Monday, April 11, 2022


This is what greeted me when I landed at Tampa International Airport yesterday -- a gigantic and somewhat menacing flamingo, which had apparently penetrated the roof of the building. Clearly things have changed in Florida since I was last here. Genetic engineering? A radiation leak? Who knows?!

So, yes, I did get on my plane yesterday. I decided I was just being overly anxious more than anything, and now that I'm here I feel perfectly fine. I think I was stewing (somewhat subconsciously) over the possibility of bringing Covid to my vulnerable 84-year-old mother when I visit her this week, and that made my hypersensitive to any sign of illness, real or imagined. As I said yesterday, my own personal neurosis.

This sometimes happens to me when I travel -- I have a medical freak-out at the last minute that causes me to consider canceling the trip. Whatever anxiety I have about the lack of control that comes with traveling seems to come out in hypochondria. It doesn't happen every time, thank goodness, and it's interesting because I also love to travel. There's a fine line between fear and exhilaration, right?

Now I'm at Dunkin' Donuts down the street from my stepmother's guest house, where I'm staying. You may remember that house has no Internet, so I come to Dunkin' to do my blogging. On my visit last summer I got so frustrated with this place because it was never open when it said it would be. Things have changed! Apparently it's now under new management and believe it or not, my nephew even has a job here. He's working back in the kitchen as I type. I still had to pay for my coffee and my Boston Creme donut, though.

My flight was fine. I finished "Prick Up Your Ears," John Lahr's biography of playwright Joe Orton, which was good but a little too forensic in its dissection of Orton's plays and in relating every detail of the plots. Also, the lettering in my copy is TINY -- it looks like fleas hopping across the page. Even my boss commented on it when she saw me reading it at work -- "Look at the size of that type!" So that made the reading a challenge. But I survived.

I also watched Ridley Scott's movie "The House of Gucci," with Lady Gaga, and I really enjoyed it. I'm sure I've read all that stuff about Gucci before -- I used to regularly read Vanity Fair and W magazines, after all -- but I'd forgotten the murder and intrigue.

I'll be here in Tampa for another night, then up to Jacksonville for three nights to see my mom and brother, then back to Tampa for a few more before flying home next Sunday. I may not be reading blogs as much as usual, but I'll keep posting. Stay tuned!


  1. It seems like it is two hours since you posted from home.

    It's a rather cool sculpture. I like it but I never think of flamingos as threatening.

  2. Glad you made it to Florida in spite of the health trepidation. I think the giant flamingo would look better without the yellow safety fencing round it.

    1. LOL -- yes, apparently it's still under construction. The fence isn't permanent! They're going to do something with that roof, I think.

  3. Have fun Steve! It's good to know you're here safely and feeling better.

  4. Welcome Back To The Home Land - Looking Forward To Following Along


  5. This is great, posting from your destination. The flamingo looks as if someone didn't read the size chart before ordering it online.

    1. Blogging is cool because no matter where you go in the world, you can keep it up!

  6. Jurassic Flamingo. RUN!!!!!

    Have a fabulous time.

    1. Ha! I wouldn't want to be mistaken for a minnow!

  7. So glad you made it! The flamingo is a wonder, but definitely menacing.

  8. We just watched the House of Gucci on Saturday. I was enjoying the movie and was probably halfway through before my wife informed me that was Lady Gaga. I was shocked. I guess I have never seen her outside of some outrageous look and I was impressed with her performance. We to enjoyed the movie and had largely forgotten about all the drama and in my case the murder.

    1. She's actually a very good actress. Her version of "A Star is Born" with Bradley Cooper is good, too.

  9. All's well that ends well, right? You're here and you feel fine.

  10. That flamingo is definitely giving you side eye - ha! My favorite Dunkin order is their apple fritters. Haven't had them in years though - wonder if they're still as good?

  11. That flamingo is awesome! Enjoy your vacation, hugs, Edna B.

  12. Good to hear you made it safe and sound. However being greeted by a GIANT flamingo is a bit unnerving. Enjoy your visit.

    1. I guess it's meant to be the meeting place in the airport terminal, i.e. "Meet me by the giant flamingo!"

  13. You made it! I think a lot of people get "ill" before trips. It's probably a common way to manifest anxiety.
    I still haven't been to the Dunkin' that has rented the old bank building in Moon Plaza. That deal took over a year to complete and it's been open for months. I guess I just don't need internet and don't have a hankering for doughnuts!
    Welcome to Florida!

    1. I'm glad to know it's not just me. I think you're right, though -- it's a common way for anxiety to emerge.

  14. I'm so glad you made it to Florida and is well for you! I hope your journey is wonderful, warm, and full of love and good times.

  15. Glad you decided to go. I am sure your Mom will be sooo happy to see you! Enjoy!

  16. Nothing says 'Welcome' like a giant flamingo, I guess. Enjoy your donut and coffee.

    1. It's very Floridian, anyway. (Actually East African, but never mind.)

  17. I love the flamingo! It seems to be from the perspective of a crab or some such seeing the flamingo invade its underwater world with the roof being the surface of the water.

    Boston Cream donut at Dunkin'! That was my go to late night treat back when I was an undergrad. Enjoy it and the rest of your holiday.

    1. Yeah, it makes you feel like prey, doesn't it?! I love a good Boston Cream donut.

  18. Now you can enjoy your time in Florida since you've left the jitters behind.

    1. I just had to get here and get past all the obstacles, mostly mental!

  19. I'm glad you made it to Florida and no, you're not a hypochondriac, or not more so than the rest of us. Everytime I feel off, I wonder, do I have Covid? I also work in a cancer hospital and all of the staff, whever we have a strange symptom, wonder if we have cancer. You are not alone my friend.

    Have a wonderful time.

    1. I'm glad to know it's not just me. I feel ridiculous when I get in these conundrums but, hey, it's just the way my brain works.

  20. I waved when I saw a plane go over, just in case! No, I didn't, but I should have :)

    I kind of like the idea of a puny fence around that giant flamingo. Sublimely ridiculous in a good way. I'm sure the creators have some neat idea to finish it off.

    I'm glad you have a reliable internet base this time! Enjoy your visit.

    1. I think we DID fly right over you! We came just south of Greenland, over Labrador and down the coast. Maybe the flamingo will be finished by the time I leave on Sunday?

  21. Yay! You're in Florida! I love the flamingo and I bet we're going to get a lot of fun photos this week. It's so much easier taking them with your phone when traveling. Have fun!

    1. I am LOVING not having the big camera. I may never travel with it again!

  22. That's a crazy sculpture! Glad you decided to travel and that you're settled in and will soon see family.

  23. Looks like you made it safely, in one piece and in good health. I do love that sculpture. Have a fantastic time!

  24. What route do you take from Tampa to Jacksonville?

    1. UP 75 to just north of Ocala, and then 301 toward Starke and then over to Jacksonville on some little roads through either Orange Park or Green Cove Springs. (My brother and mom live in Mandarin, so I aim for the south side of the city.)

  25. Glad you made it safely and that you are feeling well. Enjoy your trip.

  26. Glad you made it safe with no problems. Enjoy your trip and you will feel great when you see mom. It's better now before hurricane season which is right around the corner. We've had a few thunder storms and showers but nothing major here in Texas. Have a great stay in Florida and take lots of pictures.

    1. Yeah, I often come in the summer but that's always risky with hurricanes! (Plus the heat is MUCH worse then!)

  27. What exactly is that Boston Creme made of? I see it here in Krispy Kreme donuts which I no longer buy and it looks like someone scooped a spoonful of face cream onto a donut. I remember the first and only "creme" donut I ever tried, it was awful, I scooped off the "creme" into a napkin and threw it away, only eating the bun part.

    1. I'm not sure that's the same as our Boston Cream donuts. They're more like eclairs -- chocolate covered and custardy cream on the inside.

    2. That does sound much better.

  28. Flamingos seem to be the order of the day for me......I was just watching a clip of a tiny baby flamingo trying to stand on one leg! Glad you made it to Florida and you are feeling well. Just looked at the map, I guess you won't be making it to Lloyd, but if you do give Mary a big hug from me!

    1. Yeah, sadly, no trip to Lloyd this time around. I just don't have enough time.
