Monday, April 18, 2022

The Lonely Dinosaur Bag

When I landed at Gatwick Airport this morning and made my way to the baggage claim area, I saw this little suitcase sitting all by its lonesome between some empty carousels. All I could think of was that some poor kid is now on vacation (or returning from vacation) without his dinosaur-printed bag. (Could be her bag, I suppose, but I'm adhering to the tired gender stereotype that dinosaurs tend to be a boy thing.) Did it get on the wrong plane? Did the family, in haste, accidentally leave it behind? It has a tag attached so hopefully it will get to its rightful owner.

My trip was happily uneventful. On the plane I read an interesting YA memoir called "All Boys Aren't Blue," about growing up gay and Black. It's been a controversial book, challenged by conservative parent groups in some American school districts, but I found it thought provoking and I'm glad we have it in our library. I also watched a Hugh Jackman movie called "Reminiscence," which was visually interesting, set in Miami after the city has been flooded by rising sea levels -- but I didn't love the plot. Kind of "Blade Runner" lite.

When I was still in Tampa I went to Starbucks for a coffee before my plane, and I was behind a British guy who ordered several drinks. He wanted to pay with cash but the attendant said it was a no-cash store, and the guy didn't have a card. His bill was $22. The cashier was hemming and hawing, apparently unable to void the transaction, so I said, "Let me get it." I was actually prepared to just pay the guy's tab to move things along, as insane as that sounds, but he gave me his $20 bill so that basically evened it out. I never do things like that and I'm afraid my attempt to be kind simply came across as grumpy, because, well, I was a little grumpy, mainly with the cashier. But he did thank me, for what it's worth.

I am now done with my production of Florivideos™, but I have one more to show you:

That was me saying goodbye to Maybelline yesterday morning. I usually get in her yard and kneel in the grass, and she comes and basically climbs onto my lap, which gets me completely filthy, as you can see. (In fact I later threw away those shorts, which were many years old and thinning in places -- and thinning shorts are never good.) We played with her Jolly Egg, too, so she got a workout. Don't worry -- I took a shower before the plane.

And now I'm back home with Olga, who upon seeing me bounded through the house and insisted we play with her Kong in the garden. Dogs are dogs, on both sides of the ocean.


  1. Judging by the Maybelline video, you could easily forge a new career as a dog masseur! Welcome back to the east side of The Pond!

  2. That is one very lonely suitcase. Young girls also seem to be interested in dinosaurs.

    Book inappropriate? Censorship? You can't read that? Therefore, a must read.

    The cynical me thinks the Brit guy whose bill you paid was vaguely attractive.

    Maybelline looks so sweet natured, even without makeup.

    1. The guy didn't strike me as particularly attractive. I just wanted to move the line forward!

  3. Dogs ARE dogs but YOUR dog is the best. At least that's how I see when I get back from a rip.

    1. Absolutely. Part of what makes it great to get back home is reuniting with the dog.

  4. Dinosaurs are not just a boy thing. I've known plenty of little girls who loved dinos, myself included. I still love them!

    That last bit of your post about Maybelline AND Olga made me happy. Glad you're home, safe and sound.

    1. I stand corrected on the dinosaurs! I guess they are fascinating for kids of all genders!

  5. You have a way with the canines! Welcome home! I wonder how long it will take before Olga lets you out of her sight again.

    1. She kept coming to find me yesterday to make sure I was still there!

  6. I think Maybelline needs a companion.
    Glad you're home, safe and sound.

    1. Maybelline DOES need a companion. She gets more contact now than she used to, but I think a deep scratch and some cuddling is pretty rare for her.

  7. My grandson has a backpack that matches that little suitcase. Hope it gets back to its owner.
    Looks like you enjoyed your trip. Thanks for all of the nice videos!

    1. I'm sure as long as it's tagged it will find its way home.

  8. Will an American dog know what is going on if you ask them if they need to go to the loo or if you tell them you are too knackered for a walk? Does a British dog know when someone calls him a cool dude, it is a complement? They both may still be dogs but I think they still understand entirely different languages.

    1. In all seriousness, I think much of what we communicate to dogs comes through tone of voice. The words are often secondary.

  9. If that little bag was left alone here it would probably be surrounded by the bomb squad.

    Big goofy dog. Sad that Maybeline is kept out in the yard. Dogs are pack animals, they want to be with their pack even if it's just one person. I hope you straightened out her twisted collar.

    1. Well, my stepmother feeds Maybelline twice a day, so she gets a visit then, and she spends some time with my brother-in-law too. He also lets her roam around a larger part of the lawn.

  10. I was a bit alarmed about the unattended bag. I think I've been sensitized. I hope it doesn't get blown up as a precaution.

    Well, your back in a different time zone, but with the right dog. Oh, and how's Dave? And the washing machine, just to be inclusive.

    1. I always question abandoned bags, but this one looks fairly harmless. Of course, those little dinosaurs could be a dastardly trick!

  11. You're is what I wrote. Autodope inserted something else.

  12. Maybelline made me smile this morning. She just looks so happy.

    1. She's like Olga -- whatever we're doing, she's ALL IN!

  13. That bag sitting there by itself is exactly how my bag looked on one of my trips to London. It took so long to get through passport control that by the time I got to baggage claim my little bag was sitting there all by itself.
    Maybeline is going to miss you! She's a sweetheart.
    I bet it feels good to be home!

    1. It's amazing more people don't steal luggage left alone at baggage claim. (I know, I know -- I should bite my tongue.)

  14. So good of you to pay the guy's tab and then give you his cash ... just 2 guys being nice to each other! Why should anything else be read into it?
    The video of Maybelline ... that dog loves you as much as Olga loves you! You can see it in her eyes!
    Glad you got home safe! It's always a relief to get back to your own home and bed ... especially with brand new sheets on it!

    1. Maybelline and I are big fans of each other. I'd bring her to London if I could!

  15. Glad you have returned to your home. Dogs are the best people- everywhere.How is it that I have lived without one since Dexter??? I have always had a dog or many.Anyway, I am sure that Olga is a very glad girl to have you back!

    1. Olga and I went on a walk this morning and you could tell she was just as appreciative of resuming our routine as I was!

  16. A doggy farewell and welcome home!
    Well done for helping out with the shopping..just being a good citizen or neighbour.
    And welcome home from us too!

    1. Thank you! It's a good time of year to be in the UK!

  17. Maybelline is beautiful. She's going to miss you. I hope the folks at the airport find the little bag's owner. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  18. Maybelline looks like a sweet dog. And I'll bet Olga was very glad to see you! Rick is babysitting the grand-dog, Charlie. Loves attention! I hope that suitcase finds its home. I suspect they were loaded down and didn't see it standing there in the crowd. Nice about the coffee. That strikes me as a bad rule for Starbucks.

    1. I think the same thing -- the parents were distracted by all the big bags and left the little one behind!

  19. Dogs are so loving and sweet; I wish they weren't as much work. I love my cat but even she is a lot to deal with, especially when I travel. That was kind of you to pay, but who doesn't carry a card these days? Airlines won't take cash anymore either.

    1. It WAS weird that he didn't have a card, especially since he was traveling. Maybe I need to make sure he didn't give me a counterfeit bill!

  20. Now how did my dinosaur bag end up at Gatwick?!? So glad you’re home and the trip went smoothly. I’d have a hard time saying good-bye to Maybelline.

    1. Ha! I could have mailed it to you -- in a relatively small box!

  21. I hope that someone comes to claim that dinosaur bag. Interesting how it's just sitting there on the floor all alone like that.
    I'm surprised that Starbucks wouldn't accept cash. Really nice of you to put that tab on your card.
    Maybelline loves you.
    Welcome home!

    1. It WAS strange that they wouldn't take cash, particularly in the airport, where foreign visitors no doubt have money to offload.

  22. Welcome home! Dogs and plants really love you.

    1. And I love them! (Which is probably why they love me.)

  23. Poor little lonely dinosaur bag! I'm a little surprised that you didn't orchestrate its return yourself - ha! Glad you made it safely home!

  24. I loved the dog video. I miss my dog so much, and seeing a dog up close like that makes me feel good. I know Olga was glad to see you when you got back. Glad you had a good trip.

    1. I'm glad you could experience a moment of vicarious dog bonding through my video! :)

  25. Maybelline has beautiful brown eyes but it looked like her collar was twisted. Maybe you took care of that. Welcome home.

    1. I actually didn't even notice her collar -- I'll text my brother-in-law and make sure it's OK. She might have gotten it twisted when she was playing with me.

  26. You can even make the airplane ride interesting as you red and watch a movie.

    1. It's a good way to spend the time. Some people watch movies back-to-back but I have trouble watching more than one.

  27. Maybelline has a sweet face and clearly enjoyed her scratches. I wonder what dogs think when they see us only once in a long time. Where do they think we are the rest of the time? Do they even wonder?

    I feel for the owner of that little dino suitcase and hope they are reunited :) It made a most excellent title, though.

    1. Yeah, I wonder that too! She always knows me, though, even if I only show up once a year. She runs for her egg because she knows I'll play with her!

  28. I wonder if Maybelline knew you were saying goodbye. I'm glad you are home safe and that Olga ran to greet you.
    I hope the suitcase and its owner are soon reunited.

    1. I don't think she's that intuitive! I'm not sure dogs have much of a sense of time. I think they're very "in the moment."

  29. Maybelline misses you for sure. She's so sweet. But I know Olga is happy to have you back!

    1. I do miss Maybelline. I wish I could adopt her!
