Thursday, April 7, 2022

Rose Mary's Shoes

I came upon this strange tableau while walking home last night. Whose shoes are those? This is a little cafe I always pass on Finchley Road -- it looks like a cute place, but it's in a very unappealing location, under a sort of dark building overhang on a busy and frankly filthy sidewalk right next to the tube station. I always wonder who'd want to sit at those outdoor tables, but people do. Maybe if they want to have a cigarette it's their only option.

We heard back from the washing machine guy, who says he wants to visit tomorrow to check out the leak. That's great, but he hasn't given us a time. Are we supposed to hang around all day? That's not going to happen. Dave and I are both wrapping up school before Spring Break and there's too much to do.

We're also going through some drama with Olga and her health. She's been having stomach issues for about a week. I've suspected giardia or some similar bug. She seemed gradually to be getting better and yesterday morning we went for a walk, but then last night she was very tired and didn't want to eat at all. This morning she ate a bit and drank, but it looks like another vet appointment may be warranted. Of course this happens just as I'm about to get on a plane!

The parakeets were back on the suet ball feeder yesterday evening, even in the middle of a rainstorm. It might be hard to tell but they're pretty wet in this photo and the rain is coming down. They don't seem to mind!


  1. Its all or nothing with things happening!

    We have a break in the rain today...we deserve even snowed last night!

    Hope Olga is ok

  2. Hope that Olga will be OK. I read somewhere a few days ago that there is a nasty doggie tummy bug going round, so perhaps it is that?

    1. Oh, interesting! I hadn't heard that. Maybe THAT's what's going on!

  3. Oh no! I hope Olga doesn't have something serious. Keep us in the loop okay?
    That footpath looks like it has broken glass on it.

    1. I think it's actually paint drippings from the mural mixed with general sidewalk grime!

  4. What is that mess on the pavement (NOT sidewalk!) just under the painting of Rose Mary? Is it parakeet shit?

    Poor old Olga! I hope you see some improvement before the weekend but Super Dave will save day.

    1. Initially I blamed the pigeons, but I think it's actually paint drips from the mural.

  5. Does Olga have diarrhea? That would be a telltale sign of giardia. Surely you have a good vet in London? I hope she's better soon.

    Those are gorgeous birds! I love their bright green feathers.

    1. Yes -- classic giardia diarrhea and lots of gas. Things seem much better now, fingers crossed.

  6. Let's hope Olga is on the mend before you have to leave.

    I guess Dave will be un charge of the washing machine repair if you're safely off in Florida. Lucky guy.

    Always something!

    1. He doesn't mind. He'll be home all day anyway.

  7. As always, exceptional photos. I take it you left the shoes where they were. Wishing Olga well!

  8. Perhaps someone was changing from work shoes to comfy shoes and just forgot to put those in the bag. Who knows?
    I like the mural but I like the parakeet better.
    Poor Olga. I hope she's not suffering with her bad tummy.

    1. Those look like they might be expensive shoes to lose or leave behind!

  9. Those are nice looking shoes and both shoes together. I hope Olga's feeling better soon.

    1. I wonder if someone picked them up from the doorstep of a thrift store. (There are several nearby.)

  10. Hope things calm down so you can fly away reassured!

  11. I hope everything turns out okay for Olga. And I hope the washing machine guy shows up early and gets the job done quickly. Those parakeets are so beautiful.

    1. I'll let you know how the washer repair goes!

  12. Those tables and chairs don't look like a nice place to sit, but to change your shoes? Maybe.

    Hope Olga feels better soon; maybe she knows you're leaving ... ?

    1. Maybe someone shoplifted a new pair and left their old ones behind? Though they look pretty nice...

  13. You have a lot going on right now. I know how that feels. I hope Olga feels better today.
    Those parakeets are tropical birds, they probably love being wet.

  14. My work guys mostly give me a 2-hour window but that means little to nothing. Leaving for a trip seems to bring out many worries. Hope Olga improves!

    1. Ours ultimately gave us a four-hour window but I told him to come back on Monday when Dave is here all day.

  15. Hey - your shoe findings have improved 100% with that full pair!
    I didn't realize that giardia is a common problem in dogs. Hope all is well soon.

    1. It is, and interestingly, it's apparently not the same type of giardia that infects humans.

  16. I'm betting someone is missing those shoes. Had I left my shoes somewhere like that, I probably would assume they were gone and not even return to look for them.

    1. I suppose it depends partly on how far away they live!

  17. I'm sorry to hear Olga is still under the weather. At least she's eating and drinking some. You don't want her to dehydrate. Poor girlie.

    I have confidence that what you can't do before you leave, Dave will be more than capable of handling. Take a moment to relax and draw in a deep breath (then exhale!).

  18. Steve, that food you brought her from the restaurant probably have a lot to do with her upset stomach. Dogs are not suppose to eat table food which contain spices. I give my babies plain boiled chicken on top of their pettigree dog food. you would be surprised how your vet bill will disappear. Keep her out of dirty mud and water. Take care of Olga

    1. I think it's more dirty mud than restaurant food. She drank from a mud puddle at the cemetery where a lot of dogs romp and play, and I have a feeling it contained some nasties. (Of course I tried to stop her, but too little too late.)

  19. I'd never seen a suit ball before. Wild parakeets? We have a giant flock of green parrots. Olga, I wish the vet could figure this out before you leave. Have a good flight.

    1. Apparently parrots and parakeets are very adaptable and have gone feral in many parts of the world. We have tons of this ring-necked variety here in London.

  20. Poor Olga, those are terrible symptoms, she has my complete sympathy. Do vets treat giardia with flagyl? That's what humans get, do I was curious.
    Have a safe flight, hope all goes well.

    1. I wonder if humans still get flagyl? That was the treatment when I was in the Peace Corps way back when. I remember one of the trainers describing it as a "nuclear bomb."

  21. Damn You Olga Gril - Pep Up And Get It Together There Girl - Ice Cream Is On The Way


    1. I'm not sure ice cream is what she needs at the moment, but she would readily eat it!

  22. I hope all turns out well with Olga. Pets are such a worry when they don't feel well.

    Those parakeets are very, very green. The colour of leaf buds on trees, which makes all kinds of sense, I suppose. Nature's camouflage.

    1. They ARE very green, and some of them have a blue tinge.

  23. Always a tough call, to the vet or wait? She'll probably be fine in a few days but than again she might recover faster with medication and than you don't have to worry while away? Anywho, safe travels!

    1. We talked about the vet but we opted to wait a few days and she does indeed seem much better now.

  24. I hope Olga's appointment reveals something fairly basic and easy to treat. Iknow you must be terribly worried. I love an outdoor cafe but not one that's in an unappealing spot! Take care and have a great trip.

    1. I always get worried when she doesn't drink. Now that she's resumed drinking I feel much better.

  25. Your parakeets are beautiful. I do hope Olga is going to be okay. It hurts the heart when our fur babies are not feeling well. Sending prayers that she heals quickly. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Thanks, Edna! I'll let you know how she does.
