Saturday, May 7, 2022

Toofy Trailer

Way back in November 2011, just four months after we moved to London, I was wandering around in the Shoreditch neighborhood of East London when I came across this peculiar trailer. It's a piece designed by the street artists Sweet Toof and Ronzo. Here's another view:

Well, when I was on my most recent Green Chain walk, what should I find sitting on the side of the road but the same trailer, pretty beaten up and looking like it's seen better days:

At some point it was a food truck for a pizza business called Streetzza, but their Facebook and Twitter pages were last active in 2013 so I'm thinking that's no longer a going concern. Perhaps it's been parked here ever since. With those flat tires, it definitely hasn't moved in a while. Sad!

I have no other news today. As I write, the parakeets have nearly polished off another feeder full of suet balls, and they're also clambering around on our birdseed feeder. They don't seem to be able to get to the peanuts. We've created monsters!


  1. That trailer would make a nice bedsit for a homeless person.

  2. Oh, that poor trailer. Do you suppose someone lives there?

    I’m not surprised about the parakeets. The parakeets here are known for taking over.

  3. Oh, that is a bit sad to see. Some things just need to disappear.

  4. What a shame someone ruined that trailer!! Though I love the idea of "Streetza".

    Parakeets are monsters!

  5. I wonder if anyone's living there secretly. Wouldn't surprise me.

  6. The anti theft 'boot' made me laugh. I think it would be very hard to steal something as unique as that. It would always stand out, no matter where you tried to hide it.

    It needs a new life: a Streetza Bookza mobile?

    I mentally just replaced all the birds in Alfred Hitchcock's movie with hungry parakeets. It made me laugh.

  7. Looks better than the trailer some of my neighbors live in. Wish I were kidding.
    The parakeets certainly seem to be thriving in your part of town.

  8. How interesting to see that trailer again and sadly in such poor condition. I wonder if it's been abandoned.
    Those parakeets are lucky to have found your yard.

  9. I've been meaning to tell you how pretty I think those ring neck parrots (I can't think of them as parakeets) are and what great pictures you've gotten of them.

    For some reason when I try to use my phone to comment it says "sign into your Google account to comment" and then when you try to click on the link nothing happens. Yours is one of about half the blogs I follow that this happens with. Some are just like normal. I'm typing this on my computer, which I'm rarely on. I wish Blogger would quit being weird all the time!

  10. Somebody had a cool idea for painting a trailer. they probably weren't the best business man.

  11. Unique indeed. The anti-theft boot also made me laugh. Hauling it away would be very obvious. :)

  12. Buen hallazgo. Ha tenido años de utilidad y ahira está en la orilla de un camino.Puede estar abandonado o bien sirva de refugio a alguien que no tenga vivienda y lo aproveche.

  13. That is sad. It was such a colorful and cute trailer.
    I forgot to tell you that earlier this week I watched a movie called Mr. Harvey Lights a Candle. It was about a school day trip to the Salisbury Cathedral. It made me think of your trip to Stonehenge but I sincerely hope that the kids on your bus were a LOT better behaved than the ones in that movie.

  14. I just read in a birding column in our local newspaper that the first two weeks of May are the best for bird watching. Migration time as well as mating season. I think he's right as our birdbath has seen a bluejay, a couple of robins, phoebes, finches, and of course the lovesick doves. And that's just this morning.

  15. Our birding seems to be limited to the murderous robins, who are eating all of the worms, and sparrows. I wish we had Ringnecks, or maybe Monk parakeets. Lovebirds have established colonies in Arizona.

  16. How sad to see the cheerful trailer looking not so cheerful anymore. I, too, wonder if anyone is living in it. If it's on a public road, I'm surprised it hasn't been towed away.

  17. River: I think it's a horse trailer and probably not very well insulated.

    Mitchell: Re. the trailer, I don't think so. And yeah, feral parakeets in Florida also form large pesky colonies!

    Andrew: Or be better cared for! I can't believe it didn't have some value as an art object.

    Bob: "Streetzza" is a good idea. I wonder if/why it went under.

    Boud: I didn't see evidence of that, and as I told River I think it's just an uninsulated horse-trailer. But it wouldn't surprise me either.

    Debby: These birds ARE very Hitchcockian!

    Ms Moon: I don't know why whoever owns it doesn't sell it. Someone could fix it up and love it better.

    Robin: I think it had a license plate, but honestly I didn't look carefully.

    Jennifer: I know, they're so big it seems they should be called parrots, but apparently they're parakeets. I don't really know the difference. I've heard from other people about various commenting problems and I thought I fixed it on my own blog by converting to the pop-up comment window. So I'm sorry you're still having trouble!

    Red: I think the guys who painted it weren't the ones who ran the pizza business.

    Margaret: Now they'd probably PAY someone to take it away!

    Ventana: (For English speakers, here's a translation of Ventana's comment: "Good find. It has been useful for years and now it is on the side of a road. It may be abandoned or it may serve as a refuge for someone who has no home and takes advantage of it.") Thanks for commenting, Ventana! I don't think anyone is living there but you never know.

    Sharon: OK, that sounds interesting! Maybe I need to watch it myself?! (Our kids are fortunately very well behaved, as a rule.)

    Catalyst: Wow, you're seeing some variety! I love the parakeets but they tend to dominate and I suspect I see fewer of everything else when they're around.

    Allison: Yes, Sharon from Phoenix has blogged the lovebirds before. I think the Robins would be hard-pressed to eat all of the worms!

    Kelly: It IS on a public road. I can only assume they have permission to park it there. There were no other vehicles in that area, though.

    John: I often wonder if I'm actually harming the birds by feeding them! Can birds get high cholesterol?

  18. That IS sad. And really a pretty cute looking bus. I hope it finds a home that appreciates it.

    Thanks for the nice words on my post about my friend, Wally. I know I am of an age when we'll be seeing more of those time. I don't look forward to it.
