Wednesday, January 5, 2022

La Mer on Old Compton Street

This (above) was going on around here yesterday. The workmen showed up to begin repairing the exterior wall of our living room, thus hopefully making it more impervious to moisture. We had to move a bunch of stuff out of the room and pull all the furniture away from the walls, which greatly alarmed Olga. For some reason, they insisted on beginning the job by painting the interior, which seems like the thing they should do last, but whatever. It was pouring rain for much of the day so I suppose they couldn't work outside.

Dave and Olga moved their base of operations to the dining room and I got out of dodge entirely. I had an appointment down in Soho.

I took the tube down a bit early, to walk around and do some sightseeing. Carnaby Street is already looking like spring.

Hey, Ms. Moon, did we know there's an entire shop on Carnaby Street devoted to the Rolling Stones? I can't remember if I've seen it before or not. I don't appear to have blogged it, so -- here!

Elsewhere in Soho, in front of a nondescript shopfront, I came across a little floral monument to Steve Bronski of Bronski Beat, who died a month ago. I'm not sure why that location was significant. I remember being introduced to Bronski Beat, the first unabashedly and even loudly and proudly gay pop band in my experience, by friends in the mid-1980s. So this was a poignant find.

And then I wandered down to Old Compton Street for my coffee appointment with blogger John Gray, who was briefly visiting London from Wales. We'd never met face to face, though we'd kicked around the idea before, so it was nice to finally get to see him. We sat in a French place called Cafe Boheme, as a recording of a woman crooning "La Mer" played in the background, and compared notes about the blog world.

John told me I seemed very "cultured." Little did he know that at that very moment I was carrying in my camera bag a card game I'd just bought for Dave called "Name that Bum Hole!" They're flash cards featuring the rear ends of various animals; you're supposed to guess the animal based on, yes, its bum hole. How's that for cultured?! I wish I'd thought to show it to John; he'd have gotten a kick out of it. We did manage to talk about "Ants!" starring Suzanne Somers, which as you know I recently viewed, so he's aware that I'm not all highbrow.

Anyway, we had a great time and John was every bit as warm and authentic as his blog. I only wish I'd also met his bulldog Dorothy and witnessed her toe-nibbling skills firsthand. Maybe next time.

I walked from there back up to Baker Street, where I caught the tube home. On the way I came across this rather provocative graffiti: "I farted in yoga."

I also passed some misinformed lunatic with a megaphone ranting at mask-wearers on the sidewalk on Oxford Street: "Are we living in Guantanamo Bay?! Get those face coverings off! You're damaging your children's health!"

I gave him this expression:

So, anyway, it was a fun day all around and I'm glad to have made a new real-life connection as a result of the blogosphere. (And to have gotten out from under the feet of the workers at the flat!)


  1. I saw a mention of John meeting up with a Steve, and thought it must be you! What a lovely thing for both of you. You are only the 2nd blogger I have ever met up with,( the other was years ago) and you are special to me for that reason. Hope that your living room will soon be warm and dry! Nice overnight frost .....Lex will have to have his coat on, don't tell him! Hopefully the field will be still frozen and not so muddy as recently.

    1. It was very fun! Next time we get together we'll give you a heads up so you can join us. :)

  2. Such fascinating photos. Love that shot of Carnaby Street, people, and butterflies. I can’t believe you forgot to show Name that Bum Hole to John. I also can’t believe HE doesn’t already have the game. Doesn’t everyone fart in yoga?

    1. John:
      I found it on I was going to buy it for you, but I’m probably already too late and I don’t want you to end up with 5 of them. Besides, shipping costs twice as much as the gifts! They’ve got some great stuff, including spreadable gin (gin and tonic marmalade)!

    2. John, you may get lots of them now! I linked to it on Amazon, for anyone who's interested. I'm not convinced about spreadable gin. :/

    3. Well, you could always try the spreadable whiskey.

    4. I use to make mustard with tequila. So... spreadable tequila! The original recipe calls for moonshine.

  3. I didn't know Bronski died. For a moment I was thinking Jimmy Sommerville.

    We passed through Soho Square, not realising where we were. We needed to hear some dropped aitches. Old Compton Street sounds great.

    I expect 'Name that Bumhole' would have appealed greatly to John Gray of Wales. Did you pay at Cafe Boheme? You've got to watch those Welsh.

    Lunatic photo is great.

    1. Sommerville is still with us. He was only with Bronski for that first album, I think -- just a year or two. Funny how we still associate them, though.

  4. Two great bloggers meeting up deserved a photograph. I will have to nip over to John's blog to see if he has posted one. I bet he would have been brilliant at that card game.

    1. I can neither confirm nor deny that photographs exist. LOL

  5. That phot of Carnaby Street will make me smile all day. It's just plain fun!

    1. I love the decorations right now. They change all the time but the butterflies rock.

  6. What a fun post! I'm glad that your apartment is being repaired, although I am also confused about why you'd paint first. It's always fun to meet fellow bloggers live and in person.

    1. Apparently the lead builder thinks our interior mold is unrelated to the exterior rotten wood. I don't quite believe that, but whatever.

  7. I just love all of this! How perfect that you and John met up. I wish with all my heart I could have been there too. Or at least a tiny ant on the wall.
    And yes, Steve, I did know that there are Rolling Stones merch stores all over the world. I get the emails! Ha! Not sure if I knew specifically there was one on Carnaby Street but that makes sense. Mick Jagger is one hell of a businessman, isn't he? But I guess if people are still buying...
    Anyway, that wall is going to be pretty. I hope it will soon also be moisture free.

    1. Well, as I told you, I wore my "Bad Girls Get Save By Jesus" thrift shop shirt, so you were there in spirit. If you want me to make a merch run to the Rolling Stones shop, let me know! :)

  8. I just got my daughters a game from Christmas called "Butts In Space" so I can relate. Every blogger I have met in person has been a great experience.

    1. I'm trying to imagine what "Butts in Space" might entail! LOL

  9. It's interesting to find that people you've been reading for years are just the same in rl! I've met quite a few internet friends over the years and never been disappointed. Your nature comes out consistently over years of exchanged.

    And I hope the builders did a good job. Very disruptive, having work done.

    1. Yeah, I think most people are more or less the way they seem in print. As long as they're honest, anyway.

  10. Hmmm...I also would have thought the inside work would follow the outside work. That card game sound like silly fun which is always welcome. I love the graffiti, it made me laugh. Lunatic is a good description for the guy with the megaphone. What on earth possesses these people.

    1. I don't know. I can't imagine feeling so strongly about OTHER PEOPLE wearing masks that I would feel the need to shout at them on the sidewalk.

  11. How nice that you got to meet up with John. I imagine it was a fun visit! This is a great post that gave me lots of smiles this morning, Steve! Thanks!

    1. Glad it gave you a boost! It gave me a boost to write it. :)

  12. I love that you had a blogger meet up. The few bloggers we have met over the years have been as delightful in person as they are in this virtual world.
    I think "I farted in yoga" may be my most favorite graffiti ever!

  13. Nice that they showed up to fix the wall even if only the inside or did they get to the outside despite the rain? That's a great shot of Carnaby Street as everyone has said. I'm not surprised you had a good visit with John. Everybody eventually farts in yoga. And last, what is wrong with people, standing on the street haranguing strangers over a personal choice.

    1. I must admit "I farted in yoga" made me immediately think of you, Ellen. In fact I posted the pic with you in mind. I don't understand why that mask guy would be so invested in yelling at other people. What does he care if they wear masks? How does it affect him, except that maybe he feels some inner guilt for being a selfish jerk?

  14. What a fun day! My sister and I spent a weekend at a B&B once with two online friends (we'd met through a writing site and blogging) and had a great time.

    I wonder how I'd do at "name that bum hole"? I have a book on how to identify animals by their scat and I'm not half bad at that!

    1. Some of the "bum hole" cards are WAY easy, but some -- various antelope, for example -- are a challenge.

    2. I might have trouble identifying various antelope looking at their heads, much less their bum holes!

  15. So glad you and John were able to meet up. Even though I don't have a blog myself, I've made some good friends (met up with a few) from bloggers who I have followed for years. It takes trust to meet up with someone who doesn't blog, but they felt they got to know me through my comments. I don't take that trust for granted.

    As for the Oxford Street screamer...B%$$@* off would have been my thought. Just like those 'end of the world--repent' guys that used to stand outside the White House. But even more annoying.

    1. It IS fun to meet up in real life. I've met Frances (above) and she doesn't blog. She lives not too far away and a few years ago I took her foxglove seedlings!

  16. Ha, we actually gave this card game to the grandchild this xmas to encourage potty training but also because grandchild has become very interested in how the pets at home have a poo. We don't shy away from anything.

    1. Funny! I'm impressed you bought this very same game! LOL

  17. I hadn't thought of the Bronski Beat in years. I used to play them in the car at high volume.

    1. That first album, "Age of Consent," was terrific.

  18. That sounds like quite the meet up...What happened to Bronski?? That's a shame.

    1. Apparently he died of smoke inhalation in a fire. It's a terrible story. I think the tributes I found must have been outside his flat.

  19. That was fun! Thank you for getting out and about. Living life through you and blogworld, these days. You are the best!

  20. That sounds like quite a game. ;) I love the wonderfully colorful streets and decoration. Painting should come last but was it a kind of seal?

    1. Yes, there's a moisture seal or anti-stain paint that goes on beneath the top layer of paint.

  21. How wonderful that you met John in the flesh, and how appropriate that the soundtrack to this meeting was La Mer. I do believe it Ms. Moon, aka Mer Mer who first introduced us to John, or at least me. I love that he is as warm and lovely as he seems on his blog. I have found every blogger friend that I eventually met in the flesh (Susan, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Scott and Yolie, Glenn) to be just as they seemed on their blog, and no matter how shy I felt beforehand, I was immediately at ease and realized I already loved them. What a world within a world we have here. I cherish it.

    1. I agree -- I've met several bloggers IRL and it's always a joy. Remember Sally from "Lettuce Eating," way back when? She's a good friend of mine now! We are all so lucky to have formed this bond.

  22. You are so lucky to have met John! I wish I could meet all of my blogger friends. I am sure he was very easy to talk to.

  23. How awesome that you were able to meet John while he was in your area. I have met two of my Blogger friends in person and I Loved them before I met them. Miss Edna is warm and sweet and my friend Patsy is a character in every way! I wish I could meet everyone at least once!

    I groaned when I saw the photo of the painting, It brought back memories of my working and doing the exact same thing. UGH UGH UGH!!!!
    If it is really damp and rainy the paint takes longer to dry so we use to paint first because otherwise the paint would still be tacky and Nope that wouldn;t be acceptable lol.
    Have a great evening.

    1. Oh, I didn't realize you and Edna have met! That's awesome!

      In our case the paint dried pretty quickly, especially with our dehumidifier running.

  24. Yes, we knew what you were up to. Shame, leaving poor Dave home alone with those home wreckers! Well, I hope it went as well as your meeting with Gentle John. He was complimentary on his blog post too. I think I would have been inclined to give that anti-vaxer either the one finger salute or the back o' me hand!

    1. That anti-mask guy was a mystery. I can't imagine being so worked up that I would feel the need to yell at total strangers on a sidewalk -- about something they're doing that doesn't affect me at all! Honestly, the world is insane.

  25. A good walk takes you to all kinds of interesting places and events. Of course , I'd get out of the house too if there was a renovating crew thee.
