    I would have guess Copenhagen! Now I need to go see what Doja Cat is (and see if my kids are in the know).

    1. I bet your kids will know Doja Cat, but I had literally never even heard of her.

  18. I'm not very good at trivia unless it relates to history, geography or literature. Anything pop culture throws me completely. Yay for second place!

    1. I can do SOME pop culture, but it has to be something that occurred before about 2010, because after that I stopped paying attention.
