Thursday, March 24, 2022

Road-Tripping and the Royals

I found this restaurant on one of my recent walks in South London and was somewhat amused by the name -- Good Year's. That's optimistic, right?! It looks bleak and perhaps even out of business but apparently it's not.

I am once again not brimming with stuff to write about. I feel like I'm in a slump these days, partly because of the war in Ukraine and the resulting tension, partly because of the continuing stresses of Covid. I'm not in a great headspace, and although I don't really want to get into all the details I can at least acknowledge that. I'm plodding along.

I really want to come up with a fun summer vacation plan with Dave. We haven't been able to go anywhere for so long, and we've got a couple of options but I feel strangely paralyzed about planning the details. I need to get on the stick and make it happen. I need something to look forward to. Of course, Olga is the big complication when we travel together, which is part of the reason we haven't done it in so long -- but we've boarded her before and she's fine with that. We need to just move ahead.

You know what I would really love to do? Just get in a car and drive, for hours and hours. See the sights. Drive across the USA, maybe. Put on music, go where I want to go, do what I want to do. Gas prices do not exactly encourage that activity at the moment, and Dave hates long car trips, so I'm not sure it will ever happen. But I love a good long drive. When I was 16 my Dad and stepmother drove us across the country and it's still one of my fondest memories -- Zion, the Grand Canyon, the Gateway Arch, the Smoky Mountains.

Meanwhile, I'm slowly sorting out my trip to Florida during Spring Break next month. I normally borrow my stepsister's car while I'm there, but when I asked her about it this time I got no reply for a couple of weeks -- so I went ahead and arranged a rental. It was going to cost an appalling $800, and that's without insurance! Then, thank goodness, my stepsister finally wrote back and said I could use her car. I'll gladly cancel that rental. Whew! 

(Another reason not to plan a cross-country car trip.)

Yesterday at work I went to retrieve all the Ancient Greece books from the fifth grade, and guess which one was missing? Indiana Jones! It hasn't resurfaced yet and I think there's a better-than-average chance that it never will. Kind of funny when I was considering discarding it anyway.

I was doing some stuff with my stamp collection not too long ago and I came across these old stamps from the '80s. Happier days, right? At least superficially. I guess none of them were very happy deep down. That's such a strange image of Diana -- she doesn't even look like herself. (And as someone pointed out online, she was as tall as Charles -- so why is she a head shorter on the stamp? Presumably to make room for the denomination and the Queen's profile at the top, but surely they could have sorted that out some other way.)


  1. Sorry about how you’re feeling lately. I don’t know all the details, but so many people are going through it in some way right now. High-anxiety times. I had the same immediate thoughts (heights and Diana’s appearance) about the Charles/Diana stamp. How strange. Obviously the height issue wasn’t a problem on the Andrew/Fergie stamp. I love that Indiana Jones is with Ancient Greece... or was!

    1. Some have suggested that Diana was sitting down, but apparently that theory has been debunked too!

  2. Can relate, some mornings I wake up and tell myself, no news feed all day, no radio with breakfast etc. but it all seeps in one way or another.

    For a summer holiday road trip, I highly recommend the West Cork and/or the Connemara stretch of the Wild Atlantic Way in Ireland (I can give you tons of tips re fab hotels, incl. staying in manor houses etc.):

    Accommodation tends to be fancy and pricey but generally excellent. Food is wonderful and fresh, people are friendly and the weather can be great esp. on the coast.
    I don't get paid for trying to sell Ireland as a holiday destination and I know how to avoid the standard tourist traps for US visitors .

    1. I try to limit my news intake, but these days even a little is too much. And as you said, it seeps in. Thanks for the Ireland recommendation!

  3. Perhaps Diana was sitting on a chair? As for not being in a good headspace, please find the phone number of "The Samaritans" just in case you get really desperate. After all, we don't want "Shadows and Light" to come to a shuddering halt!

  4. I think we all hit those doldrums now and then. My life, at least, doesn't change much day to day, week to week. I don't miss traveling because we never really did much of that but I do miss the get togethers with some of the neighbors we were having about 4 times a year.

    1. It's frustrating that life is still so curtailed, even after all this time.

  5. They were able to put Andy and Fergie side-by-side so why did Diana get the push down?

    I feel your pain; you want to travel, but COVID; you want to drive but gas; it feels like it's always something.

    1. It really does. I feel like I'm talking myself OUT of doing things rather than talking myself INTO them.

  6. I think we're all sort of an anxious mess right now. I just read a few news items that I immediately tossed in the closet of my mind and shut the door tight. One of these days, I'm not going to be able to get that door closed and that will be a mess.
    Well, perhaps you can do a little Florida road trip. I know one backroads town where you are always welcome.

    1. I really try to moderate my news intake but it's hard when I have downtime at work -- I automatically turn to the newspaper (well, online). I should read books instead! I may be in touch about a little stopover in Lloyd. :)

  7. Now that's an invitation I'd seriously consider, Steve.

    I agree that anxiety and distress are the background to just about everything these days. I expect your gardening will help with that.

    1. I've been to Lloyd a couple of times, but I would never turn down a return trip if my schedule allows it! The garden is indeed a HUGE help.

  8. These are definitely stressful times we are living in. Wars and pandemics don't make it easy to just relax. I think a road trip sounds good, and I hope you get to do it. If I lived in England I would housesit for you and take care of Olga.

    1. That would be fantastic! We need a house-sitter so Olga can stay home and stick to her routines.

  9. Good luck planning a summer vacation. Hope you find the right mix of adventure and relaxation!

  10. I've been in the doldrums myself - I'll have short bursts of time where I'm productive, but then I just crawl inside myself and barely get my work done. Hmmm. I think work is the problem - maybe Dr. M & I need a vacation! I hope that you're able to make some plans - maybe just the making of them will lift your spirits!

    1. I don't often find myself wishing I was back in the states with a car of my own -- but in this case I do. It would be great to just pack a bag and go.

  11. I have the travel bug, big time. I just happen to have this tab open on my computer: Take a peek!

    1. Oh good lord, that would be a LONG train journey! (Well, not as long as crossing North America or something like that, but long by British standards!) Interestingly, Dave doesn't mind a long train or plane trip. I think he doesn't like cars because he can't stand up and move around.

  12. I had a dream last night that I was trying to hide from something terrible. I escaped to an empty house and had to keep all the windows dark so no one would know I was in there. I'm sure that came from too much news about the war in Ukraine. I'm also stuck the same way as you are about travel. I've thought about Europe but too many questions arise. Yesterday I researched a road trip (which I also love and none of my friends do) and I may proceed with that in spite of the high cost of rental cars and even higher cost of gas. I don't have a problem going on my own. However, I just can't seem to fully commit.

    1. That is definitely an anxiety dream -- and it sounds almost directly related to Ukraine and the horrors people are facing there. Do that road trip! I'm going to commit to something, I'm just not sure what yet.

  13. I'm feeling the same as you. Too much stressful and upsetting events in the world lately. Planning trips with a cat (who won't be boarded) and the unknowns of the virus is also tricky. We did several long car trips as a family and I did enjoy them, minus the sitting for such a long time and the squabbling between the daughters. :) Glad the car situation worked out!

    1. Having a cat is even tougher for travel, in some ways. You can leave them alone at home for short periods, which is freeing, but cats can never come along on the trip -- they don't travel well!

  14. My first thought looking at that stamp was that it was a not-so-subtle attempt at putting Diana in her place. Hopefully not, though.

    I can relate to the funk and hope you can plan something fun to help with that. You could always make a train trip to the north. Drop in and visit YP on the way! If Olga's good with being boarded, then do it!

    1. Oh, I think that's exactly what that stamp is about. It's showing his dominance as the future king. Olga can be boarded, but I don't think she enjoys it much.

  15. I'm kind of addicted to long car trips myself and we've done quite a number of them these last couple years. One of the things I look forward too but never blog about is that we often check out a book on tape to listen to while we drive between locations. This year even my oldest got hooked on the book and was wanting me to play it more often than I wanted too. (When in heavy traffic I turned it off so I could concentrate more on the road!)

    But this summer we finally booked airline tickets and a rental car for a change of pace. I was floored too by the cost of the rental car. But it is in an area of the country I have never been too before and will officially bump my state visit total up to 48 out of 50.

    1. Well, sometimes you just have to make it happen, right? I suppose long car journeys are sort of unavoidable in the Midwest. The audio book is an interesting option. I never do that but maybe I should try it.

  16. I'm more like Dave - no long road trips for me, thank you. And yet, the ones we did make are good memories, so there's that aspect to think about. And the parts that aren't good memories make good stories, so there's THAT too. I hope you settle on something to scratch your itch. Have you been to Scotland? It would be almost like coming to Nova Scotia (Latin for New Scotland - for a reason). lol

    1. I have been to Scotland, but only to Edinburgh. I've never been to rural or small-town Scotland. Might be an option!

  17. That's a brilliant observation about Diana's short head. I have that as a first day cover. Most of my Brit collections of commemorative china relates to people that didn't quite work out. Wedding cups for Diana/Charles and Andrew/Fergie; Edward VIII coronation cup and plate; Anne/Mark Phillips bowl... At least there is plenty of the Queen, her mum, and Edward VII! A few happy endings -- or at least, longer lasting ones.

    I know what you mean about hesitating on vacation plans. Having missed England in 2020 and 2021, I am hoping for 2022 but seem to stall on booking a flight and accommodations. It would be in October, so not urgent but still... I think the trouble in Ukraine is part of it; Covid variants probably a larger art of it. Apart from two nights in a hotel last October, I've been nowhere other than the cottage up north since March 2020. It's not that I'm a traveling gadfly -- who can afford it? But I do like to get somewhere interesting at least once a year. I guess we'll just have to see...

  18. I too used to like long car trips. Sadly I no longer have the stamina for them. I also used to like to drive in the rain, with the windshield wipers slapping.

    1. That "windshield wipers slapping" line reminds me of "Me and Bobby McGee"!

  19. We are feeling better for not hearing any news for a week...too busy gardening in Kent!!
    I know what you feel about's not always easy.
    We would normally be off travelling often too, and it's not easy to stay home.
    Travelling to help out relatives has worked!!

    1. Too busy gardening -- that's a nice problem to have! :)

  20. Rent an RV! After touring the USA for 10 years in one, we can recommend it! It's not that much more expensive than a car and you save on hotels. Gas prices.. yeah, they suck. Fun adventures and great memories .. priceless!

    1. That might be an option, although I've never driven anything as big as an RV. Dave would love it, though, because he could move around. That's his chief complaint about cars -- being trapped in a seat.

  21. Replies
    1. Motivation! Maybe we should just book a car here and do a trip that way! (Never mind the fact that I don't have a British drivers' license.)

  22. One London blogger each year takes the train to St Ives in Cornwall and stays for a few days. It always looks so nice and sunny. You could then pay a visit to Mr John Gray of Wales and meet his hounds and cat.

    1. See, we've talked several times about going to Cornwall but haven't done it yet. That might be a good option, actually. And then we could take the dog!

  23. What would be cool is if you got the gear and started doing BEAMZ tours! That would be fun and would definitely give you a reason to get out and take us along with you. For an idea watch Mark , Amsterdam tours, he has so much fun!
    OR you could take up stabbing wool, cathartic and satisfying! ( actually the Beamz idea is the best!)

    1. I'm not sure I see myself as a BEAMZ guide! I DO need to get out and about more, though.

  24. I hope you find some way to have a decent holiday. Diana does look odd on the stamp and Charles always looks odd, less so now that he has aged and his ears are no longer wider than his face.

    1. Yeah, Charles has sort of grown into his look. I think he's more comfortable and happier these days, which makes a difference in his overall appearance.

  25. How does Olga feel about being boarded out for such a long time (long car trip)? I couldn't be away from my dog that long. However, that trip across the country does sound like a great adventure. I've never seen those stamps before. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Edna B.
