Friday, February 25, 2022

Blast from the Past

We had some peculiar weather yesterday -- mostly sunny but occasionally, cloudy, rainy and even snowy. Dave and I went out to trim the buddleias and no sooner had we started than icy precipitation started coming down. We finished the big one by the back door, but the others will have to wait until another day.
As for the flurries (or sleet or whatever it was), it all instantly melted. Daytime temperatures were cold but well above freezing.

So, this Ukraine situation is terrifying, isn't it? I am feeling a pervasive sense of dread -- an existential dread, like I used to feel as a child when I had nightmares about nuclear weapons. Putin seems like the kind of dangerous megalomaniac who's likely to do anything. He seems like he would be perfectly willing to sacrifice the planet in order to "win" (even though in that situation everybody loses). Of course, that's also what he wants us to think. He wants us to be scared of him.

I know nothing about the controls placed on nuclear weapons in Russia, and how easy or difficult it would be for them to be used, but I hope there are people below Putin who have some degree of control and are perhaps less obsessed with territoriality and their own masculinity.

My grandfather, who was an engineer at the Naval Research Lab in Washington, D.C, used to say during the days of bomb shelters and duck-and-cover exercises that if nuclear weapons were launched, he would get in the car and drive to the center of the city. He didn't want to be around for what happens afterwards, and I feel exactly the same way.

Not that I want to be overly dramatic here -- we're still (hopefully) a long way from nuclear holocaust. But this is a sudden reminder that those weapons are still out there and they're in the hands of a power-mad expansionist autocrat.

(Doesn't it seem like Putin has been around forever, too? Supposedly there are term limits in Russia but he's found ways to weasel around them. Apparently there was a constitutional revision in 2020 that granted him the right to run for two more terms, with the next election in 2024. He's not going anywhere anytime soon. He is entrenched.)

On a more concrete level, we're hearing that our energy prices will increase and in fact I got an e-mail from our supplier yesterday saying our rates are going up. Apparently the UK only gets a tiny percentage of its gas supply from Russia, and we're not likely to see a physical shortage -- but of course we compete in the same marketplace as the rest of Europe so we'll still pay more.

On a brighter note -- sort of -- Dave and I started watching Julian Fellowes' newest show, "The Gilded Age," last night. It is not good. The performances, even those by skilled veteran actors, seem stilted and awkward, and the CGI street scenes look weird and otherworldly. I can't decide if the fault lies with the direction or the writing or what, but it's like watching uncomfortable community theater. The Guardian's hilarious one-star review is spot on. Even worse, we had to renew our membership to NOW TV to stream it, so since we have NOW for another month I suppose we'll endure the rest of the season and see if it improves.

(Photo: An interior view of Coventry Cathedral, on Wednesday.)


  1. Dread. It’s all I’ve been feeling for a while now. And it keeps building. Are you old enough to have experienced air raid drills at school. I remember thinking at the age of 7 that my back must be really strong to be able to withstand the entire building falling down while I knelt on the floor in the hallway —— not having a clue what a nuclear bomb would do.

    So, now to the not-so-brighter note. We’ve been looking forward to the entire season of The Gilded Age to be available on HBO Max. Currently up to episode 5. I hadn’t read the recent reviews and just made assumptions based on the cast. Argh!

    1. We never had those air-raid drills; I think by the time I was in school everyone knew they were pointless.

      Re. "The Gilded Age," episode 2 was MUCH better than the first one. I think the actors are settling into their parts a bit.

  2. Search for speech by Zelenskyy he gave (I think last night?) directed to the people of Russia. It is a powerful, heartbreaking speech. It is 9 minutes long and well worth the listen.

  3. I think if we sanction Russia hard enough and long enough, and freeze overseas accounts of Russian citizens, we might be able to get Russia to rid the world of Putin. Though that scares me because I think of how a rabid dog would react to an attack.

    That said, I love that photo, and it calls to mind one of my favorite quotes from mark Doty:
    "I am not, anymore, a Christian, but I am lifted and opened by any space with prayer inside."

    1. I don't think he'll go anywhere. How would Russians force him out? He'll rig any election that doesn't go in his favor. Even if there's blood in the streets he'll cling to power.

    2. I think when prominent wealthy Russians realize he is tanking their economy and hurting their bank accounts, they might have something to say. I'm not suggesting this will happen soon, but I think one day, some day, his people will see that he is doing no good for Russia, only for his ego.

  4. As I said on my post last night, feelings of despair are probably appropriate right now. I remember well the threat of nuclear bombs falling on us as I lived in Florida in the early sixties. In those days the mad man was Nikita Khrushchev and I still tremble to think how close we probably came to annihilation.
    And sixty-plus years later, here we are again.
    As to The Gilded Age- yuck. I agree. The acting is terrible, the story line not very entertaining. I believe we've put paid to that one after about three episodes.
    That is some stained glass in the picture. I really do like it.

    1. I wasn't around for the Cuban Missile Crisis but this is probably the closest we've come to that level of fear in the years since, don't you think?

      We liked episode two of "The Gilded Age" better. We might hang on and watch it, since we paid for a month of streaming in order to do so.

  5. OMGosh Yes Ukraine has been on my mind so much and yes Putin has been in Power for way to long and it is terrifying just to imagine what could happen. I can't bring myself to watch the live updates and videos. I become very stressed out and so I have been limiting my dose of daily news. Doesn't Putin remind you of Donald Trump?? Doesn't care about anything but winning!

    Weird weather here too, wintery weather and we are going to have a heatwave today. It is supposed to get up to 37F. By the end of the weekend, we will be back into the 60's with plenty of sunshine. I wouldn't mind staying in except I have to put on a jacket, my long overcoat, and the pocket wrap and gloves just to take Foxy out. Half the time she just turns right around and wants back in. It takes just as long to disrobe as it does for her to decide she isn't interested in going to potty. UGH.

    Have a great weekend. xx

    1. Putin and Trump are definitely cut from the same cloth -- authoritarians for whom loyalty is everything and winning is more important than playing by the rules.

  6. It really is so scary. I've been hearing that the invasion isn't going quite as Putin planned, but who really knows.

    1. Yeah, I saw in the Times that it's been tougher than he imagined.

  7. Putin expected to be able to just waltz in and take over Ukraine but then Trump was defeated. It was the plan, Trump would weaken NATO and pull out of the Open Skies treaty, which he did, and not object to Putin's advance, which he isn't. I don't know what Trump expected to get out of it, a Trump tower in Moscow maybe, something he's wanted forever. I don't know what's going to happen. I understand why we aren't sending fighting troops but why aren't the neighboring nations? Hopefully the sanction and pariah squeeze will have some effect.

    While I'm not ready for summer I am tired of these really cold wet days.

    1. I don't doubt that there was a tit-for-tat plan, but why didn't Putin move during Trump's presidency? Why did he wait?

  8. " a hard time on the loo" hahaha, love the article. will skip the production.
    What Ellen said, for Putin losing the Orange Sphincter was a hick-cough, he must now move forward with all of his might to gather the Russian empire back into the fold. His only method is terror obviously. The Pacific North west has always been a major target for Nukes , ground zero IF Putin unleashes his burn it to the ground death to all insanity.Makes me wonder if i ought to buy groceries that last longer than a week- I hate to waste food...

    1. I just hope he doesn't get it into his head to invade the Baltics, because that WILL mean all-out war.

  9. Yesterday was stressful and sad. You have to be a madman to want to take things from others by force. Not too many of us around who remember the second WW .

    1. This definitely has echoes of WWII, doesn't it? Like Hitler and the Sudetenland.

  10. I'm guessing you aren't the only one thinking about what could happen. If Putin will attack another country for now reason, he might do anything. He might have some weird idea that even if he did set loose a nuclear weapon, others wouldn't respond. It's a very scary thought. I agree with your grandfather.

    1. I think that's what's most frightening -- he's a liar and he's unpredictable.

  11. I used to feel as if another World War would never happen but now I'm not so sure. If one ever does happen, it will start exactly like this.

    I never had to do any duck and cover exercises but I did watch "The Day After" when it came out on television and I had horrible nightmares over it. In fact, even to this day nearly 40 years later, it still gives me chills. I would probably drive to the nearest nuclear missile target too based off of just this movie.

    1. Oh, yeah, that movie was scary as heck! That and "Testament" with Jane Alexander. I also thought we were past these fears but I guess we never can be -- not completely -- as long as these weapons exist.

  12. I feel that same dread about many things in my world right now. From the political to the person. Ugh. I've heard mixed reviews on the "Gilded Age" but I doubt that I would enjoy it so I'm giving it a pass. (especially after your review)

    1. Dread is not something I routinely feel so it's a strange perspective.

  13. The front wall in that photo is very interesting. I wonder what it is made of. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. It's a stained glass window in Coventry cathedral.

  14. For some reason I am more worried about Putin launching cyber attacks in response to sanctions. I have also resigned myself to Trump facing no consequences whatsoever for his crimes, given the resignation of two NY prosecutors in the case, after the decision of the Manhattan DA to drop the case against Trump entirely. I am convinced these people are being threatened, possibly by the Russian mob, who knows? If my family were mortally threatened, perhaps I'd drop the case too. I feel so tired thinking about it all. I have never felt more helpless.

    1. Wait, the prosecutor has dropped the case? I did not know this! Clearly I'm behind on the news.

  15. I Am Completely Dumbfounded By This Situation - And Our Phuc-N News Coverage Is All About The Donald Praising That Pussy Putin And Those Actions Of His - I Will Never Understand Pure Evil And In All Of Its Form - I Am Not Suicidal By Any Means But I Support Our Elders And Ready To Drive Towards Ground Zero - I Am Truly Embraced By Our Fellow Humans - I Need Me Some Olga Girl Photos

    1. I don't understand this kind of aggression either.

  16. I know it's not funny, but I smiled about "term limits" for Putin. We all know he will stay in power as long as he wants to stay in power. He'll pass whatever law is necessary to do that!

    Speaking of nuclear weapons... have you read Command and Control by Eric Schlosser? (I might have asked you that before) If not, I highly recommend it.

    1. Yes! I read that book several years ago. Scary! Who knew we'd come so close to annihilation several times?

  17. Yes, dread and despair. I have no idea what's going to come next in this unfolding nightmare. I don't even want to look at headlines anymore. Besides my computer is still misbehaving in such a big way that I'm considering buying a new one, even though this one is just a few years old. I'm not logging into news sites. I'm hunkering down waiting to hear what happens next. What a time, what a freakin' crazy time.

    1. It's probably just as well you're not reading the news. I only read it in snippets myself. It's important to know what's going on but we also need to protect and sustain ourselves.

  18. I am full of dread and despair too. It feels like a nightmare; I can imagine how the people in Ukraine feel. Abandoned? Angry? Terrified? Isolated? I could go on but it seems so wrong to not help because they don't belong to NATO but they wanted to join NATO and now Putin is using it as his excuse for invading Ukraine.

  19. I can't imagine, I meant to say. Dammit I need to proofread better!

    1. I think it's simply a fact that there's a limited amount we can do, and Putin knows this. I just hope he knows where to stop. (Which is doubtful.)

  20. Hi Steve, Olga and Dave. Trump is praising putin for what he is doing. He probably was going to sell Russia those classified documents that he stole from the white house when he left. I just hope they got all of them. He want to become a dictator like his buddies are. There's no telling what Trump is telling Putin. If you remember he was talking about running for President another four more years if he had won this last term. Dictatorship, huh. I will die and go to hell before I live under those rules. He was trying to change the world and still do his share to hurt us. Putin should sit his little ugly ass down and stop hurting those people. I feel so sorry for all of them and the little babies can't go outside and play now. God will see them through.

    1. There is no doubt in my mind that if Trump could do away with term limits he would. He's already doing as much as he can to destabilize our electoral system to his advantage.

  21. It is so upsetting and I feel so sorry for the poor Ukrainians who are in danger. It is disgusting to hear Trump and his followers praising Putin and trying to undermine Biden. It is scary, Steve.

    1. I can't imagine what it must be like to be in Ukraine right now. To go from modern European nationhood to war zone -- it's unthinkable.

  22. I share your fears about Putin and what he might do. Seeing the little ****** staring into the camera with his cold, piggy eyes, telling blatant lies about Ukraine and threatening a military response unlike anything Europe has ever seen before - it is very sobering.

    1. It really is. I don't think Putin will know where to stop. (I mean, he's already gone too far, but how far will he go?)

  23. I finally watched The Gilded Age. I quite enjoyed it! Maybe you just have to think of it as costumed high camp, like Bridgerton.
