Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Dinosaur Wellies and a Santa Cake

As you might expect, my random neighborhood photos have lately taken on a holiday theme -- which means I'd better post them now! Above, a Santa cake in the window of a bakery around the corner. We've bought cupcakes at this bakery, because I do try to support the neighborhood establishments, but they've been hit-or-miss.

This pair of dinosaur-themed, kid-sized wellies was sitting outside the front door of a building on West End Lane. They are cute and if I were a kid I'd have loved them, even though they look none too clean. (They're wellies -- surely they clean up pretty easily?)

A discarded, and thus apparently feral, oven-hotplate combo? Again, none too clean.

This was an advertisement in the tube for a company that will bring you groceries on demand. The idea is that rather than raising your tap water, you could have them bring you wine at the last minute. But I was mostly confused about "tapwater" as a single word -- isn't it two words?

Not one but TWO pairs of glittery gold high-heeled shoes in the window of a local charity shop. I guess if you're going to unload donated gold and red shoes, this is a good time of year to do it.

A push-toy, helpfully labeled, discarded by a trash can on a nearby housing estate. My first thought was that Ms. Moon's grandson Levon would get a kick out of it, but it looks like it's seen better days. Maybe someone else adopted it.

A curious sign discarded along my walk to work. Are they apologizing for their own bullying? In what context would someone hold this sign?

And finally, our tiresome anti-vaxx local graffiti writer is at it again -- this was painted along a wall on Finchley Road. The pandemic is still raging, so who says we've done enough? It seems clear that we still have more to do.


  1. I still think Levom would like that truck...

  2. The groceries-on-demand company should have hired an editor (a competent edior). That would drive me nuts every time I saw the ad. As for the anti-vax jerk, yes enough is enough; put down the paint cans. Feral is so much better than broken. We have a number of nearby bakeries. The closest often sells us stale-tasting cakes. Wish like to support local; at least we can continue to support other locals. Good to know there’s still a place to pick up my Christmas cha cha heels.

    1. Yeah, there's definitely a balance to be found between wanting to support local business and tolerating poor quality!

  3. Is the lad in the ad available for delivery on demand?

    The problem with such shoes in an opshop is they are too small for drag queen feet. Otherwise they would be immediately snapped up.

    1. I knew you'd like that guy! I made sure to include him in the picture for a reason. :)

  4. Our language is forever evolving as you well know. We can have a taproot and possibly a tapdancer so why not tapwater? Someone has to make the first move and there are many examples of once separated terms conjoining. I guess that "side" and "walk" were once separate with regard to the weird American term "sidewalk"!

    1. I knew somehow it would all come back to "sidewalk"! I would argue that we can't have a "tapdancer" either, but I'll concede on "taproot."

  5. anti vaxers- WTF? Difficult to understand their reasoning for sure , we are out of patience here but , as cause and effect goes, are seeing that the anti vaxers are getting nailed. The variants, more determined to kill their hosts, are like the republican party killing their constituents. Crazy cool-aid.
    I love the little truck, would be a sweet little planter as would the wellies. You could create a kindergarden!

    1. I have seen some Republicans arguing that tolerating this anti-vax nonsense is killing off their voters! Political Darwinism, you might say.

  6. A feral hot plate? The thought kindas cares me.

  7. An excellent roundup of random photos! That cake looks yummy, but (and I can't believe I'm saying this) I think I've already had enough sweets this season. And it's not even Christmas yet!

    1. I'm kind of with you, actually. I've had my fill of dessert!

  8. Fun holiday shots around town. I love the look of that cake. I hope it tastes as good as it looks. If I was a kid I'd love those wellies too. As a big girl, those sparkly shoes appeal but I'm willing to bet they are very uncomfortable. That sign makes no sense. I am so tired of the anti-vaxers.

    1. The cake is clever but somehow I'm dubious about all that icing.

  9. I've been shocked by the filthy items set out with the trash in front of houses of people I know and whom I would presume never to have something they didn't clean regularly. As a result, I usually make it a point to at least halfway clean something like that before sitting it out in front of my house.

    1. Ha! The idea of cleaning something just to throw it away is pretty funny, but I might do the same thing.

  10. Of course Levon would love that truck! I was talking to Jessie on the phone yesterday and at the same time she was arguing with the boy about him wanting to bring his filthy dump truck in the house to play with. He is still obsessed.
    Yes. We have all had enough. The problem is, covid has obviously not.
    No. I can't imagine what sort of situation would call for that sign. I'm sure there was one. "Class- here's your writing prompt for the day..."
    The shoes make me wonder what ever happened to the pink "lizard" skin heels that I used to wear occasionally to such fine effect. Yes. I swear. In the eighties even this old hippie got her toes pinched for possible love occasionally. And actually, I got married in them!

    1. Pink lizard skin! Now THAT is a look! I hope you still have them somewhere.

  11. A fun holiday collection of random photos. Those green dinosaur wellies remind me of my grandson Ian's little green jacket with a hood and the same dinosaur design on the back. I love when he wears it. He would love these wellies!

    1. Kids have such fun clothes nowadays. I often see kids in outfits that I would have loved as a child, had they been available.

  12. "Enough is enough" = get your vaccine! Is that the message there?
    And with the oven - I think that is not an "f" but an "L" and I found this info: "Lerul is a specific name used in the northern part of Transylvania meaning the oven of a cooking stove." What do you think?
    I would wear those cute dinosaur wellies! Fun post, Steve!

    1. Well THAT's intriguing. It certainly looks like "Lerul." But why would someone write that on the device -- in Transylvanian? I thought "Feral" was just someone's graffiti tag and they tagged this piece of rubbish, but you could be right!

  13. Well, I agree...enough is enough of those stupid covidiot anti-vaxers. I do not understand their resistance to a vaccine for a virus that has killed over 800,000 here in two years.

    Maybe the "I'm being bullied" is the reason for the bad behavior that the apology is for. As in they are making me do it.

    I've never seem a combo like that hot plate/oven. Perfect for a small studio apartment I guess. Can you cook on the hot plate or does it just keep things warm?

    1. I have no idea what that hot plate is (or was) capable of! I don't get anti-vax fear either. I think you have to be a very suspicious person, bordering on paranoid, to see the vax as some kind of evil plot.

  14. You've really been around the neighborhood. I wonder how many people would notice these things.

  15. A possible explanation for the sign - they were being forced to demonstrate a public apology and as a small rebellion had a section they could flip down when the bully wasn't looking so that someone would notice and help them. I hope I am wrong.

  16. Lots more to do this time against amicron.

    1. Yeah, Omicron seems to be giving us a run for our money, but at least its effects seem much milder.

  17. My first thought, seeing the sign about being bullied, is that the sign owner was apologizing for committing a mass shooting, and his excuse was that he/she had been bullied. I think I've lived in the US too long if that's what pops into my head.

    1. Yikes! Well, no mass shootings here, at least not recently, so I'm guessing it wasn't quite that extreme. I guess it does make one wonder what the person did -- under apparent coercion -- to require an apology, though.

  18. Happy Christmas to the two ( Nay three) of you x

  19. Cupcakes are always hit or miss for me, mostly because of the ultra sweet and over abundant frosting.

    1. The frosting CAN be too much, I agree. In one instance at this bakery, I bought one that was underdone -- the center was a doughy mass. It was pretty bad. But the others were fine, so it must have been a fluke, maybe related to its position in the oven?

  20. I love the dino wellies! Rubber boots are my go-to footwear when fishing and I've had a variety of cute pairs over the years. My current set is red with a white chicken print. :D

    1. Those sound fun! I don't even own a pair of boots despite all the walking I do. I just have a couple pairs of shoes that tolerate mud well.

  21. I like this kind of strolling about the neighborhood collection of photos. The little wellies are cool.

    1. Glad you enjoyed them! Yeah, I'd wear those wellies if they were about three times larger. LOL

  22. I love how we see things in this non virtual life and think of our friends in our virtual neighborhood, as you did of Ms. Moon's grandson who loves trucks. In much the same way, I think of you when I see street murals.

  23. The bullied sign is incredibly sad I think
